Proof that God does not exist.

Any questions?
Why can you get a photo of your God and others can only make unsupported claims?
Is this clear evidence that the others, all 3000 plus, are only made up...dont answer as clearly yes...where do I send money to reserve my place in the next life...but look if the next life is booked out please put me in the one after.
Its funny but its not, I mean you have all the elements to guarantee a huge following...heck he has a car space ship ... The appeal for me is it is so now.

But you cant see his face but thats OK as most other Gods you dont see zip.

Jan knows he can not offer anything but you gotta give it to him. . who else could even keep a straight face whilst argueing in favour of fantasy. He has everything to replace our PM its a pity the citizen ship thing would stop him running as really I find him more believable than any polly we have.

And Jan keeps going even though beaten he does not give up another quality of a good polly.

heck he has a car space ship

Yep. Upgraded the sandels

who else could even keep a straight face

Wait you have seen his face? I take it you saw it on a piece of toast considering how many times he has been toasted in this thread

where do I send money to reserve my place in the next life.

Bank on me - Account number and name - Infinite Michael go to Bali

But you cant see his face

The helmet is to keep the halo in place

Wait you have seen his face?
I imagined it thats all you need.
I take it you saw it on a piece of toast considering how many times he has been toasted in this thread
I have worked out how to do a portrait on a pizza bread so I am going to make a fortune...I figure you roll out the pastry and paint in oil your image and fry it..I will start with JC and his mom ...shall I put one aside for you.
I imagined it thats all you need.

I have worked out how to do a portrait on a pizza bread so I am going to make a fortune...I figure you roll out the pastry and paint in oil your image and fry it..I will start with JC and his mom ...shall I put one aside for you.

Sure why not. If you can paint in oil my profile image I'll take a Portrait Pizza (there's your franchise name)

You can also make a generic pizza for all the other religions. Plain pastry, no toppings, no oil

Get your Portrait Pizza here with the face of your god

If they complain they can't see the face your answer is


Well I suggest that the irony is that you, the supporter of the fantasy makes such demands whilst still not completing the first step of giving a reason why you offer

My theism is only a fantasy from an atheist viewpoint. As such there is no need to contradict.

Are you seriously suggesting that because I cannot offer proof of God, that is suitable for atheists to accept, there is no God?

Silly question. Of course you are.

I laid it out and you missed it. What

It's sad that you have come down to this.

What proof do you refer to ..crying statues, pan cakes with a burn that folk fantasize is JC...
All that stuff is so much like UFO accounts...

Really? That's what you got from Google?

OK given there is so much proof why is it you never offer any?

I offer good explanations, and they go clear over your head.
You're not ready, or suited to these types of discussions.

If you have anything go ahead but I certainly wont hold my breath.

This thread is proof that God does not exist. You've offered absolutely nothing that can be called proof. I've offered more than you have in that regard.

But I will stop badgering you about proof, because obviously it is impossible.
I was just pulling your chain all along.

You really did miss it didnt you...already proved.
The onus nevertheless still remains with you to prove your made up fantasy.

Yes I am a familiar with the emperors new clothes.

It's interesting to see how long you can keep this up for. Let's see if you can add anything new.

The onus nevertheless still remains with you to prove your made up fantasy.

Can't you see that if I could offer such proof, you wouldn't accept it because as far as youyou concerned, God IS a fantasy. It is a classic case of not seeing the forest because of those pesky trees.

That is an interesting approach to getting your own way ... change that tactic when you notice

Err yeah! Because I really meant it. :rolleyes:

You must envy such but you to could be reasonable by not expecting others toaccept your delusions as fact.

Let's assume that what you refer to as my "delusion", is nothing more than the fact I am a theist. ;)
Where have I expected you, or any atheist on here, to accept my theism as a fact.
I remember saying things like both theists and atheist are correct in their respective positions.

Just ask yourself it reasonable to make something up and then present it as fact as you do with a made up God...the answer is...certainly not reasonable.

Have you stopped eating your neighbours pooh?

That is a demonstrationdof your illogic, Alex. I thought I'd mention that in case you don't get it, and accuse me of making wild assumptions.

Talking about google..I searched for strange practises in the past for religious hete is some trivia for you...believers would lick the wounds and eat the scabs off sick folk in the belief they were doing a good deed...that merely indicates that belief sometimes be very wrong.
But how about that just showd how ignorant folk can be I guess.

Alex Alex Alex! I have to shake my head.
This isn't good material to say the least.

