Project Bluebook

Oh isn't somone a bit worked up....

I never said you were wrong, nor did I say you had all the solutions.
I merely stated my opinion...;)

however, what I find disturbing is your insistence to call me hateful and 'unable to see what others may think'. I didn't trash your president, or prime minister, or whatever. You trashed mine.

I happen to think it's a matter of opinion. A majority of Americans approve of Bush as a leader, 66% think he is honest and sincere. I don't want to draw conclusions about you, but I think in general those who say he's blinded by power or feeding big business don't read enough into his desicions. take the tax cut-although most of the money goes to the top 1%, the lower percent get higher percentage cuts. It's so scary that people can't see beyond a simple matter of perspective. If all things were equal, (like our salaries) the middle class would get FAR more money than the rich. To make the middle class have more, we'd have to basically elimiante taxes for them and raise taxes for the rich. The bottom line is taht the rich pay more in the first place.

And do you think it's really humane for someone to murder another human being? Let's say, if they do, do they really deserve to live? the question is whether it is about creating justice or simply to not look bad. I mean, we must be strong enough as a people to say.. 'Waht goes around comes around.' If you want to do this to someone else, you'll have to experience the very same thing. It isn't about the murderer, it's about society.

And sorry but i do think liberals are whackos. true... i think tht ideology is totally wrong. I have taht as a rigt, don't I? It's not like I want to wipe democrats off the face of the earth, but i think they're wrong.
I...kill another human??

I am sorry Piffi, but I never have said I am some one who likes killers!!!!:mad:

That's what you do you come at such a dumb idea.
If you hate humans who kill people, I know someone who likes to kill prisoners in Texas and everywhere.....

I HATE, DETESTE people who kill. How do you have the nerve to say that. I don't even kill a fly, you silly......

Who do you think you are to say such things. I want a better world, and a better world starts with you yourself:p

At the moment I have nothing to say anymore....I thank you for your kind words Piffi, to which I have the right, haven't I....:confused:
So sorry, Piffi!!!

In my blinded haste I didn't read your reply well enough.:eek:

I am so sorry I was so nasty to you.:rolleyes:

I hope you will forgive me, I can't take the other reply away anymore....
So you see, I am a little annoyed today and I begin to shout at you. I apologize for that and I feel very ashamed.

Next time I'll read your reply's two times, so I can't take it wrong no more, haha
Hope you still will reply to me, I was totally out of line here:p
I have to listen better to my own advice sometimes....
Oh really, Banshee, there's nothing you need to apologise for. I suppose we just have two very different ways of thinking that inevitably clashed.

About calling Europeans leftist/socialist whackos, I tend to get carried away when talking about Liberals. They just make me angry. I really have a very strange way of describing my own political identity... I'm an atheist but I support Bush's faith-based initiative, I'm gay but I'm not really sure about gay marriage.. and my 'religious' beliefs are so strange I have a hard time fitting into the whole abti-religious community.

Personally, I prefer Europe to Ameriaca, and hope to someday retire in Scotland or Wales....but politics, they're different.

So no hard feelings....:D
Thanks, and let's talk on..

Hey, you don't even know what people here in my neighbourhood say to me very often. My logical point of view is totally wrong. I have no religion......I learned very fast that there was more then only the visible, logical things. I have no logica my mother say's. Easy for her to's spinning through my mind al the time.
I hate to see people fight, I hate it how some country's stil are hunting for whales......and so I can go on:mad:

I know it sounds unreal, but it is the way I feel, sometimes it's like I can feel the pain from al those mothers and children, looking for loved ones after another bombing. And the mothers and children who died in that same bombing.
Take for instance the great fires everwhere in the woods, by you in America, I hate that, all the wildlife that dies, al the trees and plants and al what makes the woods the woods. It hurts.
And I can't do nothing about it, how I wish I could make an end to it.......
We need those woods. Animals need those woods.....
What animals??:(
It's nature that dies and we are killing it, bit by bit....

