Proof that God exists.

The proof is staring back at you

If you want the proof that God exists... look in the mirror.

That person there, with all the hang ups, hobbies, foibles, and phobias. You are the living testement to God.

No other creature on Earth can create for the joy of creative expression. No other creature on Earth can feel acute self-awareness, compassion, eloquence, genius, or intimacy. Or doubt.

No, YOU are not an animal. You are a human being. Created in the (emotional) image of God. Alone of all creatures you have both a soul (life force) and a spirit (consciousness/emotions). It is the spirit which gives you all the beauty of being human. Unlike an animal whose every waking thought and deed revolves around self-peservation, humans have the capacity to be unselfish. "Instinct" in animals is replaced by "intellect" in humans.

Those who destroy, murder, maim, torture and hate are those who have dulled the beautiful human faculties. Acting like an animal means losing artistry, modesty, poetry, and joy.

Could a leopard ever comprehend the idea of generosity, for instance? No.

So you want proof that God exists? Look in the mirror.

Maybe you disagree. You think humans are just animals. Then look yourself in the mirror, deeply in the eyes and say to yourself "You are nothing more than a talking animal."

If you want the proof that God exists... look in the mirror.

Finally, Ekimklaw realises that I am the one true god! Yay.

That person there, with all the hang ups, hobbies, foibles, and phobias. You are the living testement to God.

Let's pretend for a moment that God for sure doesn't exist. Humans DO exist in their current state. Are they still a living testament to Me?

No other creature on Earth can create for the joy of creative expression. No other creature on Earth can feel acute self-awareness, compassion, eloquence, genius, or intimacy. Or doubt.

I know, being god, I can do all that stuff better than mere mortals such as yourself.

No, YOU are not an animal. You are a human being. Created in the (emotional) image of God. Alone of all creatures you have both a soul (life force) and a spirit (consciousness/emotions). It is the spirit which gives you all the beauty of being human. Unlike an animal whose every waking thought and deed revolves around self-peservation, humans have the capacity to be unselfish. "Instinct" in animals is replaced by "intellect" in humans.

Any living creature that isn't a plant is an animal. Humans are animals. By dictionary definition, humans are monkeys as well as animals.

I, however, am a different kind of creature, I exist as a body of energy which possesses whichever body suits Me.

Those who destroy, murder, maim, torture and hate are those who have dulled the beautiful human faculties. Acting like an animal means losing artistry, modesty, poetry, and joy.

Non-human animals have artistry. Case in point: Ruby the Painting Elephant from the local zoo in the city where I live, known nationwide for her paintings. She died a couple years ago when she had an operation to try to remove a dead baby elephant.

Modesty: women of many species will show this to you.

Poetry: that comes with speech. For all we know, dolphins or apes have poetry (it has, essentially, been proven that apes have language as is evidenced by the same pattern of screeches every time you show them a certain object that they want to tell other apes about, ie grapes or bananas)

Joy: Dolphins. Dogs after feeding. Other animals have emotions as well, although some are extremely simplistic.

Could a leopard ever comprehend the idea of generosity, for instance? No.

Now you're being a fucking supremacist asshole. Go off and die, supremacist shit.

So you want proof that God exists? Look in the mirror.

I think it's obvious that I exist, otherwise I wouldn't be making this post.

Maybe you disagree. You think humans are just animals. Then look yourself in the mirror, deeply in the eyes and say to yourself "You are nothing more than a talking animal."

But I am not, and for what reason should one refer to oneself in the second person? If I were a mere mortal, I'd be able to truthfully say that. I'll ask my mortal grandchildren to try it and if I do not see the expected outcome, they'll get to go to heaven anyways, even if they don't believe I exist, or even if they think I am evil, because I FUCKING LOVE THEM UNCONDITIONALLY UNLIKE THAT FUCKING ASSHOLE THE CHRISTIAN GOD [who I don't believe exists, but from the description given he obviously doesn't really love humans]

[edit to add that I do not live in the zoo]
<i>No other creature on Earth can create for the joy of creative expression. No other creature on Earth can feel acute self-awareness, compassion, eloquence, genius, or intimacy. Or doubt.</i>

It's this kind of thinking which has propagated the idea that it is ok to mistreat animals, ignoring any feelings they may have. The fact is, you have no evidence that non-human animals are not self-aware, that they lack compassion etc. It's just your favorite book which tells you that. Scientific evidence is to the contrary.

<i>No, YOU are not an animal. You are a human being.</i>

Yes I am. Humans are animals, by any sensible definition of the word.

<i>Alone of all creatures you have both a soul (life force) and a spirit (consciousness/emotions).</i>

Where's the evidence for that?

<i>Acting like an animal means losing artistry, modesty, poetry, and joy.</i>

You obviously have little first-hand experience of animals.

<i>Maybe you disagree. You think humans are just animals. Then look yourself in the mirror, deeply in the eyes and say to yourself "You are nothing more than a talking animal."</i>

Being nothing more that a talking animal is still a worthy goal indeed.
Gainsaying the Christian

C'mon James, you're just yanking my chain.

Ever heard of the 7 wonders of the ancient world? How many were created by wild animals?

