proof God exists


Registered Member
Hi again,

Back again. I want people's opinion of the body signals theory which follows:
Legs = thoughts. When your leg muscle jerks, that means you are thinking an evil thought or a good thought if it's good and so on.
Arms and shoulder blades = actions.
Left = evil.
Right = good.
Right ear = mercy.
Left ear = justice.

I'll be back next week to read your comments.
Sounds like a mirroring of the historical prejudice of the church against left handedness.
Back again. I want people's opinion of the body signals theory which follows:
Legs = thoughts. When your leg muscle jerks, that means you are thinking an evil thought or a good thought if it's good and so on.
Arms and shoulder blades = actions.
Left = evil.
Right = good.
Right ear = mercy.
Left ear = justice.

I'll be back next week to read your comments.
Could you define what is meant by "good" and "evil" in this please?
And what if someone suffers from Tourette's, and can't control their spasmodic actions?
Hi again,

Back again. I want people's opinion of the body signals theory which follows:
Legs = thoughts. When your leg muscle jerks, that means you are thinking an evil thought or a good thought if it's good and so on.
Arms and shoulder blades = actions.
Left = evil.
Right = good.
Right ear = mercy.
Left ear = justice.

I'll be back next week to read your comments.
Well, that's fairly incoherent.
Legs = thoughts. When your leg muscle jerks, that means you are thinking an evil thought or a good thought if it's good and so on.

You've just GOT to love these vague and unfalsifiable claims, they're perfect for controlling the uneducated. Lulz.
You cannot prove that God exists or does not exist. No one can. The whole reason for God is to see who of us has faith that God exists and who does not. God exists by faith alone. The concepts passed by acceptance of God are implemented through our actions in our life and that of others we have impact on. God exists for those who believe, God does not exist for those believe he does not. The manifestation of a concept is related to our ability to be conscious of ourselves and the world. This is a quantum probability concept and comes from our own quantum properties of our brain. As you all know quantum world can manifest an object's existence and at the same time the same object will not exist as well. This goes far beyond the Shreddinger cat problem...

Pray, and see how far your faith goes.
You cannot prove that God exists or does not exist. No one can.
Only if you set the boundaries of proof to restrict the evidence that God does not exist. What's tangible enough to prove, even if that were the restriction, is the history of human superstition, myth, legend and fable leading to the contemporary presumptions of deity, divinity, supreme power over the universe, and the bizarre fascination with the foreskin of bronze age goatherds in connection with the meaning of life and ultimate reality.

The whole reason for God is to see who of us has faith that God exists and who does not.
In other word God wants Dorothy to ignore the man behind the curtain?

God exists by faith alone.
You must be a Protestant. An orthodox Christian would say "faith and works".

God exists for those who believe, God does not exist for those believe he does not.
That changes the definition of "exist" to the point the definition itself ceases to exist.

The manifestation of a concept is related to our ability to be conscious of ourselves and the world.
God is a concept?

This is a quantum probability concept and comes from our own quantum properties of our brain.
Is the brain any more or less "quantum-effected" than ganglia, and other neurons in the rest of the nervous system? I can't help but noting a proclivity toward pseudoscience (as per Creation 'Science') in this.

As you all know quantum world can manifest an object's existence and at the same time the same object will not exist as well.
That's a description, at a scale in which "at the same time" is somewhat dubious. But even taking that as a form of experiential reality, how would it come close to explaining God?

This goes far beyond the Shreddinger cat problem...
(brings to mind "shredding the cat" which is maybe a little more macabre than letting a hammer fall on it.) Well the possible connection I see here is: God exists in the mind of the believer, while at the same time nonexistent in the real world. I think that's a definition that all non-believers could subscribe to.

Pray, and see how far your faith goes.
Does that include praying that superstition depart from this world and never return to haunt us? (What's needed in an atheist's hymnal containing all such expressions of hope set to music, just to keep pace with the Big Band fervor of televangelism and the livelier churches.)
You cannot prove that God exists or does not exist.

That depends entirely on how you define "God". If you're talking about the Norse god of thunder or the Hindu goddess of pox then I sure as hell can prove that they don't exist. It's only when one fails to adequately define "God", or deliberately defines "God" in such a way as to be unfalsifiable, that we can't demonstrate the existence, or lack thereof, of "God".
That depends entirely on how you define "God". If you're talking about the Norse god of thunder or the Hindu goddess of pox then I sure as hell can prove that they don't exist. It's only when one fails to adequately define "God", or deliberately defines "God" in such a way as to be unfalsifiable, that we can't demonstrate the existence, or lack thereof, of "God".

I define God as a concept, an ideology that manifests through actions of those who believe in God.
So you define god as being purely a mental construct. Just as an fyi, mental constructs aren't required to correspond on any level with observed reality.
So you define god as being purely a mental construct. Just as an fyi, mental constructs aren't required to correspond on any level with observed reality.

mental constructs do correspond with reality, if they are implemented through the hands of those believing in such mental constructs. God is not the only belief that can manifest itself directly or indirectly through our actions...

Also I am stressing the importance of belief in something having influence on the probability of existence of such a belief. In probability and statistics, the thought itself changed the probability of the outcome of anything.
mental constructs do correspond with reality...

Not always. If I have a mental construct of the sky as a carpet then my mental construct has no correlation to observed reality. There is nothing which requires mental constructs to correspond with reality, they simply do on occasion.

...if they are implemented through the hands of those believing in such mental constructs.

Simply acting as though your god exists doesn't guarantee that it actually does. Reality doesn't conform to our beliefs, it's rather ridged in that regard.

God is not the only belief that can manifest itself directly or indirectly through our actions...

Belief doesn't change reality, ever. If you've got a cold and take a placebo after being told that it's the cure for the common cold, the fact that you believe it's a cure doesn't mean that it actually is, regardless of how you feel after you take it. Believing the placebo to be a cure wouldn't change the fact that you still have a cold.

Also I am stressing the importance of belief in something having influence on the probability of existence of such a belief.

This hasn't been demonstrated to any significant degree.

In probability and statistics, the thought itself changed the probability of the outcome of anything.

Ah, you're speaking of the Uncertainty Principle in quantum physics, whereby both a particle's position and velocity can't be known to an arbitrary degree of accuracy due to "observation"(keep in mind that an "observer" in QM is anything which interacts with a particle) of one necessarily affecting the other. This appears to simply be the way the universe works on that scale, it doesn't mean that our thoughts can be manifested as reality, nor does it mean that the Moon disappears when we stop looking at it.

Oh, and the link you provided has some serious flaws, such as a lack of sourced material and quite a few undemonstrated claims.
This hasn't been demonstrated to any significant degree.

Ah, you're speaking of the Uncertainty Principle in quantum physics, whereby both a particle's position and velocity can't be known to an arbitrary degree of accuracy due to "observation"(keep in mind that an "observer" in QM is anything which interacts with a particle) of one necessarily affecting the other. This appears to simply be the way the universe works on that scale, it doesn't mean that our thoughts can be manifested as reality, nor does it mean that the Moon disappears when we stop looking at it.

Oh, and the link you provided has some serious flaws, such as a lack of sourced material and quite a few undemonstrated claims.

12 year study funded by Princeton University showing a 0.01 increase in probability of occurance of event from human interaction to that of the machine, is not significant degree?

The probability of the moon dissapearing is too low, for it to happen.