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It's sad that you have come down to this.
A sneaky tactic I picked up someplace but hardley sad.
Really? That's what you got from Google?
You can find many strange things on Google about religion.
I offer good explanations, and they go clear over your head.
Yes my fault but as often said the communicator has a duty to comunicate clearly and I feel you fail in that duty.
You're not ready, or suited to these types of discussions.
How condescending Jan.
Do you feel uncomfortable when I ask questions that you can not answer so you try on the "You would not understand" ploy.
I see how these discussions go an exercise in arguement for arguement sake I merely want satisfactory answers and get tired of playing a game where the rules enable sidestepping.
This thread is proof that God does not exist.
Yes and your input is helping provide such proof, so thanks.
I've offered more than you have in that regard.
Yes I just above acknowledged your help in proving God does not exist.
Your failure to provided evidence as to Gods reality goes a very long way to establish that the notion is a mere fantasy. Again thanks.
But I will stop badgering you about proof, because obviously it is impossible.
Ba k at you but I wont stop badgering you for proof.
I was just pulling your chain all along.
I dont have a chain so what are you talking about?
Yes I am a familiar with the emperors new clothes.
Dont change the subject this has nothing to do with clothes and besides one fairey tale at a time please.
It's interesting to see how long you can keep this up for. Let's see if you can add anything
Thanks for providing me with such devestating material...back at ya.
Can't you see that if I could offer such proof, you wouldn't accept it because as far as youyou concerned, God IS a fantasy.
Maybe...offer some proof and lets see if you are right and I wont accept it.
God IS a fantasy
Now you are getting somewhere...thats what I have been saying.
It is a classic case of not seeing the forest because of those pesky trees.
I have lived in a forrest and assure you I see both.
But what is your point?
Err yeah! Because I really meant it.
Oh I see you did not really mean it, please be straight with me as secretly I was very worried that you may have harmed yourself.
Let's assume that what you refer to as my "delusion", is nothing more than the fact I am a theist. ;)
I avoid dealing in assumptions I like to deal with facts.
Where have I expected you, or any atheist on here, to accept my theism as a fact.
I dont know please show me where.
. I thought I'd mention that in case you don't get it, and accuse me of making wild assumptions.
I still dont get it.
Alex Alex Alex! I have to shake my head.
This isn't good material to say the least.
I have been reading the strange customs re religion I just thought I would share, there are many more.
There is no such thing as suffering. It didn't sin so it doesn't have to go to Hell, but its obviously not heavenly.
There is no such thing as suffering. It didn't sin so it doesn't have to go to Hell, but its obviously not heavenly.
Have you ever seen a person well cooked by napalm. Seven year old girl with her skin hanging off her in sheets? Hardly a sinner, but she can exposition on Hell very well.
There is no such thing as suffering.

it's as if you should be shot for making such an inane and outrageously detached and inhumane statement.

i've noticed people like this haven't suffered much or at all. probably best to keep your goddamn mouth shut on matters that you don't know about then.

count your blessings that you haven't but don't be a monster and say that there is no such thing as suffering.

unbelievable. i don't want to read any fake (bs) rationalizations as a retort to justify it either.

Obviously, you being an atheist means there is no God, as far as your concerned so I can understand how you could view it as a fantasy. I understand your frustration, but don't worry, it will pass.

I'd love to stay and shoot the breeze with youyoy but I really don't have the time.

Good luck with trying to prove God does not exist, when you eventually get round to it.

Have you ever seen a person well cooked by napalm. Seven year old girl with her skin hanging off her in sheets? Hardly a sinner, but she can exposition on Hell very well.

absolute hell for those who have suffered such as well as the future that awaits if they survive of ostrization/rejection, taunts, possibly never experiencing love or any love/future spousal relationships either. absolutely heart-wrenching what people must endure.

i remember viewing this film reel of the vietnam war and there was this particular segment where a little boy and his sister had to witness their mother being killed right in front of them. he was standing there naked stomping his feet with the look of the most extreme anguish looking into the camera with the horrified questions only a child would know in their innocent heart such as why, why, why?! and his sister standing there just looking down dejected trying to hold the pain in so as not to cry in front of the camera and turned away.

to have to carry such deep pain, loss and terrible scars (that could drive one insane) for the rest of your life is just inconceivable. war is a horrible thing and ruins so many lives, especially innocent children. the world needs to change for good forever.
Well there we have it.

All have heard Jan and must notice that he as usual can not offer any evidence as to the existence of God.

He sidesteps with complains that as an athiest that I somehow either will reject any proof offerred or somewhat cheekly suggests that somehow I would not understand...yet we still find there is no evidence.

I am not all that good at argueing but it seems to me there is a general rule for arguement that the person making a claim needs to back up that claim with evidence.

We have two claims here firstly my claim that I can prove there is no God and secondly we have Jans claim that a God exists for the theist.

Unfortunately Jan has other things to do so leaves the arguement with offerring no evidence what so ever and although he offers interesting excuses for his reluctance to provide any proof we are faced with the propostion that his inability to offer any evidence for his claim runs a sorry second to my claim that I have proved God does not exist, as I have shown that the claim that God exists is not even complete enough to establish any case that establishes any specific God that I could be able to prove does not exist.

So I suggest that I have established my claim by the sheer default of Jan to offers anything at all to reasonably respond to and thus leaving the non existence of God beyond a reasonable doubt and certainly such a conclusion is all any reasonable man could determine.

So using the standards of evidence required by law in either a criminal matter or a civil matter I contend the non existence of God has been sufficiently proven.

If there is anyone who disagrees please feel free to do so but make sure if you wish to claim there is a God you are required to offer something in the way of evidence in support of your claim otherwise your failure to do so will only serve as further proof that God does not exist.

So to be clear I say I have provided sufficient reasons to conclude God does not exist but if anyone wishs to offer a rebutal let them start with proof God does exist.
let him have his faith. unless, it involves politics/policies that affect you negatively, it doesn't matter.

He's lost, birch.
He so want his position to be true, he simply asserts God does not exist, and deludes himself that he has offered a proof.
There is no reasoning with him.

The reality is that there is no God as far as he is concerned. But he wants it to be that way for everyone.

let him have his faith. unless, it involves politics/policies that affect you negatively, it doesn't matter.
Calling a belief "faith" elevates mere opinion to a level where it should not be questioned it seems but if you don't hide behind "faith" is it unreasonable to ask yhat someone offers some sort of evidence in support of their opinion.
it doesn't matter.
You are right it does not matter and realistically Jan's faith will not alter due to anything that I say.

I see our banter as a game and I am sure Jan sees it likewise ...