Prostitution should be legal

How many prostitutes are abducted/murdered annually? How many are drug addicts? Clearly, the "profession" is not safe. How many carry around STDs? Would legalizing prostitution set a good example to women in the workforce? Would it (directly or indirectly) invite women struggling in school/work to sell themselves? Wouldn't legalizing prostitution also mean more pimps in society? Do we really want that?

These abductions, murders, drug addictions, and diseases are products of the illegality of prostitution, not prostitution itself. Making something illegal does not eliminate it, it just moves it underground. If you go to a responsible brothel that admits blood tests to their prostitutes, you will find none of these vices.
Kadark im with avatar. In melbourne its legal to work from registed brothals (although they changed that legilsation to alow self employed sex workers to work from home).

They pay tax
they MUST follow the work cover legilation (health and saftery)
health checks
AGE checks
drug tests

When you force something into the closet it becomes asociated with all the OTHER things you irationally threw into there


Good luck enforcing all of these "checks" and "tests".

Seriously, legalizing prostitution? What have we become...
These abductions, murders, drug addictions, and diseases are products of the illegality of prostitution, not prostitution itself. Making something illegal does not eliminate it, it just moves it underground. If you go to a responsible brothel that admits blood tests to their prostitutes, you will find none of these vices.

So legalizing something illegal reduces the numbers in which it happens?

Why not legalize murder and rape? After all, it may not be so desirable when it's legal, according to your logic.
I don't see why it should be legal, yet I do not know why it should be illegal. People have a right to do want they want to do with themselves (to a certain extent).
So legalizing something illegal reduces the numbers in which it happens?

Why not legalize murder and rape? After all, it may not be so desirable when it's legal, according to your logic.

You don't legalize murder and rape because murder and rape affect other people without their permission. If prostitution were legalized the two people would be willing participants.

People should have the right to control their own bodies.
You don't legalize murder and rape because murder and rape affect other people without their permission. If prostitution were legalized the two people would be willing participants.

People should have the right to control their own bodies.


It's a shame it does nothing to ease the difficult predicaments caused by prostitution (as outlined in one of my earlier posts).

Besides, if prostitution was legal, wouldn't a lot of poor parents force their daughters into prostitution? It happens in areas where it is illegal, so why not in places where it's legalized?
Forcing into prostitution whether legal or illegal is a criminal act punishable by law.
and its EASIER for the goverment to procicute if its legal because they can put in place social services and the paticipents arnt worried about being procicuted

ALSO it cuts down on vilonce towards prositutes because they know that they can safly go to the police and they will DO something other than charge THEM
Forcing into prostitution whether legal or illegal is a criminal act punishable by law.

It's much more difficult to help people forced into prostitution when it is unconditionally legal. This is only one of the minor ramifications that ensue with legalized prostitution.
you have got to be serious

Legal means that the goverment can make legilation regarding it just like they do the building or anyother industry

Legal means that women and men forced into it can access social services and have those people prociuted.

Legal means they can require birth certificates to stop underage people involved in it
And I refuse to answer that question on the basis that you have loaded it.
If I'm against my wife being a garbage collector that doesn't mean I'm against garbage collecting.
If I'm against my wife being a prostitute that doesn't mean that I'm against prostitution.
As a Latvian saying goes - each work is a virtue.

Its a valid question, you're just looking at it the wrong way. You want prostitution legalised, yet when asked if you'd be happy to have your missus working as a prostitute, you dodge the question. To me it would appear you want prostitution legalised, as long as your hands don't get dirty. If you didn't want your wife to become a prostitute, then why are you yourself trying to encourage prostitution and pass it off as a ‘profession’ which is okay and moral?

So would you be happy with your wife being a prostitute/whore?

Would you be happy to sell your body to sexually aggressive Latvian men/women for money?

Would you tell your daughters its okay to be prostitutes?

As a Latvian saying goes - each work is a virtue.

So satisfying the sexual urges of men for money is virtuous? No, each work is not a virtue.

I want that those people, who choose to be prostitutes, to be protected by the law and social services just like any other workforce.

