Proof UFOs are Not for Idiots

There was a similar deadly disease scenario to native North Americans when the people came here from Europe.

And, Hans, look at the way the space shuttle is monitored and micromanaged by Houston's ground control. If the aliens monitor their spacecraft relative to their advanced technology, then they probably already had remotely discerned the reason for the crash and would not need to investigate it on site. For them to be on the ground recovering material at a crash site would have put many more of them in a compromising positon for an extended period of time.
SINCE THE RECENT release of the movie Signs, crop circles have been thrust into the limelight.

Marrrrrrvelous. :rolleyes:

Mel Gibson incomprehensible:

Gibson, who moved from the United States to Australia as a child, says he does believe in the message of Shyamalan's latest film — that signs exist and mean something.

"Nothing really happens by accident. I've just seen too many situations like fall in place or I've seen the opposite," Gibson told Entertainment Editor Joel Siegel on ABCNEWS' Good Morning America. "They either fall in with harmony or they do just the right thing to sort of like create disharmony."
First, imagine how forign our bacteria would be to their systems. H.G Wells in "War of the Worlds" told us all exactly what would happen

Uhh, War of the Worlds was fiction. Do you get disease from you dog? Or cat? Answer is, rarely, and vice versa. Those stories about measles wiping out natives are right, but, those natives were same species as the colonists. An infectuous disease has to specialize, needs to adapt almost perfectly to its host to enter the system undetected. An alien micro organism will stand out like a beacon to your immune system, it wont have a chance. And if, and I say IF, aliens were sensitive to our micro organisms (we might happen for some reason to be very similar), the opposite would be true as well; the Rosswell corpses would be deadly to humans, but we havent heard of that, right?

More Info on The Truth some people on this web site don't want you to hear:

NASA Employed Photo Artists
To Airbrush Out Apollo Anomalies!

A former NASA employee has revealed how NASA managed to cover up and erase anomalies such as UFOs from satellite photos. The employee, DONNA TIETZE HARE Formerly of NASA, was a female slide technician and received numerous space awards including 1969 Apollo Achievement award from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1973 Skylab award, a medallion for success on the Skylab-Suez Test project. Other awards for her skill as a technical Artist includes a 1994 recommendation by Texas Governor Ann Richards to the Advisory Committee of Psychology Associates.

Donna Tietze has spent most of her professional life involved in the Space Program as a technical illustrator. She drew lunar maps, landing slides and worked in the photo lab, Precision Slide Lab. Her job was to reduce art work to one inch by one inch drawings. She drew launch sites, landing sites and was employed as a sub-contractor to NASA for over 15 years. She worked on flight manuals for astronauts and has the wonderful ability to put words into images but uniquely, learn to do everything backwards, including mathematical computations, the writing of words, to put it simply, this woman has seen just about all the different kinds of images one could see that are used in Space Programs today.

Donna Tietze was interviewed on Washington D.C. Radio Station The following is a partial transcript of a radio talk show that occurred 5/6/95 on WOL-AM in Washington D.C. which is simulcast on WOLB-AM in Baltimore Maryland. The show is broadcast every Saturday night at 12:00am and is called "UFOs Saturday Night".

The guests on that date were Stanley V. McDaniel, author of the McDaniel Report, Erol Toron, a cartographer who provided valuable information for Richard Hoagland in preparing his book, "The Monuments Of Mars". Also on the program was Keith Morgan, Dan Drazon and Donna Tietze, a former employee of NASA in Houston, Texas.

The transcript below was transcribed by Donald Ratsch, "Operation Right To Know" (ORTK) from an audio recording of the show. Elaine Douglass (ORTK) is the host of the show:

Elaine Douglass: This is Elaine Douglass, WOL News-Talk Network, our show is UFOs Saturday Night and I'm here in the studio with Keith Morgan and our topic is the Face On Mars. We have a new guest on the air with us, Donna Tietze... Donna, you are also with three scientists who are on the air with us and that would be Stan McDaniels from California, Erol Toron from the east coast and Dan Drason whose in Colorado. The reason that I asked Donna to come on the show, Donna is in Houston, Texas and kind enough to join us tonight to tell us some very interesting things she observed while working at NASA. Donna is an educator and she is working on her Masters in Education. In the past Donna, as I understand that you held a position for 15 years with a contractor at the NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston. You were a photo technician?

