Pseudoscience Section Rules New Moderation

If you look at the thread it's initial concept post allowed for others to degrade the overall topic. In otherwords if you are talking Blueberries as in those that grow on a bush, then it was nonsense, however if you have a military meaning for blueberry you'll have to make it apparent (Namely evidence identifying what you are refering to).

The main reason for the closing of the thread was purely the degrading of topic.
No Stryder it is not a degrading topic.

principle investigator for the MER mission, said the spheres looked "like blueberries
Astrobiology Magazine

The Martian Blueberry theard you closed Stryder was not even given a chance to accumulate to a discussion.
I say you do all of those that investigate for truths a disservice with your arrogant manner of manipulating information.

Open the thread and let the discussion begin or resign your moderator-ship to someone that is open to discussion not closed to opinions.
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I'll re-open the thread, Although it should be common sense to define what the thread is about, not everybody runs in the same circles like you do. (Generally most stop chasing their own tail when they realise it's getting them nowhere.)

As for your "Personal" comment in regards to my moderator skills, Currently your theorums have been less than sincere and your evidence for reasoning limited. If you believe I have some biased methodology when dealing with your topics just remember your getting a far softer approach from me as compared to other moderators in other forums who would of quite happily bounced you from public display.

First off its been concluded that the blueberries are hematite through both spectrometers as will as the mini-tes.

Secondly that image you have is of a brushed area before it is ground. Given it is a concretion it is stuck in the area where it concreted into. Therefore a mere brush won't dislodge ones that are still stuck in the terrain. Look around through the microscopic archive. You'll see dozens and dozens of examples of where blueberries were ground in half with the area was truly RAT'ed.
Before people complain about their threads being locked I have to explain this:

As a Moderator I am not just suppose to be Arbitrary by also like a Judge, Jury and Executioner (when the time comes. Judge Dredd eat your heart out!)

This means that I don't just sit back and allow the discussion to occur, but I have to Judge when the discussion has reached a conclusion, if a conclusion can even be drawn or if the whole topic is a waste of time.

Previously I had attempted to be absolutely Arbitrary, however this has allowed people to run amok from both Camps (The Skeptics and the Believers). The Skeptics are notorious for their Witty retorts that usually are based in the realm of sarcasm (Occasionally they do "Discuss" things which I prefer to see them do personally because it aids to dealing with the snubbing out of disillusion).
The Believers tend to pull their "Everyone is a Control Agent" however their suggestion in itself is an attempt to control peoples reasoning by suggesting that if you Aren't a Believer your one of them (A Control Agent).

I'm sure the Believers realised that attempting to be arbitrary and not be percieved as a control agent actually enforced myself to be partially controlled by my convictions to allow their beliefs, ergo the Believers become the "Control Agents".

Since allowing my Arbitrary beliefs to control my methods of dealing with discussions, I've decided to grab the bull by the horns and amend my status. From now on expect to be JUDGED and if your thread is Judged unfit expect it to be EXECUTED. This will sound harsh, but it's the only fair way to disallow others to be "Control Agents" to me.
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Stryder in your infinite wisdom as Judge Judy you have failed to see how your actions have made SciForums into SciFoolems. Your actions have squashed any descent attempt at discussing such topics of interest as the Martin Blueberries. Your actions have gone way off the scale for closing topics you are not comfortable with.
Temper, temper Stryder. :(
Now you are calling the NASA scientists pseudo scientists for coining the term CRATERCHAINS?!?! The same for the term BLUEBERRIES?!?! Now those scientists are pseudo scientists too? :rolleyes:

Wow dude, get a grip will yah? :eek:
Actually FieryIce, You and Norval have claimed Sciforums to be SciFoolems for some time, so I doubt my actions have altered your opinion of the board in any way.

As I've mentioned if you want to discuss Martian Blueberries as an ExoGeological interest then do so but keep alienwars out of it, and place it in the relevant subforum category.

Norval, I wasn't terming NASA pseudoscientists as they can tell the difference between pitholes and impact craters.
Aawwwww.......Norval......i guess your lobbying and bitching at StryderUnknown have ended in miserable failure.

Like i said, if you don't like this place, you could always go join some other forums. But then again......those forums will probably ban you. Hahaa....

And oh yes........your threads should have been locked long ago.
Stryderunknown said:
Actually FieryIce, You and Norval have claimed Sciforums to be SciFoolems for some time, so I doubt my actions have altered your opinion of the board in any way.

As I've mentioned if you want to discuss Martian Blueberries as an ExoGeological interest then do so but keep alienwars out of it, and place it in the relevant subforum category.

Norval, I wasn't terming NASA pseudoscientists as they can tell the difference between pitholes and impact craters.

In your infinite wisdom Stryder, there is no ExoGeological subforum category and why Exo when using known science applications?

Prove that NASA pseudoscientist can tell the difference between pitholes and impact craters.
Funny FieryIce you should miss:
Astronomy, Exobiology, & Cosmology

Okay it says Exobiology there, however if you look at the description:
amateur astronomy, astrophysics, exoscience

Why Exo?
Well Exo is usually termed when regarding things that aren't of our planetry body. For instance Exobiology would be the study of life outside of our own planet, ExoGeology I would suggest is Geology outside of our planet too.

Since your suggesting that you want to talk about rock formations, Landscapes and the unique properties of "Pitholes", I would suggest conducting as ExoGeology, until at least you start talking about "BET's" and "GET's" then it's back in Pseudoscience for you. (Notice that means discussion on the natural formation, not the aftermath of a weapon discharge.)
First Stryder says that he isn’t going to delete posts, then they are deleted and locked up like crazy?!?! Next if yah won't leave yah get all your threads locked. Then if you still don't leave yah get to watch all the threads receive post after post of pure bullshit.
Simply the threads needed a house cleaning call and thats why they got cleaned up and locked down. It was also because most of the threads contained the continued abuse hurling from member to member, for instance if I was a member of a sensative disposition I could take malice to your post and reply likewise but the reality is it doesn't solve the abuse cycle.

Therefore I choose to ignore it.
Stryder is still up to the same tactics. STDD

Now why didn't you just transfer the thread to Astronomy where it truly belongs Stryder?

Obviously it belongs there and not in pseudoscience. You could correct that. but you won't. One wonders why?


The rank and file for information control and acquisition are still hard at work but I think their effectiveness has lost some ground.