Prophet Yahweh summons UFO


Tragic Hero
Registered Senior Member
Lol, looks like a balloon

ABC news video

(PRWEB) - Las Vegas, NV (PRWEB) May 25, 2005 -- Prophet Yahweh was blessed to discover the lost, ancient art of summoning UFOs and spaceships on-demand.

There is a difference between UFOs and spaceships. UFOs are usually small flying objects: glowing orbs, metallic spheres, satellite-type flying machines, etc. And, their flight patterns suggest that they are not of this world.

But, spaceships are large futuristic vehicles that are clearly designed to carry passengers in like you see in the movies.

Since 1979, more than 1,500 UFOs and/or spaceships have appeared on Prophet Yahweh's signal before witnesses or at unawares.

During this time, he was performing his summons privately with only those close to him as witnesses.

But, starting June 1st until July 15th (45 days) Prophet is going public by opening up to the news media.

He will demonstrate his ability to call down UFOs and spaceships, on-demand, for them to film and photograph.

Prophet is in direct telephatic contact with his space being friends. They have revealed that they will send UFOs as soon as Prophet starts asking for them to appear.

Also, before the 45 day summoning period has ended, a spaceship will descend and sit in the skies over Las Vegas on Prophet's signal.

The spaceship will hover in the sky, not far from Nellis Air Force base, for almost two days. All Las Vegans will be able to see it, day and night, before it goes back up into space.

Some news media representatives won"t be able to come to Las Vegas to film the sightings. But, they would be interested in doing a story on Prophet"s ability to summon them.

Others would like to see videos of the UFOs, first, to determine if they are real, before coming.

Because of this, Prophet is giving the news media free access to the broadcasts area of his website where they can view his UFO videos.

Also, since some news media will not be able to come to Las Vegas, Prophet is willing to travel to any city to call down UFOs for them to document.

If your company would like to film or photograph UFOs and/or spaceships that appear on Prophet"s cue, email your request to him.

Afterwards, he will communicate with you concerning it and email you the login information you need to access the UFO videos in the Broadcast Area of his website.

For information: or

Contact: email protected from spam bots

Phone: 1-800-314-4847, 702-966-0303

Prophet Yahweh
Seer of Yahweh/Ufologist
POB 271551
Las Vegas, Nevada 89127
Phone: 1-800-314-4847, 702-966-0303
email protected from spam bots

# # #

Prophet Yahweh
E-mail Information
Fascinating. It shouldn't be difficult for an investigative team to set up shop without "the Profit's" knowledge and triangulate the sighting when he "calls" a UFO. Thus giving a distance and relative size of the object. Perhaps they can even set up some high-power optics and a sprectrum analyzer or frequency counter to eliminate radio-controlled craft or radio coordination on the "profit's" part.

I wish I was in Vegas... I'd definately be up to taking part in such a thing.
I am not positive, of course, but the 'UFO' sure looks to be hoaxed to me. Something
like a balloon that was filmed with a camera that has its lens zoomed out to extreme
magnification, with the inherent shakyness in such a situation. But it was filmed by a
legimate news crew which don't seem to be a part of the hoax. If anyone is interested
in seeing the video, a forum member at, Lanotom, has uploaded
the video to a server which can be viewed without any special plugins, just Windows
Media Player. Yahweh states on his website that the video is free public domain, the
$7.95 supposedly goes to charity if one accesses the video through his site. Here is
a link where it can be viewed for free, but WARNING!, if you have dial-up, you are
going to spend a LOT of time trying to get a decient broadcast of the streaming video.
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I saw the video on the first link provided in the first post, free of charge. I didn't notice that Profit Yahweh had it for sale. I did, however, laugh at his site in the visitors section where had:

"2. My Vow Of Poverty And The Reason Why I Summon Sightings"

then a little later:

"5. My Broadcasts Membership Fee Is Only $7.95 Per Month
6. Get A Prepaid Visa And Mastercard To Purchase Your Membership

