Psychic ability in the workplace


Registered Member
I have often wondered about using psychic ability within the workplace. It is my belief that with such an ability it is promoted to the wider public as a source of information on choosing the right direction in life to take. You would agree that a psychic reading is a positive experience for the client as they are generally told of forthcomings that are to be in their favor such as money, luck and love interests. This being the case why can't we take such a talent into the workplace where we would foresee such things as conflict, relationship issues both good and bad. It is knowing that our colleagues have a good and bad day, might say a curt word here or there that we understand the workplace relations and not take everything said to heart. Maybe this is an area of promotion with a client such as reassuring them that they are well like and respected within the workplace and an asset to the team. I would think this would do a lot for a persons self esteem and confidence. After all, isn't this ability we promote to be for the betterment of our clients friends and acquaintances? has articles on this very subject.
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YuP have done soo on many occasions, use it to decide on my boss also.
Its all rather normal to me, but its like all things, no need to throw it in peoples faces.
many people are scared stiff about the idea of psychic abilaties while others have no moral or ethical values or self control and would use it to attack and manipulate others for their own gains.

to devide from that those who would use it without trying to manipulate others leaves you with an EXTREEMLY small group.
you only need ONE of those type of people in your busines and you can fairly much go to the bank on it.
the busines is all but garenteed to suceed as long as the owner and managers are not evolutionaryily backwards.

have to keep in mind money is made most by taking off others and manipulation, so you tend to get a disproportionate number of con artists and seriousely nasty people in a certain level of busines ownership.
I fully agree with this. Without a sound grievance procedure policy and standard in place the work force is writhe for pilfering from staff that are effected by a stress related illness. This is why I believe promotion of self improvement within the workplace be taken on a holistic approach to provide workers with the resources to avoid and deal with such conflict.
Or it might need workers colleagues and management to have some basic cognitive therapy skills they can use when interacting with each other. When a person suffers an illness from poor workplace treatment they practice cognitive therapy techniques. It is my view human resource staff should have an element in their induction training so staff know what is cognitive therapy. It is a problem they find out what it is when there sitting opposite the psychologist.
You might ask why did a relate cognitive therapy techniques to psychic ability in the workplace? I believe they go hand in hand as each is another resource we can arm ourselves with to combat poor workplace relationships. If someone can seek advice from a psychologist or their friends they certainly can seek guidance from a psychic.
One would be about as likely to get quality advice from the guy dealing three-card monty on the corner. Or the janitor. Or the 411 operator.

There is no such thing as "psychic ability in the workplace." If there is, I challenge you to quantify with empirical data.
One would be about as likely to get quality advice from the guy dealing three-card monty on the corner. Or the janitor. Or the 411 operator.
There is no such thing as "psychic ability in the workplace." If there is, I challenge you to quantify with empirical data.
1. derived from or guided by experience or experiment.
2. depending upon experience or observation alone, without using scientific method or theory, esp. as in medicine.
3. provable or verifiable by experience or experiment.

i am just curious as to what you mean precisely with your term, as i was not properly aware of the precise and assumed meaning of the word "empirical",
hence "data" then incurs a mild shift also.

do you mean recorded expereince into some form of recorded information ?
i seriousely doubt any mainstream company would risk its public perception by laying open an internal staff (confidential by law) situation where it may be recorded and then analysed.

the best you migh thope for would be collections of reported expereincers and expereincees.
then colminate the rendered down facts to your own data.

remember that higher intellect is most often shunned in the majority of work places and the emotionles cold coal face of money generation over rides all aspects, most often at the expense of staff emotional relationships and emotional wellbeing.

there you have your own paradox to deal with.
if you know some basic psychology (maybe a culmination of second and third year university with some additional odds and ends), you may be able to formulate a probability curve on the reasonable evaluation of occurances that may render apropriate data.
Like I said: there is no such thing as "psychic ability in the workplace." Nor is there any such thing as "psychic ability."

Why I should "remember" that higher intellect is most often shunned in the majority of work places isn't entirely clear since I don't recall this instruction nor demonstration at any point in my academic pursuits or experience in a variety of workplaces.

Nor is it clear why anecdotal reports of "experiencers and experiencees" are useful in collecting data with regard to "psychic ability."