Donna Tietze: Correct!

E.D.: Donna welcome to UFOs Saturday Night. Tell me and tell everyone the incident that you recall as they say in the law court, did there come a time when you walked in a photo lab and someone told you something quite astounding? What happened that day?

D.T.: Yes Elaine, that's true. During the Apollo mission I worked at NASA throughout those Apollo missions and I did leave NASA at the time the space shuttles began. I worked in building eight in the photo lab. I had a secret clearance so I thought I could go anywhere in the building. And I did go into one area that was a restricted area. In this area they developed pictures taken from satellites and also all of the missions, the Apollo missions, flight missions. I went in and I was talking to one of the photographers and developers and he was putting together a mosaic which is a lot of photos, smaller photos into a larger photo pattern. And while I was in there I was trying to learn new methods and new things about the whole organization and I was looking at the pictures and he directed my attention to one area, he said, Look at that. I looked and there was a round oval shaped, well it was a very white circular shape of a dot and I, it was black & white photography, so I asked him if that was a spot on the emulsion and he said, "Well I can't tell you, but spots on the emulsion do not leave round circles of shadows."

E.D.: So there was a shadow on the ground?

D.T.: Right, a round shadow! And I noticed that there were pine trees, now I don't know where this area was or what, you, pretty close to the ground what I saw but I didn't see outline of the continent. But I did notice that there was shadow under this white dot and I also noticed that the trees were casting the shadows in the same direction as this shadow of the circle of this aerial phenomena because it was higher than the trees but not too much higher than the trees but it was close to the ground and it was spherical but slightly elongated, not very much but slightly. I then said, is it a UFO? And he said, "Well I can't tell you." And then I asked him, "What are you going to do with this piece of information?" And he said, "Well we have to airbrush these things out before we sell these photographs to the public." So I realized at that point that there is a procedure setup to take care of this type of information from the public.

E.D.: Isn't that remarkable gentlemen?

Stan McDaniels: Elaine, I was unable to really hear very much of that.

E.D.: Oh really?

S. McD: I did catch air brush it out.

E.D.: Alright, Stan can you hear this station break coming up?

S. McD: Uh, sure.

E.D.: So alright, we are going into that, we'll be back in just a couple of minutes


E.D.: Erol Toron, you are here?

E.T.: I'm still here

E.D.: Alright fine, Stan you said you could not hear the account that Donna gave?

S. McD: Not very well.

E.D.: Alright, Keith would you like to recapitulate what Donna said?

Keith Morgan: Stan, what she said was that she was in the photo lab at NASA and that she was looking at some photos and one showed an elliptical, white object that was casting a shadow on the ground above some trees and the technician in there, she asked him if it was a UFO? He said "I can't tell you." She said what are you going to do with this kind of information? He said "Well that is the kind of stuff that we airbrush out."

S. McD: Oh I see, thanks for that!

E.D.: So Donna that's approximately, essentially correct what you said, right?

D.T.: Right!

E.D.: Yes well I, Stan I think that's quite startling, don't you?

S. McD: Its speaks for itself.

E.D.: Yes it certainly does, Now Donna there is another matter that you learned about when you were there at NASA. I believe this was through a third party, a person that you were spending some time with who was a fellow NASA employee?

D.T.: Right, in fact after we talked, I thought about another incident with a guard that I would like to convey too that's very important. This man that I had dated was in quarantine with the astronauts when they had come back from the moon and I had talked to him about seeing this saucer (satellite photos) and asked him if he had heard anything about that and he told me that every astronaut, every moon trip had been followed by craft, by saucers, that every one of them, every astronaut that went to the moon, now I don't know about other sites but they all had seen it and all had been told to keep quite about it and they were threatened with jail and their whole retirement, everything taken away from them. They were also, this told me that if I ever told that he said it, that he would deny it, that he would never admit that he told me all of that.

E.D.: Did you hear that Stan?

S.McD: No

E.D.: Alright, ah, go ahead Keith, recapitulate. (Keith repeats everything of that part that Donna Tietze stated, to McDaniel)

S.McD: Oh yes I see

E.D.: Yes and I believe that Donna you related to me, your friend came to believe that the UFOs were instrumental in getting Apollo 13 that was, ah, our disabled mission to the moon, was it 13?