Gotta love the pious UFO prophet (or is it "profit?").
Im pretty convinced that what he says hes doing he is doing..
I can only really think of one other possible explaination, it could be a special custom made blimp, and it could be operated via remote control by a third party, but firstly even for small one it would cost a shit load to build and by the looks of his different videos hed have to have at least a couple of different models, as not all the ufos he captures look the same. Secondly youre just not going to get it to move as fast as its traveling in the newsreport film, just not possible. Thirdly if the newscrew picked the time and location at random and he still got the ufo to drop out of the sky at the exact moment he wanted without being visably in contact with a third party; then to be honest id be more amazed by that than there being a couple of aliens inside it. :D
"Secondly youre just not going to get it to move as fast as its traveling in the newsreport film, just not possible."

Really? How fast was it going? Please convert your answer to m/s. But I'd like to know how you arrived at the measurement.

"Thirdly if the newscrew picked the time and location at random and he still got the ufo to drop out of the sky at the exact moment he wanted without being visably in contact with a third party; ..."

I just guessing that they didn't blindfold him transport him in the back of an unmarked van. Does the fact that the good Profit has taken a vow of poverty imply that he is not the owner of a cellphone? I suppose it does.

It might be a UFO, but I've seen better magic tricks that made me wonder more with illusionists that said they were lying. I remember watching David Copperfield make an F-16 disappear once and he said, "don't worry, General. It's just an illusion!"
Mr Anonymous said:
Or, alternatively, you make your "UFO" in a 3D modelling programme, add whatever physical behaviour to the thing you want, set up a virtual camera framing the 3D model from the angle you want to see it in, set up your lighting and then shoot yourself however many minutes/seconds worth of "UFO Footage" you require against a plain, white flat background object. Export as Quicktime Movie (.mov) or .AVI

Then, you shoot yourself however much footage you need of empty sky - imagining your 3D model is there and "tracking" its imaginary progress up, down, left, right, wherever exactly the same as the 3D scenario you just previously shot.

Save your Camcorder footage as an AVI file.

Open both files in Adobe Image Ready. Each clip is now presented as individual frames.

With your "UFO" footage you select Frame 1 of the clip and select the white background around the 3D model using the magic wand tool and delete it all leaving your UFO on a clean, transparent background - then drag the cleaned frame into the Camcorder document and place it between Frame 1 and Frame 2. Drop the opacity settings by between 20-30%. Save.

Repeat with each and every frame of your "UFO" clip, inserting each new cleaned layer directly above each corresponding frame in the Camcorder clip, dropping the opacity of each frame and saving as you go.

To get the UFO to appear as if its actually in the scene and not just simply something stuck upon the lens of the camera, what you have to do is register each cleaned UFO frames position with a corresponding scene footage feature (such as a cloud, tree, the horizon, whatever) over each Camcorder frame in the sequence you've made.

It just takes a nudge here, a nudge there. Sounds tediously time consuming and is, but the effect is the UFO now matches the hand jerk and shake of the original camcorder footage perfectly.

Once you've registered each frame, job done. Save the file. Duplicate, with each Camcorder frame and UFO frame select both only and flatten into one single frame - Cam 1+ UFO1 = Final clip Frame 1. Repeat the process with each and every corresponding frame pair of scene footage and UFO.

Once done the UFO frames are now merged seamlessly into the Camcorders scene footage and all you have left is "UFO" Footage of a real scene.

Save and export as either Quicktime Move, AVI or Flash.

Viola, perfectly controlled "UFO" footage of a UFO doing whatever it is you want it to do as long as you want it to do it for.

For a simple example <----click there, for how it was done, click---> HERE

We live in the 21st Century, chaps. CGI isn't just the province of Hollywood any more and hasn't been for a good long while now.... ;)

Thats all fine and dandy, any reason to suspect that thats the case in this instance though? and if so we have to assume the newschannel was in on the scam as well dont we?
Mr Anonymous said:
...em, well now. Let me see? There's a chap and a UFO and the UFO appears to be doing stuff at the behest of the chap...

Mmmmm, quite a pickle.

Off hand I'd have to say, actually, that's all the reason one could ever reasonably need to more than merely suspect this exact instance to be precisely the case.

