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It's too bad he's not here to take a look at the image.

Well, whether a phenomena exists or not is black and white. Only two outcomes are possible. Yes or no. If there is no direct measurement of the phenomena or its effects then we're on a gradient should surrounding phenomena predict its existence.
No, not when you're talking about quantum particles. It's not yes/no, black/white - they are regarded as potentialities. Are you ignorant on this point or lying?

Seriously, your "argumentation" on this issue is horrible. You provide links that go against your point. Your use of logic is non-existent. You state things that are just flat out wrong such as your above statement. You're whole defense comes down to a fundamentalist position of "just knowing." You seriously need to take a look at why this issue threatens you so much that you have to build of a defensive wall of irrationality that prevents you from taking an objective look. In all honesty, I strongly suspect that the assumption that you have had no experiences that could be interpreted as paranormal is incorrect and that you have in fact had some experiences that threatened your sense of reality.
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No, not when you're talking about quantum particles. It's not yes/no, black/white - they are regarded as potentialities. Are you ignorant on this point or lying?

Everything you see is a collection of quantum particles. Does your computer NOT have a definitive existence? What about your nose? Your insistance on bringing the claim of fantastic human abilities into a gradient of 'potentiality' is an attempt to protect 'psi' from its very clear non-existence.

Seriously, your "argumentation" on this issue is horrible. You provide links that go against your point. Your use of logic is non-existent. You state things that are just flat out wrong such as your above statement. You're whole defense comes down to a fundamentalist position of "just knowing." You seriously need to take a look at why this issue threatens you so much that you have to build of a defensive wall of irrationality that prevents you from taking an objective look. In all honesty, I strongly suspect that the assumption that you have had no experiences that could be interpreted as paranormal is incorrect and that you have in fact had some experiences that threatened your sense of reality.

Read my mind, raise my hand, and tell me what I am going to eat for breakfast tomorrow. These are the things 'psi' folks claim they can 'do', yet the best you can offer is an untrustworthy data collection process whose results are statistically significant with a MASSIVE failing hit rate. Naturally, none of the participants ever know if they've hit or missed. I showed a replication attempt that yielded 28.x percent (that is a failure to replicate), yet that data point doesn't exist for you because the experimenter's conclusions support yours. What's worse is that a correlation was found in the replication attempt with emotionally similar people and your response was that is proof of telepathy. You magically know that the correlation is the result of people transmitting information between their brains without the use of known senses. Correlation does not demonstate causality.

I don't fear human fantasy. Every attempt you make to attack me, judge me, discredit me, etc. is an attempt to divert attention from one simple truth... human claims of 'psi' are false. My 'positive' claim that 'psi' is delusion is very well supported. Your 'positive' claim that 'psi' exists is not. The absolute best you have is a correlation with emotionally simlar people from a failed autoganzfeld replication experiment... and the rest is all delusion.
No, Crunchy. The point is is that if you are going to write an objective report you don't bring in one person that has in the past shown them to be decidelt against the phenomenon in question. It's funny how williing you are to throw out objectivity whenever it agrees with you. No, they use the scientific method to investigate the hypothesis of psi. Journals that publish psi studies accept both pro and con studies.

Isn't the hypothesis of 'psi' the hypothesis that 'psi' exists?

Yes, but your once again cutting out the part of the experminet that did duplicate the study (the percentage was 37% I think). Which is precisely why the authors of the study present as partially duplicate the Ganzfelds and not, as you would have it, as falsifying the Ganzfelds.

I've ackonwledged the emotionally similar correlation many times AND the overall results did not replicate the auto-ganzfeld results. If the authors consider it a 'partial duplication' then that is their opinion but the overall results of an experiment must be reproducible and they were not.

No, the point of the under disscussion here was "The report concluded that parapsychology needs 'a fairer hearing across a broader spectrum of the scientific community, so that emotionality does not impede objective assessment of experimental results" (Office of Technology Assessment, 1989)." Is your memory fucked-up? Or are you being intellectually dishonest again?

(And in regards to the other issue you have yet to show there has ever been scientifc evidence for vampires, werewolves, ghosts, and demons.)

It's interesting that you mix-up sub-topics, forget what you say, and invent things which others are supposedly trying to do. I've seen these behaviors in some of the nuttier theists that have visited the Religion sub-forum. The difference is that they usually come in like that, whereas your behaviors seem to progress over time. I wonder if this progression will eventually leave you in an extreme nutjob state of no return. These comments are not meant to insult you, they are observations that I wanted to share and you may or may not see them / agree with them.
I've ackonwledged the emotionally similar correlation many times AND the overall results did not replicate the auto-ganzfeld results. If the authors consider it a 'partial duplication' then that is their opinion but the overall results of an experiment must be reproducible and they were not.
You acknowledge that two people in different rooms can know what the other one is thinking. What exaclty does that show if not psi? If it is some other phenomenon it is every bit as weird as psi so I don't see what your point is in saying it isn't psi.
It's interesting that you mix-up sub-topics, forget what you say, and invent things which others are supposedly trying to do.
ANyone can verify for themeselves that it is you that has mixed up subtopics. Anyone can verify for themselves that the study underquestion in this subtopic is your post #112 (here is your link: and verify for themselves that the link pertaining to demons, werewolves, ghosts is post #48 in the "science in parascychology" thread( So it is clearly you that has mixed-up subtopics.
I've seen these behaviors in some of the nuttier theists that have visited the Religion sub-forum.
No, I just provided proof that it is actually you that is exhibiting these behaviors.
The difference is that they usually come in like that, whereas your behaviors seem to progress over time. I wonder if this progression will eventually leave you in an extreme nutjob state of no return.
Seeing as it is clearly you that has exhibited these behaviors maybe you should worry about your own mental health.
These comments are not meant to insult you, they are observations that I wanted to share and you may or may not see them / agree with them.
Observe yourself. You have problems with hypocrisy, denial, selective memory, self-awareness, honesty, logical coherence, and accepting life's uncertainties.
cc said:
Talk with Existabrent. He hears voices and is convinced its telepathy.

BS CC and you know it.

Now. Heilo. Please define your stance on telepathy, so that way I can understand from what perspective you believe something of it to be true....
You acknowledge that two people in different rooms can know what the other one is thinking. What exaclty does that show if not psi? If it is some other phenomenon it is every bit as weird as psi so I don't see what your point is in saying it isn't psi.

ANyone can verify for themeselves that it is you that has mixed up subtopics. Anyone can verify for themselves that the study underquestion in this subtopic is your post #112 (here is your link:) and verify for themselves that the link pertaining to demons, werewolves, ghosts is post #48 in the "science in parascychology" thread(. So it is clearly you that has mixed-up subtopics.

No, I just provided proof that it is actually you that is exhibiting these behaviors.

Seeing as it is clearly you that has exhibited these behaviors maybe you should worry about your own mental health.

Observe yourself. You have problems with hypocrisy, denial, selective memory, self-awareness, honesty, logical coherence, and accepting life's uncertainties.

grover I love you for putting Crunchy Cat in his place.
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