D.T.: Right, well he said that it shouldn't have come back, I mean, there was no, ah, they had help. And that was all he would say.

E.D.: All he would say?

D.T.: He said it was impossible for that craft to have gotten back home

E.D.: Donna you said that there was another matter that you wanted to relate to us.

D.T.: Yes, something that I didn't talk to you about earlier. When I had quite work, I had an office, I was doing illustration work at another office, in another part of town. And a man that had been a guard at NASA during the time came into my office and he had a large gash scar on his forehead and he told me that he was a guard at NASA and that he was burning a lot of photographs of UFOs. That was his job.

E.D.: Really (surprised)

D.T.: And he said he stopped to look at one too long and one of the others, I gathered it was some type of military man, hit him in the head with a gun butt and knocked him out.

E.D.: What? (shocked)

D.T.: Because he had looked at one of the photographs too long, he did describe the photograph to me which I tend to believe was an accurate photograph.

E.D: Oh, my god!

D.T.: He explained that it was a craft on the ground and it looked like, it was like a regular saucer with like little bumps all over and he said it was like it was burnt. He said cows in the field all had their tails stuck straight up. At the time he said he didn't know when cattle were frightened, that their tails would stick straight up. And he described this to me and since then, I did describe it to someone that I thought might have looked at some of these photos, possibly and they did look kind of frightened that I should know about that one. (the next several minutes later the conversation is more about UFOs following Apollo crafts to the moon)

E.D.: The second part of her account had to do with the stalking of our space mission by UFOs of our space missions to the moon and so on. She even said that they apparently helped in one case by bringing the Apollo 13 back, that was the impression that she got and..

D.T.: Yes but they (aliens) also didn't want that craft to investigate the part of the moon that they were going to, so they may have caused some of it too, but it was supposed, we were told not to go but we ignored it. Now that's what I've heard, that some of the stuff he was telling me.

E.D:. Did he say that, your direct contact?

D.T.: Yes!

E.D.: That the United States was told not to go to the moon?

D.T.: To that certain place on the back side of the moon.

E.D.: And did he know why we weren't supposed to go there?

D.T.: I guess they didn't want us to see something back there, I don't know, I don't know that part. (interview winds down a few minutes later and the show is out of time)
Originally posted by Rif
A former NASA employee has revealed how NASA managed to cover up and erase anomalies such as UFOs from satellite photos. The employee, DONNA TIETZE HARE Formerly of NASA...
There was a brutally long thread in the discussion group a few years back that contained discussions that, to me, cast a rather legitimate doubt about the authenticity of Ms. Hare's claim of working as a contractor at NASA

Praise Google for archiving all of this stuff.


Youth is the first victim of war - the first fruit of peace.
It takes 20 years or more of peace to make a man;
it takes only 20 seconds of war to destroy him.
  • -- King Boudewijn I, King of Belgium (1934-1993)
Originally posted by John MacNeil
If the aliens monitor their spacecraft relative to their advanced technology, then they probably already had remotely discerned the reason for the crash and would not need to investigate it on site. For them to be on the ground recovering material at a crash site would have put many more of them in a compromising positon for an extended period of time.

If we assume that many of the UFO incidents have validity, then there are a lot of problems with this statement:

  • Their advanced technology and/or telepathic abilities should've allowed the compatriots of the crashed ship to know what happened in (nearly?) real time.
  • Reports of UFOs causing all electronic equipment in the area to go on the fritz are relatively common, so they should've had little to fear from human craft while they were in the area of the downed ship.
  • Reports of cattle mutilations by UFOs using some sort of cutting beam suggests that they have the technology to cut up and retrieve parts of the downed UFO without going to ground.
  • If they needed to go to ground, reports by Whitley Strieber (Communion) suggest that the aliens are capable of invisibility and movement thru walls, so it would appear they would have little to fear.
  • Also, the Betty and Barney Hill story suggest that UFOs have little to fear from being discovered by a small number of people as their telepathic and mind control abilities would allow them to erase the minds of the observers.
  • Any alien that can construct a UFO for traversing the vastness of space would surely have sufficient technology to destroy a downed ship (even via some form of nuke) rather than let it fall into alien (ie. our) hands.

