PROOF that God/s can exist

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Imagine this:

It is VERY possible in the future we will create a life form and then we will give it some place to exist while we observe it. We become fond of our little life forms, and interfere with their existance from time to time, although the big plan is to let them get on with it and see what happens. We may have SOOOOOOO many life forms we have to hire others to do the viewing. They may also interfere in our little life forms lives, even though against the rules!

ok, this is entirely feasible as we are already trying to do it!

So................if its possible then now we must accept its possible its already been done.

Perhaps its already been done and we are THOSE lifeforms.

God, Gods are our scientist creators, sometimes they interfere sometimes they don't, sometimes they answer our prayers sometimes they don't. Just like we sometimes would, sometimes would not, as we have other stuff to do outside of our observational duties! Explains a lot ay? Or not? Who knows. My petri dish needs changing.

(I copied this -my post from another thread)
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If people suddenly appeared on this planet, then I might agree. However, the Earth has a long history of lifeforms, and recently a variety of hominids from which we evolved. In other words, there is no place in history that needs the explanation of extraterrestrial interference.
spidergoat said:
If people suddenly appeared on this planet, then I might agree. However, the Earth has a long history of lifeforms, and recently a variety of hominids from which we evolved. In other words, there is no place in history that needs the explanation of extraterrestrial interference.

hey when we invent our lifeforms we won't be extra terrestials will we?
Maybe the project was called 'project evolution' ;)

with a few crazy non evolutionary deisgns thrown in such as platepus!
Theoryofrelativity said:
hey when we invent our lifeforms we won't be extra terrestials will we?
Maybe the project was called 'project evolution' ;)

with a few crazy non evolutionary deisgns thrown in such as platepus!
religion and the 'project'

when our little experimentees went on rampage, we decided to bring some order and tried to add a few rules to the mix via......who ever came up with most creative story line!!!...christs birth being quite dramatic! stars, virgin bride, animals, special effects!!! or less exciting, dictating a book slowly to Mohammed. Few other projects over the yrs to see what effect would be. Don't forget ongoing experiment, gets boring if no change? How will our bosses stop us destroying ourselves? maybe they won't, maybe they have new project and will let us get on with it???nooooooooooo
But, seriously, I think I read somewhere about this. Scientist predict that in the future we will be able to create artificial universes in cyberspace. If people went to live in an artificial universe in cyberspace, there's no way of knowing for the people 'born' there that it isn't the 'real' reality. We wouldn't have the laws of physics, though, cause then we would have to know all the laws of physics, which we don't, and then program it into the computer making the virtual reality which would then generate every single possible options of action. Fairly inconcieveable.
illuminatingtherapy said:
But, seriously, I think I read somewhere about this. Scientist predict that in the future we will be able to create artificial universes in cyberspace. If people went to live in an artificial universe in cyberspace, there's no way of knowing for the people 'born' there that it isn't the 'real' reality. We wouldn't have the laws of physics, though, cause then we would have to know all the laws of physics, which we don't, and then program it into the computer making the virtual reality which would then generate every single possible options of action. Fairly inconcieveable.

This isn't a computer generated universe though this is real, and so is the case that scientists are actually in process of creating real biological life!
They are attempting to reproduce the big bang!

In future this will no doubt expand to bigger and bigger project, project Earth! oops been done already, project BUSH?
I was talking future, though a little digretion from the thread. But, I'm up for the idea. Would love to be some kind of roman or chinese emperor. Or even have the title 'Creator'. Great ego enhancement. But if scientists can create, we could have been created by scientists?
illuminatingtherapy said:
I was talking future, though a little digretion from the thread. But, I'm up for the idea. Would love to be some kind of roman or chinese emperor. Or even have the title 'Creator'. Great ego enhancement. But if scientists can create, we could have been created by scientists?

precisely, G.O.D

Could be initials for qualifications obtained in the field of world design?
That's not "proof". That's not even a hypothesis.

It's an interesting and imaginative idea, but then how do you explain the life forms you claim are taking care of us? Where did they come from? Are they in turn being taken care of by even greater life forms? Where does it end? And is it even a necessary explanation? Wouldn't it be simpler to conclude that that's not how it is until we have evidence that suggests otherwise? Keep it simple, students.

