Proper Skepticism

By all accounts I am a skeptic. I really don't believe in any psychic phenomenon, but it isn't for lack of trying. I really want to believe. I do.

No, you are not a skeptic. Skeptics don't 'believe' or 'want to believe' anything. Furthermore, the whole part about attempting telekinesis is under the assumption that you KNOW how to in the first place.

Example: I think that if I think a certain way I can move something.

I'm not trying to be a jerk, just pointing out some silliness.
Originally posted by and2000x
Example: I think that if I think a certain way I can move something.
Yes, if you think a certain way you can move objects, stop running water, levitate, etc... Only one must first learn this way of thinking.

BTW, spoilsport, how did you try training telikinesis?


Long citations are useless: You name ANY idea, no matter how preposterous, and I will be able to find websites promoting it at great length, citing "scientific evidence" "experimental proof" etc.

Long accounts of your own experiements made in private are uninteresting: You can find people claiming ANYTHING.

PROOF is what counts. That is why I have suggested the JREF challenge. The million dollars are not important (although I refuse to belive that you would turn them down if you actually gould get them), what is important is an objective experiment: If you have an unkown ability, you owe it to humanity to document it. Anything else would be like somebody inventing a vaccine for AIDS and keeping it to himself.


Edited for a silly spelling misteak.
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PROOF is what counts. That is why I have suggested the JREF challenge. The million dollars are not important (although I refuse to belive that you would turn them down if you actually gould get them), what is important is an objective experiment: If you have an unkown ability, you ove it to humanity to document it. Anything else would be like somebody inventing a vaccine for AIDS and keeping it to himself.
Ok, but yet 8 cards out of 16 is a bit too early to take any kind of a challenge... maybe after that classes, when it'll be 16 out of 16.
As for vaccine from AIDS, there are exercises by which one can cure ANY desease, I'm serios. Only there he should work long and hard himself, instead of takeing a shot or a pill...

Good Luck!
No, you are not a skeptic. Skeptics don't 'believe' or 'want to believe' anything. Furthermore, the whole part about attempting telekinesis is under the assumption that you KNOW how to in the first place.

Example: I think that if I think a certain way I can move something.

I'm not trying to be a jerk, just pointing out some silliness.


I fit into definition 2a in merriam webster's entry for skepticism.

2 a : the doctrine that true knowledge or knowledge in a particular area is uncertain

I feel that knowledge in the area of telekinesis is uncertain and unproven. I want to believe in it, but I can't because I can't find the evidence. That is skepticism according to the English language's most popular dictionary. Hint: It is handy to read the dictionary before arguing definitions with somebody.

Attempting telekinesis is not assuming I know how to do it either. I read advise at "psychic" web sites and put to practice the methods they claimed could be used in telekinesis. These methods got no results. That means there are two possibilities. Either I didn't practice the methods correctly, or they don't actually work in telekinesis. I moved on.
BTW, spoilsport, how did you try training telikinesis?

I tried a few different practices.

Method 1:
Meditate 15 minutes to an hour.
Use a small pinwheel (square piece of paper sitting on tip of a pin).
Focus on the pinwheel and move it with your mind.

I tried moving the paper by pushing with concentration (gave me a headache).

I tried imagining the pinwheel moving, it didn't.

I pictured a hand coming out of my head and pushing it.

I tried to form energy in my brain and shoot it at the pinwheel.

None of those did anything.

Method 2:

Meditate 15 minutes to an hour.
Sit a smooth ring upright on the table.
Try to roll it with your mind.

I tried the same stuff, no go.

Method 3:
Meditate 15 minutes to an hour.
Hold a metal spoon in your hand.
Close your eyes and bend the spoon with your mind.

I couldn't do that either.

I probably practiced these things regularly for around three months. No good. After that I put that practice time into guitar which has paid off far more tremendously.
I tried a few different practices...
Well... I do believe that telikinesis is a more-or-less hard thing to do, so you should have better started with something easier. Same intuition training, for example.

How exactly were you meditating? Just seating with your eyes closes, trying to get into a different state of mind? Looking at a drawn spiral? Useing some hypnotic tapes?

