Proof there is a God

So what does it do? And how would you distinguish between between it doing things and nature doing things?

It can pop into and out of existence. It can also merge with and respond back to you by the sunlight in the room.

This song and music video really relates to what I experienced...

Sounds like pareidolia. Would someone else in the room have had the same interpretation?
Sounds like pareidolia. Would someone else in the room have had the same interpretation?

Oh yes, definitely. It was a truly unique occurrence. And objective too. I was actually witnessing the lighting in the room corresponding to the good and bad thoughts I was having. And the feeling I had was great/ ineffable. The feeling and the influencing of the light went hand in hand. But I've also noticed the lighting change even when I did not have the feeling of ineffability.
:) Then you can do better? :biggrin:

I renamed my cat God.
Oh yes, definitely. It was a truly unique occurrence. And objective too. I was actually witnessing the lighting in the room corresponding to the good and bad thoughts I was having. And the feeling I had was great/ ineffable. The feeling and the influencing of the light went hand in hand. But I've also noticed the lighting change even when I did not have the feeling of ineffability.

I smoke weed too!
My whole existence is dedicated to proving the unseen.

'Proving the unseen' to whom?

Just you? If so, then why do you post here? Why do you try to involve all of the rest of us in things that are private only to you?

Or are you hoping to prove (whatever it is that you want to prove) to us too?

If that's what you want to do, then you will have to actually communicate with other people. You will have to say things that make sense to them and not just to you.

You will have to explain your ideas and give people some idea what you are trying to say. And you will have to give people some persuasive reasons why they should think that you might be right.

If you hope to provide a 'proof', or even a sound argument, you will have to tell people not only what your conclusions are, but also how you arrived at them. People need to know what your initial assumptions were, and why those assumptions are plausible. And people need to know how your conclusions follow logically from your assumptions.
'Proving the unseen' to whom?

Just you? If so, then why do you post here? Why do you try to involve all of the rest of us in things that are private only to you?

Or are you hoping to prove (whatever it is that you want to prove) to us too?

Yes. And to get feedback and knowledge.

If that's what you want to do, then you will have to actually communicate with other people. You will have to say things that make sense to them and not just to you.

You will have to explain your ideas and give people some idea what you are trying to say. And you will have to give people some persuasive reasons why they should think that you might be right.

If you hope to provide a 'proof', or even a sound argument, you will have to tell people not only what your conclusions are, but also how you arrived at them. People need to know what your initial assumptions were, and why those assumptions are plausible. And people need to know how your conclusions follow logically from your assumptions.

Alright. I will gradually do so in time. Currently I do not have the internet at home but when I do I will be able to express myself in more thoughtful ways because I will have more time to think.
Oh yes, definitely. It was a truly unique occurrence. And objective too.

I don't believe that.

I was actually witnessing the lighting in the room corresponding to the good and bad thoughts I was having.

I told you before, go to the University of Toronto and perform the trick in the presence of witnesses. Do it in the presence of measuring instruments. Become the most famous man on Earth and give some professors the opportunity to win Nobel prizes.

If you can't do it in the presence of witnesses and instruments, if it's something that's perceivable only by you, then it would seem to be entirely subjective.

And the feeling I had was great/ ineffable. The feeling and the influencing of the light went hand in hand. But I've also noticed the lighting change even when I did not have the feeling of ineffability.

The word 'ineffable' doesn't mean 'great' or 'blissful'. It means 'impossible to put into words', or perhaps more accurately, 'impossible to describe in propositional form'. Many religious experiences are ineffable, as are emotional and aesthetic feelings, the experience of colors and sounds, and many aspects of life.

So how does you having a subjective feeling of greatness or bliss imply anything about the nature of reality? What has it got to do with Langan's incomprehensible speculations?
Oh yes, definitely. It was a truly unique occurrence. And objective too. I was actually witnessing the lighting in the room corresponding to the good and bad thoughts I was having. And the feeling I had was great/ ineffable. The feeling and the influencing of the light went hand in hand. But I've also noticed the lighting change even when I did not have the feeling of ineffability.
That sounds subjective, since your feelings are subjective.
Brain tumor. Pretty much explains everything about spellbound.
The James Randi challenge springs to mind.

Use your connection with god to influence the light.
There's a million in it for you.
'Proving the unseen' to whom?

Just you? If so, then why do you post here? Why do you try to involve all of the rest of us in things that are private only to you?

Or are you hoping to prove (whatever it is that you want to prove) to us too?

If that's what you want to do, then you will have to actually communicate with other people. You will have to say things that make sense to them and not just to you.

You will have to explain your ideas and give people some idea what you are trying to say. And you will have to give people some persuasive reasons why they should think that you might be right.

If you hope to provide a 'proof', or even a sound argument, you will have to tell people not only what your conclusions are, but also how you arrived at them. People need to know what your initial assumptions were, and why those assumptions are plausible. And people need to know how your conclusions follow logically from your assumptions.

One word: Panpsychism. It is absolutely impossible to access this feature or property of the universe under normal conditions. I've yelled out to God and He did not respond. Yet I still yelled "PLEASE". Then later He responded. I don't know too many people outside of internet reports that have witnessed panpsychism in action besides myself. Just over 10+ times in the past 3 years. This indicates a greater experiencing of an empirical reality exists.