How many works of poetry or art has an animal (through it's own personal motivation) created?

Name anything creative that animals make that doesn't revolve around food, mating or shelter.

This is silly. You should be very careful Here James. There is something called "credibility". You run the risk of endangering yours if you insist that humans are nothing more than any other animal. Pathetic.

Ok now "gainsay the Christian" and get it over with.


C'mon James, you're just yanking my chain.

Get your hands off him JamesR, he's mine!

Right, bad Xev, no making double-entendres out of everything Mike says. Ummmm.....

Okay, chimpanzees make music spontaneously, in the wild.

<i>Ever heard of the 7 wonders of the ancient world? How many were created by wild animals?</i>

How many non-human animals were on the committee which drew up the list?

<i>How many works of poetry or art has an animal (through it's own personal motivation) created?</i>

Poetry requires language, and we don't know much about animal languages. Who is to say what animal art might be?

<i>This is silly. You should be very careful Here James. There is something called "credibility". You run the risk of endangering yours if you insist that humans are nothing more than any other animal. Pathetic.</i>

Why pathetic? Because I disagree with you? Interesting.

I am quite happy to say that humans are not "above" animals in the way you obviously think they are. You can't show otherwise.
Yea... right.

...It cannot come from society. They have no right to force their values on me. I can only derive absolute moral obligation (conscience) from a higher being. Therefore God exists.

If someone does not have the right to force their values on you then how come Christian missionaries have been doing that for centuries wherever they go? They enter the new land and criticize the belief systems of the natives and then pretty much force them to convert to the "good side".

I know this is a little off topic but I had to speak my mind on this specific point in the original post, very irritating when people are hypocritical like that.
Thanks for the fish.
Much love to whoever catches that quote.
I will now search for sites on primate language, perhaps somebody could make a writing system for primate languages (ie me) so that we may make written notations of them.

As of now we aren't sure if primates can say things such as "the apples taste wonderful", but we're sure they can say things like "apples" and "good taste". The big question is, can they link them in a sentence (in many languages sentences are formed this way), "apples delicious"?

Note that the lack of a verb in a sentence in many languages implies a copula (the "to equal" sense of the verb "to be", the other sense, "to exist", is a verb), however in English-language mass entertainment we are led to believe that cavepeople spoke this way. Perhaps, but who knows...?
"Most of the domesticated primates of Terra did not know they
were primates. They thought they were something apart from
and "superior" to the rest of the planet."
-Schrödinger's Cat Trilogy

"We're living on the Planet of the Apes. Is that funny or serious?"
-Robert Anton Wilson

"It is of interest to note that while some dolphins are reported to
have learned English--up to fifty words used in correct context--no
human being has been reported to have learned dolphinese."
-Carl Sagan

Koko Art

Article on Koko

Animal Mind
About the language of animals

Just out of curiosity, (and I know it's off the topic) can anyone dispute the idea that animals may communicate with each other with what we humans would refer to as 'telepathy'?

Teri :)
Hi Teri 2,

There is no good evidence that animals communicate telepathically, despite some books being written on the subject. There's a guy called Richard Sheldrake who has written several books supposedly showing the telepathic and precognitive powers of animals, but this work is considered suspect by most people in the scientific community.
Hi James R,

Thanks for the reply to that inquiry. Although I put it out there, I'm not really sure if I would believe it myself. Although, when watching wild life documentaries, there are times when the idea is not that crazy. An example would be when a large flock of birds take off at the same time, and in the same direction, without provocation by anything in particular. Even insects seem to have purpose in their daily activities. There are lots of examples, but now, with your reply, you've brought me to the question of how science views telepathy in general?

As someone who is in this field do you know anything about this topic?

Again, I'm on a new tangent, but what are these threads for, if not new ideas, or a search for answers?

Teri :)

PS. My PC looks like it's going to kark (sp?) it anytime now, so if you reply and I don't answer for a week or so, you'll know why.
Hi Teri,

<i>...when watching wild life documentaries, there are times when the idea is not that crazy. An example would be when a large flock of birds take off at the same time, and in the same direction, without provocation by anything in particular.</i>

That can be explained simply by birds watching their nearest neighbours carefully.

<i>There are lots of examples, but now, with your reply, you've brought me to the question of how science views telepathy in general?</i>

There is no credible scientific evidence for telepathy. That may seem surprising, given that so many people claim to either have that power or to have experienced it in some form. But it's true. Anecdotes alone do not constitute good evidence. Whenever claimed telepathic powers have been rigorously tested they have been found not to exist.
Hi James R,

My PC did fall down on the job, so this is the first chance I've had to reply. I wanted to email you to watch SBS the other night because there was a program which scientifically looked at the possibility of linking physics to precognition, instinct and telepathy. Although I'm not sure they proved their case, it was very interesting to watch. The program was called David Suzuki's, "The nature of things". I'm back on the internet so I might hunt around for some more information.

The idea of humans having abilities that we haven't been able to access yet, is something I hope gets a little more attention in the future. Science is such a broad and, in certain areas, unchartered subject, I'm really keen to find out more.

Thanks for your answers on the forums. It's always great to have someone to run an idea past.
