Project Bluebook


Nixed Price Rack
Registered Senior Member
Hey, fellow earth-children!

Id like to know what you all think about project bluebook. I know a lot of you people think it's some big government conspiracy.

However, I found in Sagan's book 'the demon haunted world' a different account. According to him (he was involved with the study) the results were worthless and merely a public-relations ploy. (it was originally called project Grudge). the only reason they classified it was because they didn't wasnt the soviets making any deals with the aliens, thereby compromising natioanl security. that is if aliens existed in the first place.

Remember, the first reported UFO sighting in 1957 was not of an actual craft. the pilot said "the air seemed ripply like a pond after you throw a saucer on it." not "I saw a craft that looked like a flying saucer". the press mis-quoted him.

Anyway, thanx for looking at this. the Queen of pop would love it if you posted a reply!:D
hey all
yo piffi-
im a bit confused about the date thing on the

"first reported sighting of a UFO"

whos data is it that says this was the first?
does it all seem to originate from that point in time in your research?

i have heard mention of things predating the bible if we were to believe what people write :D ?

has any one seen a complete copy of project blue book?

is there one on line?

groove on all :)

I'm afraid that it seems you know very little about this subject.

For a start the Kenneth Arnold sighting you are refering to occured in 1947, as has already been pointed out, and the shape of the nine objects was clearly noted by Arnold as was the approx speed. He actually said that they were more of a crescent shape and flew in a way such as a saucer would if you skipped it across water. Your assertion that no craft were seen is completely wrong.

More importantly this was by no means the first recorded UFO sighting. It just happened to be the one that got the media interested and coined the flying saucer phrase.
Ufo's ....from ancient times til now!

If you look at the Ancient Civilizations and the high incredible technics they had, you can beginning to wonder if they haven't had any help. Because the Old Inca's and Egyprians built pyramids and other wonderful and strange buildings. It is proven that this people couldn't have built all of this by themselves. They found animalfigures, drawn in the sand. The lines are perfectly straight and the figures are only to be seen from up in the sky. They had no planes....or did they?? And the big, big buildings at Easter-Island. Maybe, in earlier day's, way back, there were alien entities who came here and lived in peace with humans.
Maybe alien entities are on earth now, but nearly anybody knows.....this is a destructive world....if I was flying in my saucer, and I should come close to earth, I wouldn't go there....
By the way, I think it must be very noisy too in space, because of all our satellites and stuff......I think it sounds like a disco into the ears of some 'strangers' who'd otherwise maybe had come to visit us, for I don't think they are hostile...only careful, if I were them.....
Bobby Lee.. poor poor Bobby Lee

Bobby Lee, if you convince yourself that the only ones who know what you want to hear are the ones who won't talk, you are immorally justifying your lack of evidence. If the world were run on lies, no one would ever know the truth. That is why some people are so unenlightened to our true nature, which is human, plain and simple. Create all the devices you want.... you are ignoring the truth.;) ;) ;) ;)
People who do know what the "real story" is will never say a word!!

During the roswell incident, my uncle-in-law was a fireman and was called on to the accident site. He was in Airforce before that. He did not deny or confirm anything about aliens. He could not talk even after so many years. We did not push any further. By the mannerism, we guessed it was something other than a weather ballon.
Project Bluebook was a ploy to discredit the UFO craze sweeping the nation at the time. The military desparately wanted to research these supposed tech's. At the same time they wanted to throw a red herring for the Russians and the public. Ever notice the lengths that they (the Air Force) would go to to explain it as some natural phenomea? The Project Bluebook was well known to the public. What better way than to have it out front, readily visiable while two other agencies worked behind the scenes and out of the public eye. Project Blubook was nothing more than something to divert the attention while others went about the investigation unhindered.
hey all :)

wet1-and so the nature of the modern M.O
imagine how much cheaper the truth would be! :D

groove on all :)
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Secret projects....always hidden.

:confused: Sometimes I get the feeling that governments, and especially NASA, hide as much as they can for the people of their country.
It makes me feel very eary to know there are laboratoria, where they make warmachines with mixed DNA.

