Proof of the existence of God

God is the sum total of all complete forms. A complete form is a determined set of data points arranged atemporally. An absolute is a complete form, complete forms exist as forms transcending time and space. Complete forms are static and unchanging.

God is not the complex reflection of any given form bieng reflected in the digital process of space-time governed by domain of choice. All things existing in space-time are incomplete and exist in a state of partialness a state of negativity and loss, "time-space domain -1". The qualities of this incomplete form offers no centre of gravity, causing these consequences to emerge, matter, probability,wave particle duality, awareness of animals and humans as well as varying perspective's at the rate of time.

When the the illusion takes place causing the one and only absolute "God" to interact with non absolute
"Time-space domain -1" energy is now added but it cannot be added more accurately said energy was given, taken away from infinity creating the time-space continuum "-1", so since 1/r approaches the singularity at infinity (1/r) -1

Nontrivial results

Infinity -1 = infinity -1...when r= 0
This represents the creation of time and space

1/1-1= 0 ...when r= 1
This represents the active digital "current" activity of time and space dual free will and probability.

The math is mostly metaphorical or symbolic its not directly tied to functional equations of physics.
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God is the sum total of all complete forms. A complete form is a determined set of data points arranged atemporally. An absolute is a complete form, complete forms exist as forms transcending time and space. Complete forms are static and unchanging.
So you're claiming God is everything that was, is and will be - all rolled into one atemporal static concept? If so, why not just say that?
God is not the the complex reflection of any given form bieng reflected in the digital process of space-time governed by domain of choice. All things existing in space-time are incomplete and exist in a state of partialness a state of negativity and loss, "time-space domain -1". The qualities of this incomplete form offers no centre of gravity, causing these consequences to emerge probability,wave particle duality, awareness of animals and humans as well as varying perspective's at the rate of time.

When the the illusion takes place causing the one and only absolute "God" to interact with non absolute
"Time-space domain -1" energy is now added but it cannot be added more accurately said energy was given, taken away from infinity creating the time-space continuum "-1", so since 1/r approaches the singularity at infinity (1/r) -1
Eh??? Care to translate into English?
Nontrivial results

Infinity -1 = infinity -1...when r= 0
This represents the creation of time and space
Infinity -1 is a meaningless notion. You simply can not have "one less than infinity" as that is still infinity... so it would be more accurate (but no less correct) to say Infinity -1 = infinity.
But since infinity is not a number... :rolleyes:
And where is the variable "r" in the whole "Infinity -1 = infinity -1"?
1/1-1= 0 ...when r= 1
1/1 - 1 = 0 whatever "r" is, as "r" seems to be of no relevance to the equation.
1/1 - 1 = 0 is a mathematical truth.
This represents the active digital "current" activity of time and space dual free will and probability.
Translation, please?
The math is mostly metaphorical or symbolic its not directly tied to functional equations of physics.
The math is mostly baloney!

And where in all this is a "proof of the existence of god"? Assuming that was your intention?[/quote][/quote]
Eh??? Care to translate into English?

Yeah I know I wasn't clear here plus one word wasn't fully spelled "duality" also as well this part is a lot more complex to explain I might have to explain it seperate just giving a rough outline of everything.

Infinity -1 is a meaningless notion. You simply can not have "one less than infinity" as that is still infinity... so it would be more accurate (but no less correct) to say Infinity -1 = infinity.
But since infinity is not a number... :rolleyes:

See you understand since God is infinite even when energy is transferred from His eternal source the source energy always remains constantly infinite.

And where is the variable "r" in the whole thing

will explain this another time.
This represents the "active current", (electricity) digitally representing time and space, duality, free will, and probability; still may have to refine this part am still brainstorming but it makes sense to me just have to explain it better so it makes sense to others.
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Proof of the existence of a god would be for a god to come out of hiding & show itself.

You see if God experienced time then you could see Him but he is the creator of those things, and has created you with eyes that can pick up stimulation at the speed of c, but not beyond it. So even if God was standing right in front of you, you could not see Him because the laws of physics He created won't allow you to see Him unless he commands those very laws to be broken.
You see if God experienced time then you could see Him but he is the creator of those things, and has created you with eyes that can pick up stimulation at the speed of c, but not beyond it. So even if God was standing right in front of you, you could not see Him because the laws of physics He created won't allow you to see Him unless he commands those very laws to be broken.

Existence is the expressions of perfection...Perfection is atemporal absolute and unchanging.

How can you visualize a realm with infinite energy and no time, no thing, no space? You cannot that realm of determinisn is only capable of expressing its existence throught our universe, our probable universe. So to our universe we perceive the other universe as quantitatively "nothing".
Only things that were created are incomplete sounds like a contradiction, but a contradiction can ony exist in space-time as well as human and animal consciousness. Space-time is a program like information bieng printed.