It is clear, however, that significance-junkies and mystery-mongers look for all manner of reason to exploit natural human curiosity and the grandiose expectations of the few and, among these junkies and mongers, exist a select few individuals willing to exploit the credulous nature of others for profit and personal gain.
Like I said: there is no such thing as "psychic ability in the workplace." Nor is there any such thing as "psychic ability."

Why I should "remember" that higher intellect is most often shunned in the majority of work places isn't entirely clear since I don't recall this instruction nor demonstration at any point in my academic pursuits or experience in a variety of workplaces.

Nor is it clear why anecdotal reports of "experiencers and experiencees" are useful in collecting data with regard to "psychic ability."

It is clear, however, that significance-junkies and mystery-mongers look for all manner of reason to exploit natural human curiosity and the grandiose expectations of the few and, among these junkies and mongers, exist a select few individuals willing to exploit the credulous nature of others for profit and personal gain.

a university seeks payment for service.
what makes it any different to a finacial exchange with a psychic ?
Used car sales, undoubtedly a vast majority of people do not trust them either,
does that mean all used cars are useles and all used car sales people are con artists ?
can you use that to prove there is no such thing as a good buy from a used car sales person ?
what about insurance sales people and thus insurance companies ?
i could list a vast number of examples that parralel the exchange between a psychic and a person be that a paid service or free, note there is no actual mention in this thread topic of the employee being paid for psychic services, so lets not fall into that claytons debate.
For the analogies to work, the universities would need to be signing students without qualified instructors; the cars would have to be sold without engines; the insurance policies with clauses that prevent them from ever paying benefits; etc.

The difference between all these products and "psychics," you see, are that these products can potentially work and have been demonstrated to work. "Psychic" nonsense is just nonsense. It doesn't work; never worked; nor has it been shown to have worked.
Skin-walker for once I heavily disagree with you, Sir.
You deny the psychic realm. On a forum such as sci-forums this is acceptable.
I guess you ask to define our terms.
I'd say this is a reasonable thread although the out-come is a useless discussion (that is, talking about the matter).

I deny that for which there is no evidence. Is it possible that psychic abilities exist? Sure. But to go on about them as if they do and speak as though this were a foregone conclusion is not science.

Before speaking in terms of "psychic abilities exist in the workplace," first show us "psychic abilities." Otherwise, it is readily apparent that all that is occurring is someone is setting up another party for a con-job.
I, for one, really like the first sentence to this thread on oh great sci-forums...... "I, for one, have been often wondering about using psychic ability in the work place"

Now skin-walker has got us searching for bones.
It's existabrent talking so you really don't know what he's saying, now do you?
What would you have us define psychic ability?
I would say psychic realm is nothing but what you would accept as not psychic realm. For one, something that goes beyond what is normally accepted, and what most people say is accepted by science. What I mean is that "science" as used by most people is a terrible term. Terrible. You ask us to prove something when the most common thing wrong is our terms.

Geezus skinwalker you have made me mad.
Psychic ability exists,
let us hav that phrase?
"Psychic abilities" do not exist beyond the imaginations of those that wish they did.

Sorry. But this is the sad fact of truth you can either accept or reject.
Skin walker now you're making me want to laugh.
You clearly do not get the post above you.
I assure you,
not many would.

But to clear up the matter,
psychic abilities,
is also a matter of semantics.
It's sad that you can't accept things like these. I'm sure you can,

If so,
then accept that psychic abilities are something that can happen also at the home?
Me, for example. Self proclaimed "psychic" when I don't even know what the hell that word means.
The truth is that psychic abilities are real and not able to be explained by many people. Psychic abilities are simply called that for lack of a better word. And, your last sentence is totally false.
I deny that for which there is no evidence. Is it possible that psychic abilities exist? Sure. But to go on about them as if they do and speak as though this were a foregone conclusion is not science.

Before speaking in terms of "psychic abilities exist in the workplace," first show us "psychic abilities." Otherwise, it is readily apparent that all that is occurring is someone is setting up another party for a con-job.

Skin walker i am what is termed a latent psychic, it means i have abilaties which i was born with or occured through an accident, often these things are from head truama (documented cases) and have been documented through medical and church history for many decades.

