prove to me that god is real

John Mark E said:
God is real, and God can be proven. However, through looking through these posts, those asking the questions, demanding proof, are only begging to be given the chance to argue, and are not really wanting to be shown. As such, they may never, in this life, see and experience God.

No one has ever seen or experienced any gods. Can you see how both your assertion and mine are unsustainable in regards to showing proof?

If you truely want proof of God, ask HIM to reveal Himself to you. But do so in a spirit of humbleness and humility. If you truly wish to know God, He will make Himself known. "And ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart."

Many have done such, for years, and have seen and heard absolutely nothing. Why would a god refuse to make himself known to those who seek him?

God wants all people to know Him, but arrogance is something with which He won't contend.

He refuses to show himself irregardless of arrogance.

(Oh, and those who have said that they need no God yada, yada, yada...have, in essence set themselves up as god over their own lives. Those who have said there is no God, read Psalms 14:1:

Those who make claims that gods exist should read other books.

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.

That goes back to the very tired argument that one can go through their entire life doing nothing to ever harm another person intentionally, yet spend an eternity in hell simply because they don't believe in YOUR god, while others who intentionally do harm to others merely need to confess their sins and find a comfy lazy-boy right next to YOUR god.

This sentiment is repeated several times in the writings that have been proven true time and time again...and have never once been proven wrong)

Again, read other books.
Dream Analysis is not a precise science

*correction* Dream analysis is not science at all.

Favourite sentence:

"Pay attention to choices coming up that involve numbers, number 7 is your lucky number! If you have a choice, pick it!"


My advice to your 'customers'. Save the £2.99 and buy that sandwich instead.
How do you propose to prove something of any complexity (regardless whether it is religious or in the realm of science) to a person who is not qualified to know nor are they interested in being qualified - Like suppose I am just a beer guzzling couch potato who rants "those eggheads in university don't know nuthin" - how would you propose to prove to me the existence of electrons?
lightgigantic said:
How do you propose to prove something of any complexity (regardless whether it is religious or in the realm of science) to a person who is not qualified to know nor are they interested in being qualified - Like suppose I am just a beer guzzling couch potato who rants "those eggheads in university don't know nuthin" - how would you propose to prove to me the existence of electrons?
I wouldn't. Why bother? But if you propose to make a religion out of electron worship, and then dictate public policy and morals around this religion, then you had better have some proof for the existence of electrons that can be demonstrated to those making the policy and moral decisions. Of course there is evidence for electrons (as we define them). Lots of it. As for proving it to you - what a waste of time.
lightgigantic said:
How do you propose to prove something of any complexity (regardless whether it is religious or in the realm of science) to a person who is not qualified to know nor are they interested in being qualified - Like suppose I am just a beer guzzling couch potato who rants "those eggheads in university don't know nuthin" - how would you propose to prove to me the existence of electrons?

There's two seperate cases here. In the case of someone whom is not qualified to understand, the solution is to educate them. In the U.S. students appear to understand what electrons are before highschool.

In the case where the person has no desire to understand or is outright anti-understanding then that person should be allowed to remain ignorant because it's one less person whom is going to compete for a job requiring knowledge of electrons.
superluminal said:
I wouldn't. Why bother? But if you propose to make a religion out of electron worship, and then dictate public policy and morals around this religion, then you had better have some proof for the existence of electrons that can be demonstrated to those making the policy and moral decisions. Of course there is evidence for electrons (as we define them). Lots of it. As for proving it to you - what a waste of time.

Exactly - if a person is adverse to even beginning the primary steps of understanding a field of knowledge - and as for religion people have their grudges against the social bodies that represent god as opposed to god himself.
Crunchy Cat said:
There's two seperate cases here. In the case of someone whom is not qualified to understand, the solution is to educate them. In the U.S. students appear to understand what electrons are before highschool.

In the case where the person has no desire to understand or is outright anti-understanding then that person should be allowed to remain ignorant because it's one less person whom is going to compete for a job requiring knowledge of electrons.

Ignorance is bliss :D
lightgigantic said:
Ignorance is bliss :D
Or suffering and death.

Rather than cramming "facts" down our childrens throats, why don't we teach our children how to think critically and use reason to understand their world? It might save a bunch of debating about what constitutes proof and such.
superluminal said:
Or suffering and death.

Rather than cramming "facts" down our childrens throats, why don't we teach our children how to think critically and use reason to understand their world? It might save a bunch of debating about what constitutes proof and such.

Amen brother luminal.
That goes back to the very tired argument that one can go through their entire life doing nothing to ever harm another person intentionally, yet spend an eternity in hell simply because they don't believe in YOUR god, while others who intentionally do harm to others merely need to confess their sins and find a comfy lazy-boy right next to YOUR god.

to have ur sins forgivin, it's not as simple as just saying "hey god i did some bad stuff, forgive me will ya". and people who think that if they ask for forgiveness and then go right back out and do the same thing are mistaken to think that they would be forgiven.

Again, read other books.[/QUOTE]

I believe in god and christ. i've believe in the bible. i don't read a whole lot, but i've watched science programs on tv about the earth and the universe and space. i've watched programs about evolution. i've listened to their explainations about the origins of the universe, life etc, and all that would go through my head is how can u not believe in god?
ok, i can sort of understand if someone don't believe in a certain religion, but not to believe in a creator? that just baffles me. when u sit back and really look at how fragile life is and how so many things on earth revolve around the existance of life, and without them life wouldn't be here (air, gravity, plants, water, just to name the obivious) and i'm pretty sure that i read somewhere that even earthquakes play a part in the existence in life, without them we wouldn't be here. when u consider the fact that no computer or machine of any kind is anywhere near how complex the human body is. no computer hard/software in the world has as much info in it as dna, and it's all suppose to be by fluke? as far as i'm concerned, anyone with any common sence or logic can see that there has to be something, a creator/god that made it all.
Rickie said:
I believe in god and christ. i've believe in the bible. i don't read a whole lot, but i've watched science programs on tv about the earth and the universe and space. i've watched programs about evolution. i've listened to their explainations about the origins of the universe, life etc, and all that would go through my head is how can u not believe in god?
ok, i can sort of understand if someone don't believe in a certain religion, but not to believe in a creator? that just baffles me. when u sit back and really look at how fragile life is and how so many things on earth revolve around the existance of life, and without them life wouldn't be here (air, gravity, plants, water, just to name the obivious) and i'm pretty sure that i read somewhere that even earthquakes play a part in the existence in life, without them we wouldn't be here. when u consider the fact that no computer or machine of any kind is anywhere near how complex the human body is. no computer hard/software in the world has as much info in it as dna, and it's all suppose to be by fluke? as far as i'm concerned, anyone with any common sence or logic can see that there has to be something, a creator/god that made it all.
Another theist classic: Argument from Personal Incredulity.
That god can't possibly exist becuase as of yet we have no contemporary evidence.

It is just another apeal to incredulity. It's all they have and one day it will be taken away.
That god can't possibly exist becuase as of yet we have no contemporary evidence.

That's wrong for a start.

gods can exist, as can hairy invisible leprechauns, but there is currently no evidence to suggest they do.

Hope that has helped.