Proof that God may actually exist.


Who Cares
Valued Senior Member
One of the most miraculous stories out of the Bible is the story of Moses and the parting of the Red Sea. The proof of this account litters the Middle East. With all the physical evidence found in Saudi Arabia: The burned mountain top, Elijah's cave, the altars built at the foot, the hebrew etchings, the split rock that made a lake, and the bitter springs, is this proof enough that God exists? Not really.

Since this is enough evidence to support that the story of Moses and the Israelites is true, I would say yes. Usually when we have physical evidence of a documented account, we can say that the account is true since the evidence exists. Still, this does not prove that God exists, only that Moses found many geological phenomenons.

The most astounding proof that I can find so far is that of the chariot wheels, axles, and the land bridge that was used to cross the sea. There are formations of coral along a bridge of land underwater. The coral are accurately consistent with Egyptian chariot specifications and dimensions of that time period. Unfortunately, wood does not last in water because coral eats it, but they keep the shape of what they ate. So, along this underwater land bridge, we can assume that many chariots were submerged, which is consistent with the splitting of the Red Sea account. This is powerful evidence of God because it is impossible to spilt a body of water without an indefinite amount of energy, which they did not know so much about as we do today.

What more evidence do we need to say that the exodus of the Israelites was nothing short of the handiwork of God?
jayleew: One of the most miraculous stories out of the Bible is the story of Moses and the parting of the Red Sea. The proof of this account litters the Middle East. With all the physical evidence found in Saudi Arabia: The burned mountain top, Elijah's cave, the altars built at the foot, the hebrew etchings, the split rock that made a lake, and the bitter springs, is this proof enough that God exists? Not really.

Since this is enough evidence to support that the story of Moses and the Israelites is true, I would say yes. Usually when we have physical evidence of a documented account, we can say that the account is true since the evidence exists. Still, this does not prove that God exists, only that Moses found many geological phenomenons.

The most astounding proof that I can find so far is that of the chariot wheels, axles, and the land bridge that was used to cross the sea. There are formations of coral along a bridge of land underwater. The coral are accurately consistent with Egyptian chariot specifications and dimensions of that time period. Unfortunately, wood does not last in water because coral eats it, but they keep the shape of what they ate. So, along this underwater land bridge, we can assume that many chariots were submerged, which is consistent with the splitting of the Red Sea account. This is powerful evidence of God because it is impossible to spilt a body of water without an indefinite amount of energy, which they did not know so much about as we do today.

What more evidence do we need to say that the exodus of the Israelites was nothing short of the handiwork of God?
M*W: I find it quite amazing that you have found the evidence of the Exodus when a team of the world's foremost biblical scholars and archeologists found absolutely nothing when they dug up the Exodus route. I guess that would make you a liar.
...or else the popular scholars and archeologists as liars.

MW, you can save space by only putting part of the quote. just a thought...
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I find it quite amazing that you have found the evidence of the Exodus when a team of the world's foremost biblical scholars and archeologists found absolutely nothing when they dug up the Exodus route. I guess that would make you a liar.

They found nothing because they looked in the wrong place. They assumed that the traditional site of Mt. Sinai was in the Sinai Penninsula. My wife noticed a map in the back of her King James bible that has the site of Mt. Sinai in the Sinai penninsula. So the scholars clearly ignored scriptures when it said that it is in land of Midian. Midian is the western coastal region of Saudi Arabi. The traditional route of the Exodus journey takes the Israelites to the Red Sea, where if it were void of water, would be an impassible chasm as large as deep as the Grand Canyon. Not only that, but if you were leading refugees away from a military presence you don't go into a region of heavy garrisoned land, as the traditional route is shown to be. Besides, that the Saudi Arabian government would not have allowed entry into the country to dig the real site. Still today, it is guarded. Yes, an empty, burned mountain, fenced and barren is guarded. The locals know it is the site like we would know that there is a grocery store on the corner.

The foremost biblical scholars failed to take notice of the small details of the Bible's account. They said, "Yep, this is it." Without even a shred of evidence, just because the Peninsula bears the name Sinai.
jayleew said:
...So, along this underwater land bridge, we can assume that many chariots were submerged, which is consistent with the splitting of the Red Sea account. This is powerful evidence of God because it is impossible to spilt a body of water without an indefinite amount of energy, which they did not know so much about as we do today.