Now you can tell me I am a dreamer, maybe....but I do what I can around my living place. You have to start somewhere, why not at home.....lots of lonely people living in big flats, next to eachother, but no one gives a friendly word to his/her neighbour. Like they are too scared to let someone into their lives. Why is it that so much people are so suspicious....Oh, I do know the answer, but it is so useless, you have to start trusting someone someday......
Or they'd rather be alone, it sounds safer I guess. I don't know, I'm I stop:)

Hope to talk to you again Piffi.
This is probably not the place to answer this but I will anyway. A forest fire is not all bad. In fact it is necessary and occurs in nature. When you don't have fires, underbrush grows thick, assuring that when you do have a fire that it will be a bad one. In pine forests, there is a fungal disease, called cranker. It requires that there be oak, usually as underbrush, in the area to complete it's life cycle. By burning and eliminating the oak you break the life cycle and then the disease. The wild life finds that it gets to thick to get around in and then in turn avoids that specific area. Those forests where you can stroll in are not often.
:( But there are fires every year in the U.S. And every year there is burning more and more forests away.......
Okay, maybe the trees have an illness, even then it is terrible so much wood, that's just dying, I hate it, deteste it, every year anew, I am sorry but that's what I feel.
I wish there were no fires anymore burning in the U.S. It is such a waste.....I can't help feeling this, wish I could, but it hurts to see it burn this way:eek:
Errrrr ...

Wasn't 'Project Blue Book' about the benefits of controlled burning in the National Forests? ;)
Honestly, I don't know what Project Bluebook has to do with any of this.. first auras, then politics, now forest fires...but it's pretty interesting to see how our thoughts shifted...

Everything is all the same knowledge; it just varies.
Unfortunately it has nothing to do with Project Blue Book. Sometimes part of the fun is in the sidetrack.

How many time have you heard UFO sightings to be said to be ball lightning? Ever seen any ball lightning? I've seen hundreds of lightning storms (Heck maybe thousands) but I have never seen any ball lightning. So how far did they have to stretch the explaination to cover so many sightings?

Another one, mass hyponosis. When was the last time you were part of a mass hyponosis? I mean come on. How far can you stretch the unbelievable? They treated the whole thing like facts were to be rubber bands to be pulled and loosed at will.

Yes, you are right, I am very of-topic.
So I keep quite for some time, I am very sorry, but so now and then, things make me mad and I am reacting too hasty and al of this has nothing to do with Project Bluebook, which is another hidden conspiracy from the U.S government.

So, I apologize to all of you and I will not talk about things anymore which have nothing to do with Project Bluebook, okay?:)

And with this I am not saying that there are no hidden conspiracies here in Europe. I think every country has it's own dark secrets. :mad:
Hi All


You are completely right...however I would suggest 1 exception, Australia...our politicians are so dim they wouldn't know how to keep a secret or take part in a global conspiracy...its bloody emabarassing...but we're stuck with them. There's a fedral election coming up and our choices are: dumb and dumber...I'm not kidding.

Sorry for the off-shoot :D
Do not worry about the offshoot. We have the same choices for our election. I think they get the politicians from the same grab bag! Here's your handful for the day.

If there are elections in your country, mostly the most dumbest wins.......look at bush, sorry for the bush electors among you, he is also a real nutcase.
But then again, in the Netherlands it's just the same. And the politicians talk and talk and talk and nothing good happens.
It's only a very expensive rituel, which belongs with the country once in the 4? years.

Yeah, it's difficult, you elect the least dumbest and the most dumbest wins.......always the same:mad:

But now I am off-topic again, sorry, I am leaving already. Talk to you later, bye for now.....;)
Have you read.........?

Has anyone ever read the book "Children of the Matrix" by David Icke. WOW!! There's some eye opening stuff in there.

After reading his book, it's makes me kind of leary about being in this forum. But, I think my eyes are only kind of open and I'm not much of a threat.

I sound like a weirdo right now, don't I? Read the book and you'll see!

I have to go but I'll create a post later about the topic.
Read the book, no

No, I never read that book.
But I have seen the movie The Matrix.......Something like that you mean???:rolleyes:

No, do you? Not the movie, well??
hey all

yo rambler ... since its in this thread i will mention it

New Zealand is supposed to have some secret testing ground for USA submarines in the south island!
and they would almost definitely be against our nuke free policy!!!!

and you guys got the uranium mines and listening posts like we have aswel ... echelon thing i think.

and you had that guy who was found dead the other day in his house after some shady politics!
sorry forgot the names and reason
and we had the BNZ back door loan files that some guy got killed over!

so its not like it doesn’t happen its just .. ohh
and the guy from New Plymouth(Mt Taranaki) who got parts of his hydro-combustion engine(separator unit) taken after 3 guys broke in his locked garage door to where he was working on it and smashed his head in... he was in intensive care for a while i think.
but that was swept under the carpet fast and quiet!!!

groove on all :)