proof God exists

Proving something using the Theory of Body Signals:

1. Proving a thought is evil: Submit a thought to God that is obviously evil: "God, is it good to murder people in cold blood, even if they've done nothing against you?"
The answer should come as "Evil (Left Side action or left side thought)."

2. Proving a thought is good: Submit a thought to God that is obviously good: "God, should I love and help my fellow man when he needs help?"

The answer should come as "Good (Good Side action or good side thought).

Using the results of these control questions, you should be able to discern, with effort, whatever thought is evil versus whatever thought is good.

WARNING: This theory is not perfect.
I noticed you didn't say Right Side action or right side thought but said Good Side action or good side thought.
Whereas with the evil thought you said "Evil (Left Side action or left side thought)."
Are these "sides" the left and right sides of our brain. Are we conscious of which side of our brain is being used in thought processes?
Maybe I've missed that bit.
But you say we should be able to discern this left and right character.
I noticed you didn't say Right Side action or right side thought but said Good Side action or good side thought.
Whereas with the evil thought you said "Evil (Left Side action or left side thought)."
Are these "sides" the left and right sides of our brain. Are we conscious of which side of our brain is being used in thought processes?
Maybe I've missed that bit.
But you say we should be able to discern this left and right character.

I don't have a lot time today to explain, but here are some questions along with the answers one would would expect to receive.

-- The so-called "3-in-1" Trinity in the Nicene Creed is false.
-- PROOF: If the Nicene Creed is false, both statements should manifest false.

-- Moses was a true, inspired prophet of God.
-- PROOF: If he was, then the Pentateuch is true also.

-- Joseph Smith was a true prophet.
-- PROOF: Use one of the control statements, such as Moses was a true prophet. If they both manifest true, there you go.

-- Jesus was and is the Savior of the world.
-- PROOF: Use one of the control statements. If they match, then Jesus truly was the Messiah.

And so on. The point to this thread is, Jesus is the Savior and Joseph Smith is a true prophet of Jesus.

I don't have any more time today, but will return for any further discussions, probably on Thursday.

That depends entirely on how you define "God". If you're talking about the Norse god of thunder or the Hindu goddess of pox then I sure as hell can prove that they don't exist. It's only when one fails to adequately define "God", or deliberately defines "God" in such a way as to be unfalsifiable, that we can't demonstrate the existence, or lack thereof, of "God".

You are mistaken about Hinduism. Centuries before Plato, Hinduism rejected every "proof". Hinduism holds that existence or otherwise of God cannot be proved.
Irrational vs Rational

Talking to a religous fundamentalist is like talking to a alcoholic drunk....Irrational....

If we live in a finite Universe, then there is no God outside that created our finite Universe.

That leaves only the possibility, that, God is within the Universe, however, I was taught taught that bymy quasi-religous mother, that God is everything ergo God is the Universe ergo God = Universe or Universe = God ergo Universe/God.

The only addendum to this above, is that, if we want to include the macro-micro infinite, non-occupied space, that exists outside of our finite Universe of occupied space, then we merely change the definition of God/Universe to include that non-occupied space, or,

"U"niverse = non-occupied and occupied space
...and metaphysical mind/intelligence as metaphysical concepts.
...1) relative truths and non-truths,
..2) absolute truths ex eternally inviolate cosmic laws/principles.

Universe = occupied space,

..1) gravity aka spacetime aka mass-attraction,
..2) fermions i.e. fermionic matter particles,
...3) bosons i.e. bosonic force particles.

universe = local sphere of influence i.e. my universe, my-verse or i-verse etc......

Wholistic( 3D ) = 12-around-1 ergo 36 kissing nodal/ points of tangency.
...4 hexagonal sets sharing nucleation...
...18 quarks and 18 anti-quarks = 36 kinds of quark----
....nucleated polyhedron( 3D ) cubo-octahedron/Vector Equlibrium...

Universal( 2D ) = 6-around-1 ergo 12 kissing nodal/points of tangency.
...2 subdivided triangles/structure with shared nucleation...
...6 triangles of structural subdivision of whole....
...nucleated hexagon( 2D )...

Dimension( 1D ) = two terminal end points and one kissing point of tangency.
..."unity is plural and at a minimum two---( Fuller)......

If we live in a finite Universe, then there is no God outside that created our finite Universe.

That leaves only the possibility, that, God is within the Universe, however, I was taught taught that bymy quasi-religous mother, that God is everything ergo God is the Universe ergo God = Universe or Universe = God ergo Universe/God.
You also miss the possibility that God simply does not exist.
The Universe does not exist either!

There you go again, spewing more shit talk. How do you expect anyone to take you seriously as opposed to laughing at a complete fool?

But hey, if that's what you want, that's what you'll get. :roflmao:
There you go again, spewing more shit talk. How do you expect anyone to take you seriously as opposed to laughing at a complete fool?

But hey, if that's what you want, that's what you'll get.
It seemed to be the logical conclusion if God = the Universe >> then if there is no God there had to be no Universe in the logic.
the thing is though in either case , whether god exists or not doesn't really matter

if god exists as a physical being , this god acts as a spoiled teenager , do as I say - fear me for I have the power to take your life or do harm

if Omni then this god is learning about its self and lets things play out , sees the Universe as a whole and watches the dynamics unfold

either way , we should know by now to depend on ourselves , Humanity
Inclusive of God, Not Exclusive of Wholism

You also miss the possibility that God simply does not exist.

Energy/physical cannot be created ergo Universe of occupied space exists eternally and not created.

God is said to exist eternally is another teaching from my mother.

I defined God as Universe. Universe exists ergo God exists.

The One verse, the One God, The Great Momma, The Great Spirit etc.....all equal same thing, or at least close enough for government work.

This is the case with various words that are synonyms of another word.

Sun = stellar = sidus etc

Exasperate = frustrate = infuriate = annoyed = upset = disturbed = angry = pissed = etc.....

Wholistic( 3D ) = 12-around-1 ergo 36 kissing nodal/ points of tangency.
..4 hexagonal sets sharing nucleation...
...18 quarks and 18 anti-quarks----
..nucleated polyhedron( 3D ) cubo-octahedron/Vector Equlibrium( VE )...

Universal( 2D ) = 6-around-1 ergo 12 kissing nodal/points of tangency.
...2 subdivided triangles/structure with shared nucleation...
...6 triangles of structural subdivision of whole....
..nucleated hexagon( 2D )...

Dimension( 1D ) = two terminal end points and one kissing point of tangency.
..."unity is plural and at a minimum two---( Fuller)......

This latter is true of both nucleated 12 and non-nucleated 12 nodal-vertexial events.

I defined God as Universe. Universe exists ergo God exists.

So essentially, you have decided to redefine a word and equate that word to God.

Here's another example of your logic...

I have defined supercalifragilisticexpialidocious as Unicycles. Unicycles exist ergo Bigfoot exists.
So essentially, you have decided to redefine a word and equate that word to God.

Here's another example of your logic...

I have defined supercalifragilisticexpialidocious as Unicycles. Unicycles exist ergo Bigfoot exists.
Hey Q, google Pantheism... for a definition of supercalifragilisticexpalidocious... [ chuckle]