I do think that the Chupacabra is such an experiment and it escaped......
There are more of that kind of story's wich make you think that it is not a weird force working here. It seems to me that more experiments go wrong then we ever will know.

That makes me feel rotten, because humans always think they have the right to experiment <in the name of the nation> with living beings. Just mix some monkey-DNA with, for instance,
a snake's DNA.
What do you get?? Yes, think about that, and this is a rather innocent example, if you look what they really are mixing.
I think I don't even want to know......I would never sleep again.

And in the Middle-East, do you know what's going on there?? Saddam Hoessein and Khadaffi are not nice guy's. These men are insane, you can see it in their eyes.
Look at them when you see them on the t.v., you'll know what I mean.
How much deadly 'stuff' are they making there??

It scares me, all these wars, misunderstandings, killings and destruction and so on, and so on...:mad: :mad:
hey all :)

banshee- i simperthise with you on the evil issue...

look @ israeli PM
USA pres
and allot of leaders as much as most high ranking finacial world people.... to some people it is easy to see they have sold their soul and now love money and power over love and friendship.

there are actualy allot of people like that around now! :(
very sad for the people who have morals and community values.
it is not hard to understand the huge gap between the old and young in light of such things :(

which brings me to an interesting concept...
could i dare say that the person who loves money and not people
creates all Id manafestations of evil within their own psyche???

and therefor colours the soul never to be cleaned!...?
hence the blackness of aura.

kinda getting off the point of blue books or little black diarys :D


groove on all :)
If your aura is is not very good with you, I assure you that.

Darkness and anger are in people's 'soul', if you will call it that.
The strongest power of the Cosmos is LOVE....
How can it be that humans are fighting and jealous and so on, for all that long, long time and it is not a force from the Cosmos.

People get jealous, they want to have what other people have. It's just like with animals. Animals, like wolfs, hunt for their food.
A long, long time ago, the earliest people had to hunt for food, but they went on hunting together. Mostly they lived in groups and they took care of eachother. Better as people do nowaday's!

Later, when people had material things to show how 'rich' they were, other people got jealous and that was exactly the meaning of the people who got them so jealous.
With material luxury, jealousy and rumours about people began, and from that time on, there was jealousy, paranoia and anger towards others. People fought eachother about the littlelest things. And til the day of today they are still talking about eachother and people who have it better. They are some richer, so they are, it doesn't work that way.

People finally have to learn to live together and please, please stop the silly talk about other people. In every family, rich or poor, there are illnesses and accidents. Everybody gets his/her share of and poor.

Don't you ever be jealous with somebody else, be glad you are....:) :) :)
It's still around, Banshee ...

... people had to hunt for food, but they went on hunting together. Mostly they lived in groups and they took care of eachother. Better as people do nowaday's!
The thing of it is that it's not PC nowadays to talk about it. A lot of gangs are attractive because of the 'taking care of each other' aspect.

Talk to any veteran who's been under fire, particularly those who have had Special Forces experience, and you'll realize that the comradery, the willingness to sacrifice for another, is still alive and well. There are a whole bunch of groups that are the same, police and firemen for instance.

And, let's face it, all the bull-shit generally goes by the wayside when there's a natural disaster. It's as though modern society makes it too easy for people to survive on their own ... unless they're a poor immigrant group that have to pull together to survive.
true...but nothing happens!!

:rolleyes: You know Chagur, what you are telling me is very true. There are still enough people who take care of eachother.
But I am afraid that there are more people who are afraid on the be attacked and robbed.
You hear it everywhere. And I do not understand why people do this kind of things to eachother.
How can you terrorise your own race, don't know another word so quikly, sorry.

:mad: My mother always told me that I am not thinking straight. I think I do think straight, but she and all the people who live to the book, or the rules, say that their way of thinking is the only right is not!!!

:( They can't see how they help the 'bad' people. People hurt one another, because they have nothing better to do. And the worst of all is that they don't even want to do something better.
It is a 'kick' for them to terrorise and fight and maybe even kill.
That's all coming from the luxury we are living in right now.
Poor people still have nothing, it is not equal in this world.
Every human being has the right to live their own life. But you have to try to make your life work. You have to move on and follow your dreams.;)

I am so sorry that there are so many people who like to do harm to other people.....:confused:
Wish I could do something, sometimes I feel so lost in this world, all the fightings, killings, hunger, racisme, wars and so on.....
I am really sick of this.....:mad:
They do?

