Pro Choice or Pro Life, Obama is wrong!

who the hell is saying doctors dont make mestakes?
Im saying they have requirements above that of a used car salesmen
who the hell is saying doctors dont make mestakes?
Im saying they have requirements above that of a used car salesmen

Read my post again, Asguard, and read it a little more carefully.

And don't forget .....private practice doctors are different to emergency room doctors! You're putting all doctors into the emergency care category.

Baron Max
actually im talking mainly about GP's, A&E doctors (and nurses and allied health proffessionals) are state goverment employees and MUST obay the terms of there contract. However ALL doctors are paid by the federal goverment and have certain requirements put on them in exhange.

In NSW the law CLEARLY states that for ANY health proffessional not to render aid when asked (wether they are paid or not) is a crime. Now go back and reread my post where i talked about the women who heamoraged or commited suicide because a doctor refused her LEGAL RIGHTS and abducated his duty.

What if a pilot at crusing altitude decided he suddenly didnt want to fly anymore. Would that be acceptable? you cant force him right?
Well, not surprisingly, things are different in Aussieland than it is in the USA. Y'all are a socialist nation where the gov runs everything in your lives. We Americans don't like that idea much ...we already have too freakin' much gov stickin' their noses into our lives, we sure don't need any more.

The pilot? Hey, if he's up there flying, then decides not to fly anymore, there just ain't one helluva lot anyone can do about it, is there? In fact, we just had a thread here yestrday about a Muslim who did just that ....had an emergency, so he started praying insteand of flying! the crash killed a bunch of people.

Baron Max
what a surprise that you didnt read that thread seeing as it didnt fit your predjuces.
Y'all are a socialist nation where the gov runs everything in your lives.
Baron Max

why is socialism such a dirty word in the US? it seems like there's a group of people who keep acting like its a horrible thing, so they don't have to pay tax for things like medicare or single mother support. i mean what's the difference between my socialist nation and the US other than what i just mentioned?

tell me how the government runs my life. they make me vote, that's 20 min out of my life every year.
why is socialism such a dirty word in the US? ...

Because it doesn't conform to the Constitution for one thing!

Socialism is essentially taking from one group, usually the rich or wealthy, and giving to a select group, usually the poor or lazy. That just ain't right. A government, esp the US gov, should not be a charitable organization. Our Constitution strictly forbids it ...and yet we continue erode that law/rule.

Baron Max