PROOF that God/s can exist

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c7ityi_ said:
nothing doesn't have to be created, it is, and it has always been.

It is possible to do a Vacuum/Pressure, the only problem is tempeture. [Empty] was before extreme low tempeture. Does cold have a limit ? :bugeye:

How cold was space before the bigbang ?
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When I read about the experiments scientists are doing to recreate the big bang, to create life forms etc, it then occurred to me quite simply (and there really is no need to complicate it and no evidence is required as it is only case of 'could be the case' not 'is the case') if creating a 'world' is in our future, wherein we ourselves, will be viweing, observing perhaps interferring, then its conceivable at some point in time its already been done. This is all I am asking people to consider, just to enjoy the magic of that thought?
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Mythbuster said:
Does cold have a limit ? :bugeye:


according to me, atoms generate heat. at this theoretical temperature, atomic motions would stop.

How cold was space before the bigbang ?

the big bang never happened. and there couldn't be any 'before' big bang since time itself was supposedly created by it. of course, time can't start "somewhere in time", neither can the universe. time is a concept arising from change and motion.
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