If you're going to be a UFO believer, you've got to look at how all the reports interplay and make sure you don't start believing one incident that has already been refuted by what happened in other incidents.

In that link the guy said Donna Tietze Hare was not in NASA's phone book and used that to dismiss her credibility. But she said she worked for a contractor who worked for NASA, so maybe she was in the contractor's phone book and the contractor was in NASA's phone book.
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Well, BatM, you're assuming there was another ship handy to zip down there and clean up the crash site. What if all the other ships were busy doing something else that they couldn't just drop and leave till later?
[size=large]You mean maybe like visiting with their friends on Mars??[/size] :)

How much else is going on in this solar system for them to be busy with? Thousands of years of potential UFO visitations without positive proof of their existence would suggest that they are very good at observing safety protocols to prevent their detection. It would also suggest that they are here in fairly substantial numbers (even at warp speeds, interstellar travel takes time, so it's unlikely to be done by small numbers). At the worst, surely the mother craft would have reserve ships to send out in an emergency (remember, the Roswell craft had only 2 or 3 aliens on it).
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Hans, your assuming just Earthly diseases. I was also mentioning bacteria strains. What does an Amoeba do to you when you accidently swallow it?

In kind, you are dealing with totally alien physiology. How can you say for sure Earth's single-celled Bacteria would not be a threat? Their immune system may not for all we know be able to adopt because it might not even recognize the infection.

Sure you don't get sick from the same things that get your Dog sick, but they are still native to this planet. What I was saying is that alien physiology would be so differnt that they may have no possible immune defense against our own enviornment.
Xevious, you can look at it like this:

Jules Verne speculated that, since Mars was a more sterile environment, the Martians never developed the immunity system that we have on Earth. However, in reality, it isn't likely that a complex creature would "evolve" in a sterile environment because of the lack of "stresses" on the developing organisms to force them to evolve. So, an attack from Mars is highly unlikely.

Therefore, any aliens that do come here evolved similarly to how we did and, thus, have an immunity system of some sort. That immunity system might not be able to cope with some of the Earth based diseases, but it's also likely that they would bring something that's deadly to us (it might simply be a normal part of their digestive tract). It's also likely that, having an immunity system, they would be aware of it's limitations and have implemented quarantine protocols to prevent catching any Earth based disease.
Originally posted by John MacNeil
And would that have anything to do with secrecy, Hans?

We're talking about the late 1940s here. A deadly disease would've probably been unexpected in Roswell at this time. It's highly unlikely that the Army (it was an Army base, right?) would've had the tools to contain a truly deadly disease from an unknown pathogen.
Sure you don't get sick from the same things that get your Dog sick, but they are still native to this planet. What I was saying is that alien physiology would be so differnt that they may have no possible immune defense against our own enviornment.

But thats not how our immunity system works. Our immunity system works on the principle "Shoot first and dont ask questions afterwards". Any unknown organism entering our system will be attacked immidiately. The diseases we get have evolved so that the proteines on their cell membranes are similar to out own cells, thus they can remain undetected for while, enough to let them spread. It is very unlikely that an alien micro organism wil have any chance of getting a foothold in out body.

But, an alien culture who has decided to investigate an inhabited planet, like ours, will have assessed that problem before they even start. My basic point is, if we ever meet an alien culture, it'll be one of the most important things to happen to us EVER, so I'm tired of all the silly fantasies. I want the truth, not all the crap.


PS: OK, I'm short tempered, I need a holiday, and I'm leaving on one tomorrow, hehehe --bliss.:p


I am not sure what psuedoscience is. I run an research organization composed of scientists and aviation professionals including current and former NASA scientists and administrators who have a strong interest in unidentified aerial phenomena or UAP. This team includes the chief of the Aviation Safety Program at NASA/Ames, Brian Smith - for quotes go to our website . The director of the NASA administrated Aviation Safety Reporting System, Linda Connell, is on record acknowledging UFO reports in the NASA ASRS confidential reporting system. I have been to one location in the US where unidentified aerial phenomena or UAP seem to occur frequently, this place is similar to nearly a dozen sites around the world where UAP repeatedly manifest. I met Dr. Erling Strand there in May and we videotaped several examples, go to for info on the phenomena and current research efforts. Technical Reports may be found at . Granted, not all UAP are ET. I would suggest that any one who is certain that no UAP are ET familiarize themselves with our technical reports and those of the French (JJ-Valesco is a contributer to the COMETA- he is the director of SEPRA at CNES) and the Chileans, Gustavo Rodrigues - CEFAA. I could go on but I won't. The point is that leading edge knowledge about any topic is probably the hardest information to locate and understand. Whether it is astronomy, physics, behavioural research, animal behavior, the problem is the same. Knowledge moves slowly and requires curiosity to be of value.

There are some great thinkers who are on record - - Bernie Haisch is a great example. And unless you are specifically familiar with his work I would suggest avoiding any commentary. His work on gravitation and quantum vacuum theory is leading to research in polarized vacuum as a means of propulsion - Puthoff, Ibison and Little "Engineering the Zero-Point Field and Poarizable Vacuum for Interstellar Flight". I am certain this will lead to a rethinking of the value of ExH propulsion versus polarized vacuum. Of course, field propulsion studies are part of the space station mission.....

The scientific community has tremendous biases regarding UFO information-the primary one being that there is no hope of a career studying this topic - but I can assure you that changes are taking place. For example, I will be speaking at George Washington University along with a host of other experts on UAP and interstellar travel/civilizations next month. There are legitimate forums for credible information. It just requires curiosity and descrimination to find those sources.
If anyone is curious feel free to contact me.
A simple question:

Which of the following is the position of NARCAP and UFOSKEPTIC?

  1. We believe that people are seeing UFOs throughout the world, but we have not positively determined that any of them are of extraterrestial origin.
  2. We believe that at least some UFOs are of extraterrestial origin and we are currently seeking confirmed evidence of this belief.

My belief is that the general scientific community's position is #1 and that they are waiting for someone to do the research and come up with the positive proof. Is NARCAP going to provide that?
NARCAP has no position regarding the extraterrestrial debate.
Our interest in UAP is very narrow in scope. We are only concerned with those incidents which may represent a threat to safe aviation. We are not really concerned with observations. UAP can cause transient and permanent effects on avionics systems, physiological effects on crew (night vision blindness due to bright UAP, for example), cockpit resource management problems, and can create a perception of a near midair collision that can cause pilots to input evasive manuvers with negative consequences. Our review of the ASRS data suggests that UAP have created aviation hazards on many occasions.

With respect to the debate regarding the possible sources of UAP, NARCAP has no position. All possibilities remain open.
We can speak to the reality of UAP on a global scale. Further we can cite many examples of data-rich radar/visual cases. Finally we can suggest that the definitive work has not been done, that commonalties amongst aviation reports spanning 80 years of powered flight should not be ignored. As we continue to develop data we expect that our understanding of the various phenomena that are collectively referred to as UAP will improve. We expect that some of these understandings may reflect very important social and scientific developments.

The main complaint of science, as I understand it, is that there is no hard evidence to suggest UFO/UAP have ET as their source. I would suggest that radar data, and other instrument related data is hard evidence that something unusual is happening. It is part of an overall pattern of observations, incidents and events that have important clues including effects on environment, physiology and instrumentation. Eventually this information will "firm up" into knowledge. Knowledge is also a consensus. It is an agreement that a model of reality is consistent with what we understand about it. This model is constantly being upgraded, sometimes radically. I would suggest that information about so-called UFO or UAP is no different.

We are working on an international scale, and the commonalties of our US data with that of the rest of world begs a serious examination.
I have basically no problem with what you say. Somebody should be looking at credible reports of UFOs and UAPs to determine what they are -- as long as there is not a preconceived notion that, if they are UFOs, then "some of" them must be of extraterrestial origin. Let the data show that if it can.

The main complaint of science, as I understand it, is that there is no hard evidence to suggest UFO/UAP have ET as their source. I would suggest that radar data, and other instrument related data is hard evidence that something unusual is happening.

This is an example of what I mean. "Something unusual" is not proof of "ET as their source". Scientists approach it from the following points of view:

  1. Nothing is ever absolutely 100% certain!
  2. Tests to acquire proof must be repeatable.
  3. Proof merely adds to the certainty percentage.
  4. The certainty of a proof must be agreed upon by peers in the field.

As NARCAP (and others) do the tests and acquire the data, more scientists will buy into the prospect that there is something to study.