Proof of alien spaceships


Well...I thought it would be really difficult to get concrete evidence for the existence of a contact between human civilization and space aliens. Not so, just a stroll through a local museum and the audacity to take pictures (it was strictly forbidden to take pictures for obvious reasons!).

here are they



These are genuine ancient INCA artifacts. A long time before there were airplanes and such.

The truth is out there. And spuriousmonkey brought it to you in a convenient package.

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aside from your slueth abilities i think it might be worth noting that the items show a tail fin
which would assumedly be of use only in an atmosphere...
just a thought :)
ripleofdeath said:
aside from your slueth abilities i think it might be worth noting that the items show a tail fin
which would assumedly be of use only in an atmosphere...
just a thought :)

1. Aha, are you saying then that they are just aircraft released by the mothership for closer reconnoissance of the planet.

2. Or since the flying craft were clearly decorated in a manner which would appease humans they might have been specially constructed craft which purpose it is to make contact with the indigenous planetary population?
If those pictures are genuinely of Inca artefacts, then they're pretty amazing. At least they look like flying machines if not exactly spaceships. Which museum were they in?
tablariddim said:
If those pictures are genuinely of Inca artefacts, then they're pretty amazing. At least they look like flying machines if not exactly spaceships. Which museum were they in?

Forgot the name of the museum, but it is the one in Bremen next to the railway station.

this was the description

Quote from some website:

A photographic survey by the Peruvian Air Force of the arid tablelands of Nasca showed a network of lines and geometrical figures on the ground as far as the eye can see. The lines were made by human hands by removing darker stones from the soil and exposing the lighter inner layer - an undertaking that must have taken years to complete. There are contours of animals and birds besides triangles and trapezoids. Most of the lines run in such a way that there is no connection between them and the more recent Inca roads. The area covered by these markings is vast, it covers hundreds of square kilometers. The age of the Nasca patterns was estimated to be at least 1500 years. The Indians say the giant pictures on the ground were made by another race before the advent of the Incas. The designs and lines can be seen from the air only at an altitude of over 350 metres - for who were these markings intended?
tablariddim said:
The designs and lines can be seen from the air only at an altitude of over 350 metres - for who were these markings intended?

Yeah, and just who was I envisaging was going to read my name when I wrote it in ten foot high letters by dragging a stick across the sand when was a kid?
You did it for fun or because you were bored, you didn't work like a navvy, with hundreds or maybe thousands of others for years and years to create something that could never be comprehended on the ground now did ya?
Estimates of how long these designs would take to make are not necessarily accurate...

And those little Inca artifacts look like bird/fish to me. The Incas were pretty imaginative artists.
The Nasca lines are thought by those who have studied them for a long time to have been paths followed during certain religious rituals. They have nothing to do with aliens.
I find the non-alien explanation here to be very far fetched. It's obvious the objects are representations of aircrafts, especially in combination with the existance of the Nasca lines.
But why should it be aliens? There may have been advanced civilisations in prehistoric times that are now lost under the sea, even under ancient forests. It wouldn't be unfeasible for some of that technology and a few of its people to have hung around for a while and travelled a bit as well, until that, also got lost.

I can't prove it, but my gut tells me that humans have been around for much longer than researchers claim.
Yes, it could be that too, but those other people ( the narrow minded, you know...) wouldn't beleive that either.
Yes: The Nazca lines are generally pictures of animals... why can't the little gold statues be pictures of animals? The art of the various Central/South American cultures is better evidence for their ingenuity and imagination than it is for their contact with extraterrestrials. (Although I think Spurious would be very pleased to know that the aliens had a spacecraft that looked like a monkey.) Oh, by the way, I have no problem with the idea of undiscovered civilizations.

Tablariddim: The claim that the Nazca lines only make sense from the air and could only be made with the help of aircraft is idiotic. These lines could have been accomplished using a map and a series of evenly marked intervals, which would subdivide a region into small squares that could be "viewed from the air" by standing up. By referring between individual squares and a coherent map, a single person could easily make a giant glyph on the ground that looked much like the diagram. This may not be the method that they used, but if I can think of a method they probably could too... they were pretty smart.

James R: Religious observances, I like that.
Father: Sputli! That is the tenth time you put vision drugs in Grandma's tea! Go out and walk around the monkey three times!
Studying the large photo, it looks like some sort of stylised animal/ bird thingy, maybe it's meant to depict some sort of god or mythical creature. What is rather interesting though, is that they also have a tail fin, which means that their creators must have known something about the mechanics of flight.
I think riple said the thing about tail fins at the beginning of the thread. Anyway, fish have tail fins.
tablariddim said:
I can't prove it, but my gut tells me that humans have been around for much longer than researchers claim.

If humans would have been during dinosaurs time and were just begining to have hot air ballons, most of the proof would have gone by now, except gold artifacts.
Supposedly there were remblings that the incas themselves could fly. There is a mountain in the Andes, that had a slope facing the sky, with conteurs, then it ends. The theory is that they used that to sling shot into the sky. No I am not making this up, but I cannot find a link because I read it in a magazine, which showed Inca drawing of those planes. Seriously something to think about. Also I believe in Egypt there is a dipiction of a actual flying saucer, freaky stuff.