Prostitution should be legal


smoking revolver
Valued Senior Member
I truly don't understand why so many countries have made prostitution illegal.
It's a service just like massage or modeling, and people are free to have sex on their own.

But for whatever reason when money comes in between it's illegal.
Never mind that many marriages are precisely about money.

So why should the state prohibit for men and women to use their bodies as they like and make some money in the process?

If everything is regulated and health checks are in place I don't see any rational reason to illegalize it.
I truly don't understand why so many countries have made prostitution illegal.
It's a service just like massage or modeling, and people are free to have sex on their own.

But for whatever reason when money comes in between it's illegal.
Never mind that many marriages are precisely about money.

So why should the state prohibit for men and women to use their bodies as they like and make some money in the process?

If everything is regulated and health checks are in place I don't see any rational reason to illegalize it.

Like most laws, it has more to do with property. Street whores drive values down and hurt business. That's why even where it's really really illegal, as long as it is in a whore house(even well known), it is overlooked.

I think most western democracies are against it, just cause they dont get their cut...they hate economies operation outside society. It is considered money lost.
If everything is regulated and health checks are in place I don't see any rational reason to illegalize it.

That is just one of the myrid of problems prostitution faces. How to enforce the prostitutes to get medical exams every month or so is going to be very hard. Regulating it also is very difficult and it being a cash business it could easily be used as a laundrying business for the mafia. Another problem is if someone gets infected they might spread the disease to others before they get an exam. :(:shrug:
if its legle it can be taxed, also alowed for safty standards to be put in place like security guards, manditory condoms, health checks ect
I have a problem with it morally. I think it's an abomination against your temple (body).

That you sell it for money by using it for sex? We are all prostitutes in one way or another for we sell our bodies to the businesses we work for and let them take advantage over us don't we? What's the difference if you sell your sexual pleasures to the highest bidders as you do your mind?
That you sell it for money by using it for sex? We are all prostitutes in one way or another for we sell our bodies to the businesses we work for and let them take advantage over us don't we? What's the difference if you sell your sexual pleasures to the highest bidders as you do your mind?

Working for pay is different from using your temple as a sperm recepticle for filth. Selling the use of your mind doesn't violate you physically. Sex with a stranger does. Selling the use of your mind doesn't usually crush your spirit like prostitution does.
Working for pay is different from using your temple as a sperm recepticle for filth. Selling the use of your mind doesn't violate you physically. Sex with a stranger does. Selling the use of your mind doesn't usually crush your spirit like prostitution does.

It's all in your head. There's no difference between paid and unpaid sex,
Prostitution is legal where I am. The prostitutes even procure their business right next to the police station (I sure its safer for them). For $55 two girls, 45 minutes, anything. And they are hot. Despite the temptation I haven't done any business, I'm why pay anything?
Prostitution is quite legal and accepted in the USA.

What else do you call women who refuse to pay for anything with money, then think that if they sleep with you that it makes up for everything?

How is it not prostitution when a man takes a woman out to dinner and then takes her out to a movie or theatre or something similar?

What about the 'wives' that refuse to get jobs and then they expect unlimited use to your bank account, but hey if they give you sex once or twice a week their rent is paid for, as well as everything in their life?
For $55 two girls, 45 minutes, anything. And they are hot. Despite the temptation I haven't done any business, I'm why pay anything?

How is it you know so much about them and their prices?

You are recently married I see, in awhile your change your ways.
Wither you agree with prositution, drugs or other social vices, I am not sure making them ilegal is the answer. I think it may even make the vice worse by driving up prices hence acting as an incentive for people to engage in the activity. I think we need to be more creative in how we deal with vices.
I think it has a strong base with our discontent for promiscuity. We are rather selfish with our relationships and do not want to see 'our' women being used by someone else. Remember that sex is strongly desired, esp. by men, so prostitution can appear to be abuse and exploitation of man's willingness to make irrational sacrifices for it. Just a thought.
Why is it illegal to sell what it is legal to give away? Besides, prostitutes aren't selling it. They're only renting it out for a while.

Well said :)

The only real problem I have is the spread of disease among the patrons and the prostitutes, there is no real way to prevent it . If STD's didnt exist i bet it would be legal.
Here is potential thread killer. But it needs to get out. Civilization needs me and...and...

Why isn't prostitution legal? I can really get into this discussion from a psycholigical\ethical\moral viewpoint but the fact that this subject or the reasons behind the legality are not common knowledge is hard to believe.

Some questions that needs to be asked are:

Would you want you sister to be a prostitute? your wife?

Just think about why it is illegal in some areas and...well...put it this way-

How many women really want to make their living screwing any guy with a credit card?

Would they say: "Wow, my job is just great, every day a new set ofd***s."


"You know i wake up in the morning and really look forward to the first six B*** J***"

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I dont want to see it on the streets...but in private, if there is no harm done between consenting adults, then there is no basis for criminality.
How many prostitutes are abducted/murdered annually? How many are drug addicts? Clearly, the "profession" is not safe. How many carry around STDs? Would legalizing prostitution set a good example to women in the workforce? Would it (directly or indirectly) invite women struggling in school/work to sell themselves? Wouldn't legalizing prostitution also mean more pimps in society? Do we really want that?