Proof of God

I say old bean, it simply means.
" There is the Englishman with his usual bloody cold "
No it doesn't.
Sang froid translates literally as "cold blood" but is actually to convey the reserve of an Englishman.
Hence my frivolous post...

An easier one. Pas de deux
I don't do ballet :D - step of two, double step, etc...
" There is the Englishman with his usual bloody cold "
No it doesn't.
Sang froid translates literally as "cold blood" but is actually to convey the reserve of an Englishman.
Hence my frivolous post...

I don't do ballet :D - step of two, double step, etc...

You are not on the ball. Pas de deux neans father of twins. You are too literal.

Try " Coup de grace"
The proof has one definition, one Axiom, seven logical Tautologies with ten corollaries, one Deduction, five Inductions, with (credits), [attributes], and some resolved Paradoxes.

By God, I mean an eternal, omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, infinite pantheistic energy that is the generating and sustaining cause of that which exists.

(A1) Propositions cannot be both true and false. (Parmenides)
The axiom of non-contradiction is required to prove anything at all.

(T1) Nothing is nothing. (Victor Hugo)
(A ≡ A)∧(A → A)∧(idA: AA)∧(∃Ax)(A = x) (Mars Turner)...........

What a load of crap.