Proof of Heaven

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If you have some evidence or argument for the existence of heaven, I'm all ears.

There is proof of heaven among other kinds of proofs. I have verified the existence of God long after (since 2012) witnessing his manifestation in various forms (right before my eyes). Heaven's verification only came recently however. It simply stood to reason. I have also witnessed and felt the presence of various kinds of spirit all the way up to merging with Christ himself (the Son of Man) temporarily on New Year's morning 2016. Such entities are composed of another kind of particle altogether and have a deeper connection to the manifestation of thought yet are still as real as you and I. They come from the world of Mind and are not imaginary in any way, shape or form. You can test this for yourself. I used to roam around in the pitch black darkness of my basement quite a bit where I've seen and felt things that were not there after turning on the lights. They came from the world of Mind. It is not a delusion. It is the world of Mind. Or rather, the world of Reality. As you may recall in A Being That Syntactically Self-Distributes Itself I merged with God a number of times while still living at home in my bedroom, where the sun's light exhibited the distinct characteristic of self-awareness. I will provide you with a more satisfactory argument as we go along.

P.S. I will also explain other kinds of phenomenon related to the mind.
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There is proof of heaven among other kinds of proofs. I have verified the existence of God long after (since 2012) witnessing his manifestation in various forms (right before my eyes). Heaven's verification only came recently however. It simply stood to reason. I have also witnessed and felt the presence of various kinds of spirit all the way up to merging with Christ himself (the Son of Man) temporarily on New Year's morning 2016. Such entities are composed of another kind of particle altogether and have a deeper connection to the manifestation of thought yet are still as real as you and I. They come from the world of Mind and are not imaginary in any way, shape or form. You can test this for yourself. I used to roam around in the pitch black darkness of my basement quite a bit where I've seen and felt things that were not there after turning on the lights. They came from the world of Mind. It is not a delusion. It is the world of Mind. Or rather, the world of Reality. As you may recall in A Being That Syntactically Self-Distributes Itself I merged with God a number of times while still living at home in my bedroom, where the sun's light exhibited the distinct characteristic of self-awareness. I will provide you with a more satisfactory argument as we go along.

P.S. I will also explain other kinds of phenomenon related to the mind.

Why is it all these folks like yourself who claim to have intimate divine knowledge never seem to have a practical application for it? Why don't you ask God to tell us where the next hurricane is going to hit so you can build up a track record, and save a few lives once people start taking you seriously?

Otherwise, I know this guy who has more power than anything in the universe, I saw him demonstrate it personally, and he says you're completely wrong.
Why is it all these folks like yourself who claim to have intimate divine knowledge never seem to have a practical application for it? Why don't you ask God to tell us where the next hurricane is going to hit so you can build up a track record, and save a few lives once people start taking you seriously?

Otherwise, I know this guy who has more power than anything in the universe, I saw him demonstrate it personally, and he says you're completely wrong.

No offence taken but you require both an understanding of Metaphysics in all its splendor as well as the logical and empirical evidence for what I hesitate to call the "supernatural".
The superficiality of atheism is the product of inferior understanding or failing to witness God. Whereas we are all in fact special and can and do have access to Truth and Light.
Please stop preaching, Spellbound. You have your own thread for that, so please do not litter other threads with it.
Please stop preaching, Spellbound. You have your own thread for that, so please do not litter other threads with it.

Please do not litter sciforums with your presence, Sarkus. You have the waste disposal system for that. Jackass.
When one dies, one's spirit transitions into an alternate dimension. There are so many dimensions that we do not observe while living. Hell, Heaven, purgatory, limbo...

[This] was a response to JamesR's request for proof.
I don't think you understand what it means to provide evidence for something.

Saying "I had a dream that unicorns exist" isn't evidence that unicorns exist. Saying "I felt that sunlight was self-aware" is not evidence that sunlight is self-aware. These things are only evidence of what is going on in your mind.

If you claim heaven exists and I ask for evidence, I'm not that interested in your gut feeling that heaven exists, or in your personal desire for heaven to exist. We can take those as given. What I want to know is whether there is anything that objectively would be inclined to support the notion that heaven exists.

Do you understand?

I have verified the existence of God long after (since 2012) witnessing his manifestation in various forms (right before my eyes).
No. You haven't verified the existence of God. You've simply convinced yourself that God exists. For all I know, you were hallucinating or on drugs when God manifested himself to your mind.

Heaven's verification only came recently however. It simply stood to reason.
Again, saying "It just makes sense to me that heaven exists" is not evidence that heaven exists. It's only evidence of your state of mind.

Suppose I say to you I own a diamond-encrusted iPod, and that I can prove it to you. Will you be content if I say "I've verified it's existence after witnessing its manifestation right before my eyes!" Will that be sufficient for you to believe that I own an iPod with embedded diamonds on its casing? Or would you rather see a photo of it? Or would you like me to show it to you, so you could handle it and check for yourself?

Can you see why my belief that my iPod is encrusted with diamonds does very little to convince you that it is?

Why do you think things are any different concerning your claim that you have proof that heaven exists?

I have also witnessed and felt the presence of various kinds of spirit all the way up to merging with Christ himself (the Son of Man) temporarily on New Year's morning 2016. Such entities are composed of another kind of particle altogether and have a deeper connection to the manifestation of thought yet are still as real as you and I. They come from the world of Mind and are not imaginary in any way, shape or form. You can test this for yourself. I used to roam around in the pitch black darkness of my basement quite a bit where I've seen and felt things that were not there after turning on the lights. They came from the world of Mind. It is not a delusion. It is the world of Mind. Or rather, the world of Reality. As you may recall in A Being That Syntactically Self-Distributes Itself I merged with God a number of times while still living at home in my bedroom, where the sun's light exhibited the distinct characteristic of self-awareness. I will provide you with a more satisfactory argument as we go along.
Are you going to provide any actual evidence for heaven or God or merging with Christ, or just more of your imaginings?

No offence taken but you require both an understanding of Metaphysics in all its splendor as well as the logical and empirical evidence for what I hesitate to call the "supernatural".
What's the empirical evidence for the supernatural? And what "logical" evidence do you have - or is this just somthing that "stands to reason" for you (but not necessarily for anybody else)?

Do you claim to undestand metaphysics in all its splendor? Do you think your cult leader Langan does, perhaps?

You have a one-track mind. This "reality" of yours doesn't seem to connect much with the reality that the rest of us experience.

The superficiality of atheism is the product of inferior understanding or failing to witness God.
I agree with the failing to witness God part.

Please explain the inferior understanding part. Are you claiming to have a superior understanding?

Whereas we are all in fact special and can and do have access to Truth and Light.
What? Magically, by direct perception? And "special" compared to what?
When one dies, one's spirit transitions into an alternate dimension.
How do you know?
How does that happen?
How do you know people have spirits?
Do you have any evidence of any of this, or just a wish that this might happen?

There are so many dimensions that we do not observe while living. Hell, Heaven, purgatory, limbo...
If you don't observe them, how do you know they exist?

I don't think you understand what it means to provide evidence for something.

Saying "I had a dream that unicorns exist" isn't evidence that unicorns exist. Saying "I felt that sunlight was self-aware" is not evidence that sunlight is self-aware. These things are only evidence of what is going on in your mind.

If you claim heaven exists and I ask for evidence, I'm not that interested in your gut feeling that heaven exists, or in your personal desire for heaven to exist. We can take those as given. What I want to know is whether there is anything that objectively would be inclined to support the notion that heaven exists.

Do you understand?

No. You haven't verified the existence of God. You've simply convinced yourself that God exists. For all I know, you were hallucinating or on drugs when God manifested himself to your mind.

Again, saying "It just makes sense to me that heaven exists" is not evidence that heaven exists. It's only evidence of your state of mind.

Suppose I say to you I own a diamond-encrusted iPod, and that I can prove it to you. Will you be content if I say "I've verified it's existence after witnessing its manifestation right before my eyes!" Will that be sufficient for you to believe that I own an iPod with embedded diamonds on its casing? Or would you rather see a photo of it? Or would you like me to show it to you, so you could handle it and check for yourself?

Can you see why my belief that my iPod is encrusted with diamonds does very little to convince you that it is?

Why do you think things are any different concerning your claim that you have proof that heaven exists?

Are you going to provide any actual evidence for heaven or God or merging with Christ, or just more of your imaginings?

What's the empirical evidence for the supernatural? And what "logical" evidence do you have - or is this just somthing that "stands to reason" for you (but not necessarily for anybody else)?

Do you claim to undestand metaphysics in all its splendor? Do you think your cult leader Langan does, perhaps?

You have a one-track mind. This "reality" of yours doesn't seem to connect much with the reality that the rest of us experience.

I agree with the failing to witness God part.

Please explain the inferior understanding part. Are you claiming to have a superior understanding?

What? Magically, by direct perception? And "special" compared to what?

How do you know?
How does that happen?
How do you know people have spirits?
Do you have any evidence of any of this, or just a wish that this might happen?

If you don't observe them, how do you know they exist?