What more evidence do we need to say that the exodus of the Israelites was nothing short of the handiwork of God?

Physical evidence exists for *something*, that something is related to a
fantastic story / claim, for that something to exist in it's current state is
declared 'impossible' without an action by 'God'; therefore, 'God' did it.

In reality the evidence supports the existence of a bridge... not 'God'. I
would follow the evidence further as opportunity presents itself.
That is a remarkable piece of information.
Information that, if it is allowed to be told to the world, will rock humanity to its very foundations.

I once found semen on my shorts, which only proved that I was savagely raped.
Thank you for reinforcing my already low opinion of mankind and, in particular, of Americans. I can only surmise that you are an American.
This level of intellectual fortitude, from my personal experience, can only come from that bastion of western civilization and morality the USA.
Off Topic (Sorry).


Thank you for reinforcing my already low opinion of mankind and, in particular, of Americans.


This level of intellectual fortitude, from my personal experience, can only come from that bastion of western civilization and morality the USA.

There are quite a few of us "Americans" here. And while I am generally indifferent to nationalism, your sort of comments reflect more on the country of your origin and you personally, than anything else.

Please refrain or take it to the political forums or risk death by flaming.
His message was ambiguous enough that I couldn't tell if he was bashing
myself or jayleew... and if he wants to clarify then so be it.
Are you sure that you are not reading backwards, how do you know that the geographical phonomenom was created and therefore the story of th parting of the red see was writtten as a answer to this
Pi-Sudoku said:
Are you sure that you are not reading backwards, how do you know that the geographical phonomenom was created and therefore the story of th parting of the red see was writtten as a answer to this

Good point, how do we know that everything in the history books is not just a tale of geopgraphical and archeological evidence?

We can logically piece together information that would support that aliens created the pyramids.

So, at what point do we all concede that an account is fact?
Speaking of fact. Why is evolution not considered a belief when it also cannot be scientifically observed? Instead, man scientists have faith that it is true.
What qualifies a theory to be accepted as scientific? The famous evolutionist, George Gaylord Simpson, said, "It is inherent in any definition of science that statements that cannot be checked by observation are not really about anything . . . or at the very least, they are not science."

In order for something to be a fact, scientifically, it must be observed! Neither evolution or Christianity can be proven.
Speaking of fact. Why is evolution not considered a belief when it also cannot be scientifically observed? Instead, man scientists have faith that it is

You are mistaken. Apology accepted.

Microevolution is observed regularly in bacterial colonies. Macroevolution is documented and observed in the fossil record, and the genetic code. Evolution of species can be traced through genetic mutation rates of non-coding sequences since they persist - even across species!

Feel better?
superluminal said:
Macroevolution is documented and observed in the fossil record, and the genetic code. Evolution of species can be traced through genetic mutation rates of non-coding sequences since they persist - even across species!

What case(s) of macroevolution have been observed in the fossil record? Bear in mind that fossils are big business. Whoever can produce the evidence you speak of will become very wealthy, so there are many very good false fossils on the market that do not stand to scrutiny of the paleontological community.

Macroevolution has never been tested in a laboratory. It can't because of the amount of time needed to observe natural selection.

No one can prove that God exists as well as if we are the result of macroevolution and the process of natural selection. If you believe in Evolutionary theory, you have faith that it is so and science just has not yet uncovered it.

Macroevolution has never been tested in a laboratory. It can't because of the amount of time needed to observe natural selection.

Yes you are right. If you don't like it it's a conspiracy or it dosen't exist. Fakes, etc. Stick your head in the sand.

Please read the following:

Observed Speciations

Speciation has been observed. In the plant genus Tragopogon, two new species have evolved within the past 50-60 years. They are T. mirus and T. miscellus. The new species were formed when one diploid species fertilized a different diploid species and produced a tetraploid offspring. This tetraploid offspring could not fertilize or be fertilized by either of its two parent species types. It is reproductively isolated, the definition of a species.
jayleew: Speaking of fact. Neither evolution or Christianity can be proven.
M*W: Funny you should say that! I've always said Christianity is just a figment of the imagination.