Every human being has the right to live their own life.
And who, pray tell, grants that 'right'?

Besides, whose life can you live other than your own?
You give yourself the right to live......from the day you are born, till the day you die
Nobody tells me what to do, but there are a lot of humans who have to do what other people say. If they don't, they have no work anymore or what so ever....:confused:

Can't you think that way yourself??
Man, am I sick of all these people who act like they know everything, but in fact they know and say nothing....:mad:

:rolleyes: Every human who is given life to, has to live his/her life.
In what way.....I hope everybody can make that out for him/herself.
But in a great part of the world, people have nothing to say about their work and the circumstances they must work in.
It is a deep shame people have to live that way.....:confused:
We all have a right to live our lives simply because we have them. It is not a question of who gave them to us (or why we have them) but simply that we have them.

If someone denied us the right to live our lives, they would be killing us. It doesn't matter how we live our lives; but rather that we do.
Way of living...

It certainly does matter how you live your life...
We are not alone on this earth, we have to take care of our fellow-humans.:rolleyes:
If you live your life only and alone for your own benefit, it's not good.
How can it even feel good to live only and alone for yourself...

:p People have to learn there is a better way of living then there is now, with all that wars going on, everywhere...
Even round your living place is anger and hate and suspicious people.
It must stop and we can help by beginning at our own living places. I don't know a better word for it then living place, sorry.:(

I hope there are people who listen, a lot of people see this already, but there are not enough yet.....:rolleyes:

Come on people.....make a beginning yourself:p
By saying the main issue was simply about living your life, i did not mean that it didn't matter how you lived your life.

I was saying, basically, the only right you have in terms of how you live your life is simply that you have a right to survive, and to protect yourself.

True, you should never live your life for only your own benefit, but you should still take into account your own situation before you go around living in a 'sharing' society.

Really, to be quite honest, I disagree with the philosophy that the rich should share with the poor. I don't know what it's like over in Europe... are you all leftist/socialist whackos??:eek: :eek:

One part of how we take care of ourselves should be making sure we do our best to take care of the world, and our fellow humans. However, when we try to integrate that into neat packages called 'compassion' 'anti-hate' we are setting oursleves up for tension and controversy. I really believe people are not stupid enough simply to hate for the sake of hating.. I think what you might call hate runs on much subtler cues that often go unnoticed. Usually the best way to rid the world of hate is not to dissect statistics and polls and create new legislation, but rather to examine the state of the world in general in real terms.

Stop dreaming....:eek:
and also don't write using nicely packaged 'tolerance terms' like 'we all live here' and 'make a beginning yourself' and 'do your part to rid hate, but it will never be enough..' because they are merely tagwords attached to a political need for power. You may not realise that other people think the same way as you.. they are only not using the same political monster language as you... and you are merely feeding others' quest for power by thinking you have the standard in expression... ;)
No Piffi, Sorry, you are wrong!!

Piffi, in the first place I do not have the truth and the solutions in my back-pack, like you seem to think....
It is just a way of seeing the world, why must you be so hateful??
Because someone doesn't share your way of thinking??:eek:

I never said, and never will say I am the only one who knows what's right, but look around you.......Are you blind???
And what about your 'great' president mr. bush with his spaceshield.......Yeah, that's wacko:confused:
And all his death-penalty's!!!
A real 'great' leader you have there......Tokyo Confention??
What is that??.....Ask your politicians and your president the 'great' mr. bush.....:mad:

The only thing I wanted to say was that we can make a better world, only if enough people see the real need of it.
And I hope there are a few politicians who are not so blinded by the power they have and who will see that we can't go on living like this......
With all those wars going on......
And the destuction of earth and oceans by pollution :eek: :eek:

But about that kind of 'things' you don't have to worry have you.
You have mr. bush...... and HE WILL TAKE CARE OF THE POLLUTION, doesn't he......

Oh yeah, in Europe they do their bests too, to pollute and destroy......It is everywhere, but it doesn't matter, does it, Piffi.....:eek: