Proof there is no God

You just made God into an egotistical asshole, congratulations.

The comments to which you are referring were largely satirical in nature. What I was pointing out is exactly what you interpreted, but you seem to have missed the fact that I was doing it on purpose.
The comments to which you are referring were largely satirical in nature. What I was pointing out is exactly what you interpreted, but you seem to have missed the fact that I was doing it on purpose.

I know there are plenty of theists who would not read your comments in that way. Glad to have cleared things up. :D
Hmmm.... Egotistical asshole eh? I don't know how to address your asshole coment because hey, top those who can't understand something it seems like its some messed up dilemna because they're to blind to see it. To the egotistical part, perhaps he could be described that way. He's the perfect being. Comparing us to him would be similar to comparing humans to rats, do you care about the wellfare of a rat? Even so he cares, but still he has every right to be egotistical. I didn't make him sound that way, in all Abrahamic religions the prupose of man is to worship God. Since that's not what you're doing I'm afraid my argument doesn't make GOd into and egotistical asshole, but rather you. Oh and FIve miles under the ocean is about 892 times the pressure of the atmosphere and not only could crush all kinds of sedimentary rocks but the under water currents in such a cataclysmic event would be over two hundred miles perhour, obliterating debris, would be no big task for so large a force.
You are suggesting such currents would disturb existing layers to such a degree that flood debris would not be seen, which is not what we see in ocean sediment cores. The layers are relatively undisturbed in most parts of the ocean away from shore and underwater volcanoes.
I'm not suggesting that exactly. What I am suggesting is that such fast running water could literally turn a rock into sediments in a number of days.
Consider it.
The water would be saturated already with other particles and sediments. At hundreds of miles per hour small rocks and sands would ram into this large debris and quickly wear it away. On top of that as is wore a way and became structurally unsound it would have over 9000 psi weighing down on it.
Even if the layers don't seem to have been overly disturbed one could mak a case thet in fact that amount of pressure would've actually compressed and conserved the layers.
You are talking nonsense. Sediments don't disappear.

Water pressure is uniform, not like an industrial press. That's why there can be living creatures at those depths.
You are correct. There is no evidence either way aside from personal experience, which goes both ways.
If one screws up at the point of theory (such as being unable to resolve - apparently - contrary views) there's no question of approaching issues of application ... what to speak of evidence
And Dagmire so loved the Jehovah Witnesses, that he put a moat with crocodiles around every house...
And he spread out the inhabited firmaments (both on Earth and in vast far off and unaccessible planeted universe as well), so as to make ease the spreading of the word.

Yeah right. It is to laugh.
But the premise is that these stories are culturally universal, and that they all contain references to a boat and a mountain in Russia, where no actual boat has ever been found.

please provide link for russian mountain..
please provide link for russian mountain..

Here is a relevant paragraph:
"From at least the time of Eusebius (c. 275 – 339 AD) to the present day, the search for the physical remains of Noah's Ark has held a fascination for many people. Despite many rumours, evidence, sightings and expeditions, no solid proof of the ark has been found."

from this link:'s_Ark

Here are some other links:'s_ark.htm
Here is a relevant paragraph:
"From at least the time of Eusebius (c. 275 – 339 AD) to the present day, the search for the physical remains of Noah's Ark has held a fascination for many people. Despite many rumours, evidence, sightings and expeditions, no solid proof of the ark has been found."
no russian reference..

" 100 km to the southeast of the peak now known as Mount Ararat, in what is today Northern Iraq."

not russia

"It rests on a mountain in Eastern Turkey,"
still not russia..

no location given other than Mount Arrarat, which is in turkey..
Here is a relevant paragraph:
"From at least the time of Eusebius (c. 275 – 339 AD) to the present day, the search for the physical remains of Noah's Ark has held a fascination for many people. Despite many rumours, evidence, sightings and expeditions, no solid proof of the ark has been found."

I would imagine that after the flood people would have needed to rebuild and since God promised never to flood the earth again the Ark would have become redundant. Does anyone really think it wouldn't have been stripped down for the raw material?
This link from my original post is for the "Valley of Kaat"
At any rate, there is zero credible evidence Noah's ark ever existed.

map for arrarat


I suppose it is close enough to the russian border to be referenced as in russia..

and i searched for valley of kaat and the mount calff did not return anything of use..

but yes, searches for the Arc are in vain because of the resource argument..
and i searched for valley of kaat and the mount calff did not return anything of use..

The "Valley of Kaat" story involving the locating of an Islamic plaque in the ruins of the Ark. In one of the links debunking the "Valley of Kaat" story, there is a reference to the "Valley of Kiev" as an alternative name. The people involved were Russians. The geographic nameserver gave positive hits in Russia and Estonia. All this indicates (but does not prove) that the valley is in Russia.
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