Would you accept if other people have similar experiences ? Would you deny such evidence ? Because you or other do not have such experience , therefore there is no evidence of God. Should I Believe you would tell me the story of Big Bang , Do you know what was before the so called Big bang . I can ask more question were physically for me there is no evidence but mathematical manipulation, on a piece of paper .
Let him talk I like to hear what he have to say. I f you don't like so keep out.
Note that my comment to Spellbound was prior to this thread being split off the Kalam Cosmological Argument, where Spellbound's comments had no place. However, it remains a legitimate response for what remains preaching.
Please do not litter sciforums with your presence, Sarkus. You have the waste disposal system for that. Jackass.
You were fouling a perfectly good thread with your intention to sidetrack it onto the matter of "reality is..."
As long as you keep your inanity and your worship of all things Langan to, preferably, a single thread, then this place will be the better for it.

But hey, if you want to offer proof of Heaven in this thread, go ahead. All I've seen so far is your anecdotal notions of light being conscious and your inability to think critically about things, instead simply accepting whatever interpretation fits your desire to believe.
But, if you have proof, let's hear it.
Shall I put the kettle on in anticipation of a loooong wait, or will you astound the scientific community with something extraordinary with your first effort?

Would you accept if other people have similar experiences ? Would you deny such evidence ?
There's a saying: "the plural of anecdote is not data".

Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of people claim to have seen alien spaceships. Does that mean they are real? I don't think so.

I do not deny that lots of people believe in God, or that lots of people believe in Bigfoot. But that doesn't mean either of those are real (except as concepts in people's minds).

I do not discount eyewitness reports of things and personal experiences out of hand, of course. That would be a silly thing to do. I try to look at all the available evidence. Personal anecdotes are part of that, but they aren't very strong evidence.

Another rule of thumb worth keeping in mind: extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence. If you want to claim that aliens are visiting Earth, I'm going to need something better than a blurry photoshopped picture and your word that you just know you saw that alien craft.

Because you or other do not have such experience , therefore there is no evidence of God.
No. There's evidence. Just not very strong evidence. Also, it's debatable whether the evidence being put forward is evidence of God or evidence of a human delusion or similar.

Should I Believe you would tell me the story of Big Bang, Do you know what was before the so called Big bang . I can ask more question were physically for me there is no evidence but mathematical manipulation, on a piece of paper .
You shouldn't believe in the big bang just because I, or anybody else, tells you it is real. You should ask questions like: how do we know the big bang happened? What objective evidence is there that supports the idea of a big bang? Investigate for yourself. Don't put your trust in me. James R is just this guy, you know?

You should try doing the same thing with your belief in God. Investigate. Don't just trust in what somebody told you.
And no evidence for any of them. Wishful thinking isn't evidence.

How about this; instead of using your hands for idle shit why don't you learn a thing or two before talking? Or are you too scared to roam around like a ninja in a pitch black basement? Where if impressive enough God will present Himself as a transparent, morphing and of course beautiful avatar by sunrise? You've shut your simple mind off to confusion and ignored reality altogether.
How about this; instead of using your hands for idle shit why don't you learn a thing or two before talking? Or are you too scared to roam around like a ninja in a pitch black basement? Where if impressive enough God will present Himself as a transparent, morphing and of course beautiful avatar by sunrise?
It is just fine if you believe in God and he gives you comfort or whatever, but the thread is about evidence and you have given no credible evidence of heaven, God or the supernatural. Don't feel bad though, no one has.

I have been in the walking around it the dark many times and I have never seen God that I recall.
One time a friend and I decided to climb a mountain on the Olympic Peninsula and the time got away from us. We got trapped in the dark on our return and it was so dark that we had the walk for the last half hour in a stream because our base camp was by the stream and there was no way we stay on the trail in the dark. Didn't see God at all, I did 'see the light' and I NEVER go anywhere in the wilderness without a day pack with food, water, a space blanket and a damn flashlight!
There is proof of heaven among other kinds of proofs. I have verified the existence of God long after (since 2012) witnessing his manifestation in various forms (right before my eyes). Heaven's verification only came recently however. It simply stood to reason. I have also witnessed and felt the presence of various kinds of spirit all the way up to merging with Christ himself (the Son of Man) temporarily on New Year's morning 2016.

This is no proof. It might as well be a sign of mental disorder, drug abuse or just an illusion. A proof needs more than a single man telling some words.

See, with the same approach I can come in and say I have disproven gods existence. Also disproven heaven. Then my word stands against yours, and neither of us has something to back the words - i.e. to give outsiders, which do not share our personal experiences, something to gain trust in our words, beyond the way we speak and argue.

So please, don't call a single-person experience that no one else can share a proof. It isn't. It might be a hint, an indication, that there is something unusual going, but the conclusion "this must be god and heaven", is not the only valid explanation.
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