Psuedoskepticism vs scientific skepticism

You're OK with when it suits your purpose. That's hypocrisy.

How do even you know what the paper says? It's too boring-ass for you to read.

LOL! Uh yes..I'm ok with alot of science. And I already posted that I read magazine articles on science. Are you so desperate to catch me in some inconsistency here that you are forgetting what I posted? Calm down and quit acting like a petty little child.
It's the current hypothesis supported by scientists in a peer reviewed journal. That makes it a scientifically held theory.
Not "the", "a". And no, it doesn't. It makes it one of several possible hypothesis. In either case, again, you won't find anyone here who unreasonably accepts it. So it doesn't help your argument.
Yet you do everything in your power to disprove their existence. That indicates your preexisting belief that they don't exist.
And yet I've told you explicitly on several occasions that I do believe aliens exist. How do you reconcile that? Even if you think I'm lying about my own beliefs, the fact remains you've never once hear me claim that aliens do not exist.
LOL! It's a known and evidenced phenomena. What's so hard about this?
I don't know. You seem to have a very hard time saying explicitly what you mean. I think this is on purpose. I think you know that you are stuck in your own logical trap. In either case, since you haven't provided anything for anyone to unreasonably deny, your OP's premise is false.

So I repeat:
So it is clear, then: we know UFOs are craft created by superintelligent nonhuman beings (aliens). That's your real position, right?
Not "the", "a". And no, it doesn't. It makes it one of several possible hypothesis. In either case, again, you won't find anyone here who unreasonably accepts it. So it doesn't help your argument.

Then "anyone here" doesn't know much about the field of earthquake lightning or aren't up on the latest research in this field.

And yet I've told you explicitly on several occasions that I do believe aliens exist. How do you reconcile that? Even if you think I'm lying about my own beliefs, the fact remains you've never once hear me claim that aliens do not exist.

You deny ufos are as I have defined them. That is your faithheld belief. Believing aliens exist somewhere in the universe is irrelevant.

I don't know. You seem to have a very hard time saying explicitly what you mean. I think this is on purpose. I think you know that you are stuck in your own logical trap. In either case, since you haven't provided anything for anyone to unreasonably deny, your OP's premise is false.

I just provided that statement. UFO's are a known and evidenced phenomenon. Are you reading impaired?

"So I repeat:
So it is clear, then: we know UFOs are craft created by superintelligent nonhuman beings (aliens). That's your real position, right?

No. I said they show the characteristics of being such. And no, I never said they were necessarily aliens. Based on what we know about ufos, they are only superintelligent nonhuman beings. They could be interdimensionals or time travelers for all we know.
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I never said they were necessarily aliens. Based on what we know about ufos, they are only superintelligent nonhuman beings. They could be interdimensionals or time travelers for all we know.
How could they be from another dimension yet not be alien? Alien by definition means not of Earth.
I already quoted that definition for you. Creatures from outer space. Try again? lol!
Let me get this straight.

You have chosen a definition (one of many available) that specifies they are "from outer space". But you see it as the definition, and hold it as a satisfactory and exhaustive definition, meaning it covers all conditions - including alternate dimensions. Therefore you infer that creatures from an alternate dimension do not qualify as alien.

Just making sure I've got clear what you're saying.
Let me get this straight.

You have chosen a definition (one of many available) that specifies they are "from outer space". But you see it as the definition, and hold it as a satisfactory and exhaustive definition, meaning it covers all conditions - including alternate dimensions. Therefore you infer that creatures from an alternate dimension do not qualify as alien.

Just making sure I've got clear what you're saying.

Right. It's the standard term in our culture and in movies for creatures from outer space. Everyone knows that. It never refers to interdimensionals or time travelers. Capiche?
Right. It's the standard term in our culture and in movies for creatures from outer space. Everyone knows that. It never refers to interdimensionals or time travelers. Capiche?

You're talking tongue-in-cheek now. You don't seriously hold such a view.
And you're certainly not serious about introducing what happens "in movies" as a basis for your assertions. That would be debate-suicide.

Especially since your own quote, posted above (without your deliberate truncation) shows you directly and explicitly contradicting yourself.

You almost had me thinking you were earnest there for a moment. ;)
You're talking tongue-in-cheek now. You don't seriously hold such a view.
And you're certainly not serious about introducing what happens "in movies" as a basis for your assertions. That would be debate-suicide.

Especially since your own quote, posted above (without your deliberate truncation) shows you directly and explicitly contradicting yourself.

You almost had me thinking you were earnest there for a moment. ;)

Right..I'm totally lying that aliens means "creatures from outer space" even though I just quoted it from the dictionary and that's how the term is always used in our culture and in movies. (cue theme to the twilight!.)

Look..I already told you to stop with this petty shit of trying to back me into a corner. Either discuss the topic like a sane mature adult, or get ignored. It's your choice.
You presume too much.
I am addressing Yazata's implcation that no amount of evidence could prove the nature of these UFO phenomena. That is not true.

What I wrote was: "I doubt that any evidence will ever prove the existence of something in a logical apodeictic sense." 'Apodeictic' means necessarily true, absolutely certain, beyond dispute.

I'm not convinced that any evidence can totally eliminate all possibility of drawing a false conclusion.

If the above were to happen [Obama greeting an alien at the White House], I would accept that as sufficient proof and explanation of the phenom.

No matter how weird they look, they might conceivably not be extraterrestrials at all. All we would have is Obama's word on what they are. Maybe he is mistaken about their nature, or maybe he is intentionally trying to mislead us. So this one sounds like an appeal to Obama as an authority figure.

The key elements here, are not what the explanation ends up being (it could be anything), but that the extraordinary phenomena is sufficiently extant to deliver extraordinary evidence.

I don't think that the relevant variable is how unexpected or seemingly unlikely the evidence is. Nor is the relevant variable the perceived authoritativeness of the information source. It's how well the evidence implies one single conclusion without being susceptible to dramatically different interpretations.
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It looks like Obama's about ready to drop a big juicy kiss on the alien's lips... except that the alien doesn't have any lips. Obama's probably pleased that the aliens blew up Congress. Alien: "Aaaa! Aaaa! Aaaa!" Obama: "Aaaa! Aaaa! Aaaa!"

Obama might be an alien himself. I've always suspected as much.
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It looks like Obama's about ready to drop a big juicy kiss on the alien's lips... except that the alien doesn't have any lips. Obama's probably pleased that the aliens blew up Congress. Alien: "Aaaa! Aaaa! Aaaa!" Obama: "Aaaa! Aaaa! Aaaa!"

Obama might be an alien himself. I've always suspected as much.

If only we had a video of this to post here. Dave would be totally convinced that ufos are real!