Pseudoskepticism and evidence for precognition

I have not read all the Posts to this Thread & apologize if any remarks similar to mine have already been Posted.

The link from Magic Realist Post #1 got me to “Page not found”

BTW: Anecdotes are not evidence.

There is no evidence supporting precognition, which belongs in the category of ESP along with telepathy, psychokinesis, & Uri Geller stage performances.

From Nicolas1M7 Post # 25
The human mind can easily predict the future which is what we call genius not psychic reading (piece of garbage) thus rendering any ounce of free will obsolete.
An extraordinary claim lacking any supporting evidence. Such claims require extraordinary evidence to be worthy of consideration.

BTW: Since the development of Quantum Theory circa 1910-1925, the belief in deterministic laws of physics have been discarded & replaced by the notion that the classical world of our senses is supported by probabilistic laws.

A claim for precognition is a claim that there are folks who can predict the results of dice throws under typical Vegas Casino conditions.

Before some silly Posts are made, I acknowledge that there are some events we can predict with a high degree of accuracy. Example: A 20 story fall head first onto a concrete pavement will be lethal. Jokers say “It is not the fall that kills; It is the sudden stop.”

From Magic Realist Post # 27
From the Delphi Oracle, thru the prophets of the Bible, and on up to Nostradamus and modern day psychic detectives, everyone knows what precognition is and can probably tell you about someone they know having experienced such a thing.
Do you really consider these sources credible? I do not & I question the rationality of those who do accept such sources as worthy of consideration.

From Magic Realist Post #40
I suddenly thought of Shakespeare while driving my car. 5 seconds later the radio show on NPR talks about Shakespeare. I was looking up a word once and the TV mentions an obscure city on some island country. At the same moment, my eyes fall on that same city in the dictionary. I suddenly thought of the word "gravy train" one night. 5 minutes later the cartoon Oblongs I was watching was talking about the "gravy train." This is not coincidence.
There are over 100 million adults in the USA who are active for circa 14 to 16 hours per day. If there were not a lot of seemingly surprising coincidences, it would be evidence that there was some bizarre phenomenon or active conspiracy artificially keeping the number of coincidences lower than one would expect.