Problems with the biblical Genesis story (split)


Valued Senior Member
@Jan --

Sciptures must be taken literally to be understood properly.

Well then we've got a problem because the Genesis creation story says that plants were created before the sun was, and that's just plain impossible.
@Jan --

Yes, it does. You can be forgiven for not knowing that though, you're a christian and the bible is actually one of the least read books among christians so I'll let that one slide, for now.

But since it does say that, and according to you we must take the scripture literally in order to understand it's "true" meaning, and since we know for a fact that it didn't happen that way, we must then conclude that the true meaning of Genesis is that the authors were taking the piss.
@Jan --

Yes, it does. You can be forgiven for not knowing that though, you're a christian and the bible is actually one of the least read books among christians so I'll let that one slide, for now.

But since it does say that, and according to you we must take the scripture literally in order to understand it's "true" meaning, and since we know for a fact that it didn't happen that way, we must then conclude that the true meaning of Genesis is that the authors were taking the piss.

Jan isn't a Christian, though.
More stupidity.
What, exactly, do you think


The claim that the bible should be read literally, followed by apparent ignorance on what it does say.

...''And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 4And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. ''...

...''And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 4And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. ''...
So what?
That light and dark does not have sources (as shown by the quote I gave) and did not come from the Sun (as shown by the fact stars did not exist at that time).
So what?
That light and dark does not have sources (as shown by the quote I gave) and did not come from the Sun (as shown by the fact stars did not exist at that time).

Where did the light come from, if not from a source?
Where does it say that the stars were brought into existence on the fourth day?

Where did the light come from, if not from a source?
It's god. He can do WTF he likes.
If it was the Sun and Moon then why did he bother to create "two great lights" later on?
Or maybe you can show us the two sources of light we have during each of the night and day?

Where does it say that the stars were brought into existence on the fourth day?
More of your avoidance and ignorance. Directly after the quote I gave and linked to.
16And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

I see you're back to practising your usual dishonesty.

It's god. He can do WTF he likes.

Why do you say that?

If it was the Sun and Moon then why did he bother to create "two great lights" later on?

There's no mention of creating the two great lights later on.

Or maybe you can show us the two sources of light we have during each of the night and day?

Better still, why don't you show us where the sun, moon, and stars, were created on the fourth day.

More of your avoidance and ignorance. Directly after the quote I gave and linked to.

To make, is not the same as to create.

I see you're back to practising your usual dishonesty.

Point out where I have been dishonest, or shut the f--k up about dishonesty.


Why do you say that?
He apparently had light and dark, day and night, WITHOUT sources.

There's no mention of creating the two great lights later on.
Um, blatantly incorrect.
As shown by your quote "light and dark" (first day) and then MY quote. The "two great lights" didn't arrive until the fourth day.

Better still, why don't you show us where the sun, moon, and stars, were created on the fourth day.
I did.

To make, is not the same as to create.
Is it not? Then please define exactly for us what the difference is.

Point out where I have been dishonest, or shut the f--k up about dishonesty.
Oh let's see...
You claim the bible should be taken literally, but are apparently unaware of what it states. You ask for support for my point, a support which has already been given...
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Why do you say that?

There's no mention of creating the two great lights later on.

Better still, why don't you show us where the sun, moon, and stars, were created on the fourth day.

To make, is not the same as to create.

Point out where I have been dishonest, or shut the f--k up about dishonesty.



And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: 15And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. 16And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. 17And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, 18And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good. 19And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.

Do you have a reading disorder, or do you just not bother?

He apparently had light and dark, day and night, WITHOUT sources.

The ''light'' was the source.
Why should you come to any other conclusion?

Um, blatantly incorrect.
As shown by your quote "light and dark" (first day) and then MY quote. The "two great lights" didn't arrive until the fourth day.

They didn't ''arrive'' until the fourth day.
Meaning they could have been shielded from the the earth, by a cloud.

You didn't.

Is it not? Then please define exactly for us what the difference is.

To ''Make''.. to bring into existence by shaping or changing material, combining parts, etc.: to make a dress; to make a channel; to make a work of art.

To ''Create''.. to cause to come into being, as something unique that would not naturally evolve or that is not made by ordinary processes.

Oh let's see...
You claim the bible should be taken literally, but are apparently unaware of what it states.

You ask for support for my point, a support which has already been given...

Apparently, you're the one who is unaware of what it states, and your point
doesn't make sense in accordance with any scriptoral reference of creation, most likely because you don't want it to.

So you're the dishonest one.

The ''light'' was the source.
Why should you come to any other conclusion?
Arrant nonsense.

They didn't ''arrive'' until the fourth day.
Meaning they could have been shielded from the the earth, by a cloud.
16And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night
In other words they weren't there until he made them.

You didn't.
Also wrong.

To ''Make''.. to bring into existence by shaping or changing material, combining parts, etc.: to make a dress; to make a channel; to make a work of art.
So one doesn't create a work of art?

To ''Create''.. to cause to come into being, as something unique that would not naturally evolve or that is not made by ordinary processes.
Your own personal definition? Fail.

Apparently, you're the one who is unaware of what it states, and your point doesn't make sense in accordance with any scriptoral reference of creation, most likely because you don't want it to.
Since I quoted the scripture directly I think you'll find you're mistaken.

So you're the dishonest one.
More lies from you.