Program glitch or discovery?

What exactly are you going on and on about here? You have not discovered anything new, Alex. All you have managed to do is to create yet another overly complex system that demonstrates your lack of understanding.
D H. I'm not a beginner on physics science. I've got some.

I understand you are the one smart physics scientist. Because we are still talking about this idea:)

Let's think logically.
If an object takes acceleration on translation trajectory then this means a force applied to the object for translation movement. Correct?
If an object takes acceleration on rotation trajectory then this means a force applied to the object for rotation movement. Correct?
The net of these forces is resultant force which applied to the object. It's logic.
The classical mechanics says - No. Force applied to the object with same values for both translation and rotation movements. The net of these forces is doubling resultant force. No - logics. Why? Because the law of momentum conservation for translation movement must work. However, the object starts 2 movements. If look back on experiment 2 then it shows how experimental rods conduct different movements. If base on classical mechanics models compare their kinetic energies and momentums then just one translation momentums have same values. This is not right. No symmetrical action. However, base on 3rd Newton's law symmetrical action must present on experiment.

Back to your good example about spaceships. You would probably have more information about their trajectories miscalculations relatively to center mass problem. If you would try to create a simple spaceship model which takes rotation with translation movement then the simulator is giving a wrong translation velocity result. If engine has a thrust with fixed value then no matter how spaceship rotates the translation velocity will be constant. Wrong. Practice says the spaceship with this miscalculation toward to cosmic garbage. The engineers usually build spaceships which avoid this center mass problem.
This is not very friendly effects for rocket scientists. However, this effect brings our civilization to new era.
D H. I'm not a beginner on physics science. I've got some.
Alex, all of your attempts to find paradoxes in classical mechanics are proof that you do not have even a beginning college level of understanding of physics.

Let's think logically.
If an object takes acceleration on translation trajectory then this means a force applied to the object for translation movement. Correct?
If an object takes acceleration on rotation trajectory then this means a force applied to the object for rotation movement. Correct?
The net of these forces is resultant force which applied to the object. It's logic.
Logic led Zeno to wonder how an arrow can move, or how the rabbit can catch the tortoise.

The thing to use when it comes to physics is mathematics rather than logic. The only way to have energy, linear momentum, and angular momentum conserved is if forces simultaneous cause both translational and rotational acceleration.