I have read Rushtons works, as well as 'the bell curve'. It was a long learning experience for me because at first I was tempted to think it's just some hate speach. But it’s not. It’s just that the media is ridiculously sensitive to information that might contradict prevailing political values – i.e egalitarianism and multiculturalism, and so ignorantlyscreams 'racist racist racist’ , and of course all the hordes of lemmings join in and before you know it a book is discredited before it actually gets read. Nobody can convince m that race is not deterministic of ability when it’s so empirically obvious that it is. Just watch the 100m final at the Olympics. And of course it is reasonable to assume that certain races might have intellectual differences as well. This offends many people, but avoiding the truth is not going to get us anywhere. People get offended because they think that if we admit racial differences we are going to suddenly become Nazi Germany all over again. I think that’s a little paranoid. Ability (sporting/intellectual whatever) does not and should not affect human rights. We aren’t going to start saying ‘oh negros are inferior, let’s send them back to Africa now”.