The Scriptures are clear - If science contradicts the Scriptures, then it is Science that is wrong, this is all the more evident today. Science must always agree with The Scriptures for The Creator is The Master Scientist.
In the middle ages, demonists posing as Christians were responsible for the persecution of breakthrough scientists.
But remember, it was the Christians themselves who fought for the change when it became evident that the devil had infilterated The Church.
There are many misguided individuals like you.
Be glad however that the prophet Daniel said that in the last days, the Light of Truth shall shine out like a Mighty Light and the devil shall no longer be able to silence the Good and Just!!
You are living in the last days, everything is moving faster towards the Grand Climax of he Second Coming.
I am bringing you a different message - one that is different from what you have come to expect of so called Christians. But that is the past.
I care for you and again I extend my hands in Welcome!!!!! You still have Hope yet.