And, as to the Camera crew - you saw this clip where, exactly? TV or The Internet...?

Have you seen the video, Mr Anonymous? It was a real TV Newscast that filmed it, so the object wasn't digitally put there.
Sometimes people do hoaxes that news crews, chat show hosts and even wimbledon umpires are blistfully unaware of or connected to. It's easy to suggest that they had something to do with the things they report and are in on the hoax, however it's as much a conspiracy as any other.

I've seen a few programs on "Hoaxers" and their ability to not just dupe "average Joe public" but also those presenters that interview them like their claim is a reality because it was convincing enough to get them on the show. (and convincing enough to perhaps even up their ratings?)

Television as much as a "recreational activity" for some, is a business to others and therefore undergo's the same twists and turns as any business when trying to stay competitive and not just surviving in an already flooded market (number of companies) but prospering.

If people don't watch a station or read a newspaper then that station or newspaper will eventually suffer a downturn (cutbacks, job losses and perhaps even closure).

As for the "Martian worm fossil", that was a large elaborate hoax with a purpose. When we voyaged to the planets with our robotic drones to bring back data of what would be found there, what the governments needed to know was the reaction of the people in regards to "proof of life being found elsewhere in the universe".

Afterall if while exploring it does occur would it cause mass panic, hysteria and dangerous cultists suggesting their way of life now has proof without shadow of a doubt? (If it had of been like that then NASA probably would have had a rather large cutback)
Mr Anonymous said:
Hello static :)

Have to ask - have you, personally, actually seen this New Report actually broadcast on TV?

The reason I ask is because yes, the "footage" is incredible. There you can see, "live" on a national syndicated news network an actual UFO being summoned by a man...

Thing of it is though, a few years back just the news that NASA Scientists had found possibly the fossilised remains of proto-life in martian rock hit the front page of every newspaper and magazine in every country around the world. Bill Clinton made speeches about it from the White House - and that was all just over what may have been (turned out, not) fossilised remains of extraterrestrial life.

Here, in this footage, we see an actual UFO. Think about that. Not just the artifact of it, but the complete inference of considerably more than mere fossilised bugs inside, "live" on broadcast TV - and yet, not a peep about any of it, anywhere.

Now, if you can tell me for absolute that you recognise the "reporters" as being actually regular ABC News staff, that ABC News has some actual knowledge itself about this whole event, then the claim that the clip is actually genuine news footage is a good one.

However, this clip is located on a site not in anyway at all associated with ABC News, there is a clear indication that monetary gain is infact the prime motivation for running the content of the site in question.

If it's genuine, then it's world shattering. So how come the world doesn't actually know anything at all about it? If ABC News had actually picked it up as a news item and ran it, every other Syndicated News Network would surely have picked it up and ran with the same story also - so the question you have to ask yourself, if you actually want to know the truth, is how come you're seeing this revelation only on pay-per-view internet site and not reading all about it in a Newspaper?

Quite simply stories like this lie too far outside of the broadcasting comfort zone, they just dont know what to do with things like this, do you make a big deal about it and have it as the main story or do you have it at the end as a funny story?
Ive seen an insane number of earth shattering stories just get completey looked over by the major broadcasters, one of which being the nasa video filmed in the late 90s of a missle from earth atempting to strike a ufo in the atmosphere; with the ufo dodging it at the last minute and heading out into space. Did you ever see that on the news? did you ever hear calls for it to be ascertained what exactly happened? i didnt but i know that it certainly did happen.
It does really make you wonder what on earth the media are for if they cant inform people when something of great importance happens. The fact that certain stories dont get reported on doesnt mean that the stories themselves are suspect rather the media itself is.
Mr Anonymous said:
So, basically, y'didn't actually see this "news" item broadcast on TV - even though it purports to be a news item filmed by a syndicated news broadcast company...

Sorry for the late reply. Here's a link to the station

And here's a link to the reporter who did the story:

Apparently the station backed out of a June 1st "summoning" that they had scheduled.

Now I'm not saying I think this guy is real, but his story is very interesting.