Theoryofrelativity said:
Could be initials for qualifications obtained in the field of world design?
Or could be a generic word which has cognates in several Germanic languages?
Athelwulf said:
That's not "proof". That's not even a hypothesis.

It's an interesting and imaginative idea, but then how do you explain the life forms you claim are taking care of us? Where did they come from? Are they in turn being taken care of by even greater life forms? Where does it end? And is it even a necessary explanation? Wouldn't it be simpler to conclude that that's not how it is until we have evidence that suggests otherwise?

ok, so where did the gases come from that started the big bang? And where did the stuff that started the stuff that started the stuff....those questions alaready exist whatever explanation we have for how we came to exist?

I'm not saying this is how it is, I'm just saying that as this is what lies in our own future, IT IS possible it HAS already been done! And moreover, you think about all the mysteries of the world, this little idea kind of could explain them all?
Plus maybe the lifeforms that created us were created via the process of evolution that came from the big bang! :) there we're all winners! it just goes on, the life forms we create will go on to create their own life forms, so on so on so on
Theoryofrelativity said:
ok, so where did the gases come from that started the big bang? And where did the stuff that started the stuff that started the stuff....
You are thinking within the constricts of our laws of physics, which were set some time after the Big Bang. It's likely that matter and energy did spontaneously appear before those laws were set. But no one can say for sure, though we will know when we have a better idea of how the universe actually started. There's no need for fantasy.

Theoryofrelativity said:
I'm not saying this is how it is, I'm just saying that as this is what lies in our own future, IT IS possible it HAS already been done!
That is a contradictory statement. You say it has been done, which in turn says that that's how it is. Oh, and, where's your evidence that this "HAS already been done"?

Theoryofrelativity said:
And moreover, you think about all the mysteries of the world, this little idea kind of could explain them all?
It might, but it could also raise more questions. And the fact remains that it's fantasy. You can't just take a set of questions and invent some imaginative concept to explain them. Science just doesn't work like that.
Theoryofrelativity said:
Plus maybe the lifeforms that created us were created via the process of evolution that came from the big bang! :) there we're all winners! it just goes on, the life forms we create will go on to create their own life forms, so on so on so on
It's simpler just to say that we came to be via evolution and the Big Bang. Why take the unnecessary step?
Your talking about 2 different worlds here.

Computer = perfect created world
Universe = fractal chaotic world
Atoms are naturally fractal. They dont need to create atoms to create a mini universe. it'a all included in nature. I know that there's voids on atoms but to realy create an atom out of nowhere... they first need to know how to create a void...

To create the nothing first before the smallest particle of an atom.

Another problem is tempeture. How could they test in a very cold environment ?
Theoryofrelativity said:
I did not say it had been done? The thread says

Proof God/s can exists (CAN not do) :)
I blame the illiterate idiots that inhabit the Internet for my mentally placing a period where it shouldn't have gone. :(

Theoryofrelativity said:
And as we are on verge of doing just this ourselves, it is conceivable its been done? Is it not conceivable?
Remotely. But it's highly unlikely that that is the case for us. It not only assumes that there is an upper level where these life forms live, but also that the universe is so organized and hierarchical that things that can happen on our level are likely to happen on that upper level as well. Both have to be proven before you can even begin to go down the path you're going down.

I'm gonna say this a bit more clearly.

Your idea is very far-fetched. In fact, it's almost pure fantasy. You know why? Because you have not offered us evidence that suggests you are right. Emphasis on "evidence".

You have a poor understanding of how science works. Here are a few basic things that you need to know:

:- You look at a set of unexplained facts, and you find a hypothesis. That is, you find a logical explanation that is backed up by some actual evidence and that fits how we know our world to be.
:- You test that hypothesis to see if it's right before you can say anything conclusively. This is what we call the empirical method.
:- You cannot make up explanations that require one to suppose something else is true. Like I said before, it has to fit how we know our world to be.
:- Science is not about explanations born straight out of fantasy (your original supposition). You have to have evidence that suggests you're right.
:- Science is not about explanations that compromise (your "everybody-wins" supposition). Science is nothing like politics. You don't aim to please in science.
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