SOo... it is perfectly NORMAL to me and that is whay i mention it as if it were, because it is impossible to dismiss and impossible to ignore, even though i wonder if it is as much a curse as a gift.

i do get your point about the examples i made, however you are not actualy applying them in a service aspect, as it were...
paying for a service is something that has no actual product of measurable quantity once that service has finnished taking place.

i could prattle on for hours probably, but
when you think about how you used the car example....
it is not the engine of th ecar that is the simali, it is the over all product of purchase in the guise of what it is advertised AS...
hence the sales pitch...
the part you actualy use to decide if you will buy it or not, assuming you are one of those people who are succeptable to the sales pitch.
Keep in mind marketing and advertising people study psychology to try and fool and manipulate peopel into buying products they can neither afford or desire, or need..
the vast majority of this advertising is designed and targetted at pre teen and mid pubescent children.

do psychics directly target children with advertising ?

who realy is the boogyman of the money making world ?
psychics barely register next to evangelical con artists and they pale in comparrison to the big multi national marketing machine.

Since when did science wish to accept something is possible without experimental proof and companion equational diagnosis ?
Einstien, Tesla, Archamedies, Galalao... i could go on.
all our greatest minds have done just that.

Comparrative relationship of associative proof by way of (?)
if pie were real it would be calculatable ? true or false ?

Science is measured by math, math accepts unmeasurable values,
SO should the impartial Scientist.
"Psychic abilities" do not exist beyond the imaginations of those that wish they did.

Sorry. But this is the sad fact of truth you can either accept or reject.

if i met you i could prove psychic abilaties exist, but its not about IF they exist or not, its about YOU.
some times we all have our own ball and chain to drag around and use Dogma to pretend it is not there.
If one is capable of dealing with the issues and trying to be free from the burdon of reaction and take control of our emotions so we may choose Action, then we cast away the shroud of victim, and leave ego as it is.

there is no need to rubber stamp everything
some things just are and are ok as they are without a sticky label on them and a little dewi decimal systems all ordered and bookshelfed in nice neat order.
a sign of excesive compulsive disorder could be labelling everything and having it in its place.
a common situation for women in their houses when they had no real control over their own lifes, taking it out in another fashion, hence creating their house as a museum allowing them to pretend they had control over their own lives by controlling material objects around their home.
Skin walker i am what is termed a latent psychic,

And with that statement, I realize that I needn't read further. But I did anyway.

it means i have abilaties which i was born with or occured through an accident, often these things are from head truama (documented cases) and have been documented through medical and church history for many decades.

I'd like to inspect these documents. What is the citation to these and why does a "church" bother with them?

Since when did science wish to accept something is possible without experimental proof and companion equational diagnosis ?
Einstien, Tesla, Archamedies, Galalao... i could go on.
all our greatest minds have done just that.

Which brings us to the reason I'd quit reading your nonsense when my instinct told me to stop. Not only did you make the everlasting appeal to authority that all woo-woos, significance-junkies, and mystery-mongers eventually make, but you had the gall to misspell their names. What travesty.

Clearly you aren't latent at anything except education. I should be ashamed of ridiculing the deluded, but this is a public forum and if you're willing to make public your delusions they should be fair game for ridicule. In all honesty, I was rather forgiving in the harshness of my comments, so I don't feel too guilty.
And with that statement, I realize that I needn't read further. But I did anyway.I'd like to inspect these documents. What is the citation to these and why does a "church" bother with them?
Which brings us to the reason I'd quit reading your nonsense when my instinct told me to stop. Not only did you make the everlasting appeal to authority that all woo-woos, significance-junkies, and mystery-mongers eventually make, but you had the gall to misspell their names. What travesty.
Clearly you aren't latent at anything except education. I should be ashamed of ridiculing the deluded, but this is a public forum and if you're willing to make public your delusions they should be fair game for ridicule. In all honesty, I was rather forgiving in the harshness of my comments, so I don't feel too guilty.

Thats ok i never stated i am perfect.
where as that is what you seem to think is the only acceptable position, hence you disposition.
Guilt... yes i know a faIR BIT about that, and.. after all that was the very back bone of nurture that your generation was raised with.
you naughty little boy.
perfection is a state of imperfection with people.
true perfection only exists in the more simple maths equations.

while your continualy sticky labeling everything with your big red rubber stamp you cant be brought into question i gues, hence your personal perception of your own level of perfection.
must be very odd to discus the possible variations of an item with another person on something you assume to be knowledgable on.
like a dry bark of a dog and the companion emotinal relationship, desprately trying to remove all weakness and guilt from the situation.

ooo YOUNG man... what a LOVELY big rubber stamp you have (credit to harry enfeild)