Here's another method ( I have not tried it, just heard a bit of it )...
Some Yogas can move a certain kind of probe out of their solar planux. They seat with their eyes closed and imagine this probe moveing out. Of cource, it doesn't appear phicially, but they can "touch" objects within their reach and describe them.

An everyday person, at first, probably would be able to move this probe out only for an inch or two, but with practice it can get longer and longer. Maybe one also would be able to move small object with it, after practice.

Good Luck!
Well... I do believe that telikinesis is a more-or-less hard thing to do, so you should have better started with something easier. Same intuition training, for example.

Other abilities don't have the verifiability that I seek. People, including myself, can say it was a coincidence, chance, etc. There is a very small chance of winning the lottery, but some people have managed to win twice.

Telekinesis is irrefutable. It defies physical laws as we know them. Therefore true telekinetic abilities are much more meaningful.

How exactly were you meditating? Just seating with your eyes closes, trying to get into a different state of mind? Looking at a drawn spiral? Useing some hypnotic tapes?

Seated on the floor. Eyes closed. I would completely clear my mind and think of nothing. When I had my mind clear as long as possible I would imagine myself drawing energy in from the air and the ground.

Some Yogas can move a certain kind of probe out of their solar planux. They seat with their eyes closed and imagine this probe moveing out. Of cource, it doesn't appear phicially, but they can "touch" objects within their reach and describe them.

I have no idea what to do with that information without having someone tell me how to do it. Anyways, I might try the intution thing. Who knows?
have you ever seen a thought?

I read something a long time ago...something about a doctor saying he'd cut open a lot of human bodies and he'd never seen a soul, and the 'philosopher' replied, "and did you never see a thought either?"
Meditation is NOT something to be taken lightly. I do not meditate myself, but I have seen documentaries of Tibetan monks who can chagne their body temperature just by thiking about it! They went out into below zero temps and actually slept out in the snow and woke up the next morning. They then put wet towels on their backs and made them steam dry just with their minds!
Another guy was able to smash bricks over his head!

Amazing stuff! Our civilization has a lot to catch up on physical/mental fitness wise.
Originally posted by and2000x
...Tibetan monks who can chagne their body temperature just by thiking about it!
That's very easy, everyone can do it more or less. The exercises I was talking abot above are based on this idea - creating a warm feeling somewhere in your body and moveing it around, then a cold feeling. Just make sure you do NOT touch the heart or the brain!
Originally posted by spoilsport

I fit into definition 2a in merriam webster's entry for skepticism.

2 a : the doctrine that true knowledge or knowledge in a particular area is uncertain

Now go look up the definition of 'doctrine';

1. A principle or body of principles presented for acceptance or belief, as by a religious, political, scientific, or philosophic group; dogma.
2. A rule or principle of law, especially when established by precedent.
3. A statement of official government policy, especially in foreign affairs and military strategy.
4. Archaic. Something taught; a teaching.

None of the definitions of 'doctrine' are appropriate to ellucidate the meaning of the word 'skeptic'. Skepticism is a 'belief'? RIDICULOUS. I'll be emailing Websters to get their definition corrected. Don't use Websters, it's for stupid people.

A far superior definition of skeptic is;
phlogistician, you may not like webster's dictionary, but it is the most widely used dictionary. As such it is a kind of unofficial standard. Generally speaking, the definition of a word is that which is listed in webster's dictionary. Does it change a little too slowly to keep up with the English language? Sure, but you have to a have a standard and it is as good as any. Throwing out webster's in favor of another dictionary still leaves us with the fact that dictionaries are imperfect way of knowing what every word means.
Originally posted by spoilsport
phlogistician, you may not like webster's dictionary, but it is the most widely used dictionary. As such it is a kind of unofficial standard. Generally speaking, the definition of a word is that which is listed in webster's dictionary.

Is it so hard for you to actually think about the meanings of words?

To use a word like 'doctrine' in conjunction with a word like 'skepticism' is just wrong. Websters sucks, plain and simple.

Websters is held in very _low_ regard amongst anyone with any real language skills, it's not a standard, but rather, the lowest common denominator.