Of course. I've not come across one post suggesting they should not be protected.
Working for pay is different from using your temple as a sperm recepticle for filth. Selling the use of your mind doesn't violate you physically. Sex with a stranger does. Selling the use of your mind doesn't usually crush your spirit like prostitution does.

Sandy, now I know for sure that you don't know what you're talking about.

The real reason that prostitution is outlawed is because prostitution sets a fair price and you have some idea what you will receive for your money. With marriage or other forms of pair bondage, you have no idea what you will get besides a pretty good chance that she will deny you sex with anyone including your hand and will extract a lot of money from you.
Ghost 007 said:

If you didn't want your wife to become a prostitute, then why are you yourself trying to encourage prostitution and pass it off as a ‘profession’ which is okay and moral?

To reiterate a question I asked earlier, "What's the point of getting married, then?"

If a spouse wants to be a hooker, they probably shouldn't have gotten married in the first place. Part of the point of marriage is reservation of one another to each other. Expecting fulfillment of that pledge is an issue entirely independent of whether or not prostitution should be legal.
It seems people are getting mixed up between what should be legal and what is desirable.

Prostitution is not desirable. It should not be the job choice for men and/or women. There is something inherently a bit seedy and undesirable about a person prostituting him/herself.

All that being said, it should still be legalized. What a person does willingly with his/her body should not be regulated by the government. No person should be forced into prostitution but no person should be forbidden from engaging in it either.

If adults, the key word is adults, willingly engage in sex acts, and the other key word is willingly, it should concern no one but the people involved. Anything people do to themselves or with or to willing partners should concern only the people involved.

I find prostitution distasteful and would never avail myself of the services of a prostitute but that does not mean I desire to see it criminalized. My distaste is a personal emotion and I should not be allowed to force my feelings on others. People have no right to intrude themselves into the lives of others who are not negatively affecting them. The fact that two, three, or more people are having sex with each other, for free or for pay does not impact my life. It is none of my business what other people do with their bodies.
I dissagree that the goverment shouldnt regulate it. It should be just like any job, there are job specific things that need to be regulated for your protection and that of your clients. STD tests for example, protection from violant situations (unless thats what you want to offer and even then you need protection to make sure it doesnt go to far). Futher more social services need to be in place if you want to leave, to check ids and to make sure your not being forced. Then there is tax and super laws, normal OH&S laws, GST ect
...I cannot understand why anyone would want to be a prostitute...

They are very stupid. They have no self-worth. They deceive themselves into thinking it's only for the money. No one in their right mind thinks it's ok. Then they fill our morgues after they commit suicide from the drugs and guilt. Or when some pimp/john beats them to death. It's a pattern we see over and over again. I have counselled people like this. Every time it has been no self-worth, bad childhood, abuse, etc.:(
Ghost / Kadark, why the big hang up about prostitution? It's not that far removed from the porn industry, is it?

How about young women that work as prostitutes to pay their way through university? Is that such a bad thing to imagine??
If you think about it, isn't it sorta already legal in the USA?
Why do I say this...think about the porn industry for a second.
Girls (and guys) get paid lots of money to have sex with each other while being taped. This is sorta like prostitution at its peak. Do you want a prostitute? Make a film...then its totaly legit.

Also, just about every major city in the US has a listing for Escort services.
Want to do something with a girl, but can't find one who will do it for free? Call an escort service. Many escorts are highly paid prostitutes. If you live in a big city, check your yellow pages under Escort- my guess is you'll find a section for it. If you live in a small town, go to a big city and get a phone book.

I am not saying I do business. Nor am I saying I am for or against it, I seldom take sides. I simply know about it.
To reiterate a question I asked earlier, "What's the point of getting married, then?"

If a spouse wants to be a hooker, they probably shouldn't have gotten married in the first place. Part of the point of marriage is reservation of one another to each other. Expecting fulfillment of that pledge is an issue entirely independent of whether or not prostitution should be legal.

Marriage is not just about sex. It is about settling down with your partner, starting a new life, having children, it’s about love, devotion etc. You can't exactly have these things with a prostitute. Sex with a prostitute is basically sex with no strings attached.