Primetime: UFOs...Seeing Is Believing

I understand your reasoning Big O and can relate to your story.
And yeah, I guess you can only trust me when I say this was quite different.
It would be more like watching a "soccer game":D and suddenly have 25-30 cars blare out onto the field and start whipping donuts in the middle of the grass for nearly 2 minutes...then watching the game on tv and nothing of the sort happened...
If you could somehow misinterpret's just a whole other level of fucking crazy?!
Look, the ONLY other possiblity to explain what this experience was would be to say that some kind of highly advanced holographic images were put up(I doubt it), or there was some type of mind control experiment going on making us see this shit, which I also doubt...whatever possiblity you want to assign to it there is no doubt about the clarity with which these objects were observed.
They were not bright lights, they were not specks way up in the sky, they were large objects all moving together over Kewlowna B.C.
If you hold your arm out and hold your finger tips about 3/4 of an inch apart...that's how big these things were...and while I'm describing these things they also had a bubble around each of them...some type of field.

Big O, these crafts were not as subtle as a particular facial feature, these things were the size of automobiles, flying in such incredible syncronicity with eachother, on a clear sunny afternoon, ...sorry my friend, you will have to continue thinking I am up to shananigans with this story, or simply insane...because these things were plane as day.
I was messed up for a good hour after seeing them...trying to take in what I just saw...and still messes me up a little when I think about it even now when explaing the event to you...I don't for one second blame you for not believing such an event.
Crazy shit man.
Anyways, thanks for your interest.
i have known moe for about 5 years now
coherence and humor is what i note
therefore i accord him some dignity and give him the benefit of the doubt
the account given does not violate any physical laws nor is it in the realm of improbability

so why the fuck not?
I appreciate the sentiments G, however I know that for many here accepting my statements as even remotely true may neccesitate some degree of faith...which in a catch 22 I am not expecting since how else can my experience be taken by those who have not yet been introduced to any personal experience to accept otherwise.

Damn, I guess it has been around 5 years now, lol.
I should dearly love to believe you. Nothing would make me happier (? - more intrigued, excited??) than the reality of ETs (or time travelling humans, or parallel universe tourists). I just currently feel there is insufficient solid data to support the notion. I applaud your measured presentation of the facts as you see them, and your appreciation of the reluctance of us skeptics to accept what your personal experience has led you to accept.
If all UFO nutters were like you they wouldn't be called nutters. :)

If all UFO nutters were like you they wouldn't be called nutters. :)

*Sigh, is true...much emotion tied into this subject...however I can understand why emotions can and do run quite high on such matters...not your general everyday subject.
*Sigh, is true...much emotion tied into this subject...however I can understand why emotions can and do run quite high on such matters...not your general everyday subject.

well i do not understand
what the fucks so special about astrobiology that one has to get their goddamn knickers in a bunch?

goddamn christians
I should dearly love to believe you. Nothing would make me happier than the reality of ETs
What if they are not benevolent?

What if they see us as we see cattle...or even insects?

Humans tend to value the life of other species based on intelligence...the dumber it is, the less value placed on its life.

WASHINGTON, DC - History was changed forever yesterday when NASA received a transmission from an alien species.
The brief message, addressed to "," read simply:


Please discontinue sending stupid unsolicited transmissions and debris to us.
We have received several metallic craft bearing objects, crude drawings, and disks which play noises when scratched with crystal-tipped needles.
We don't know who "Bach" is, but tell him for us that he should consider another profession.

Honestly, we receive thousands of unsolicited transmissions and craft from societies such as yourself to the point where they become a great nuisance, so discontinue this practice immediately or we will be forced to report you to your information provider or, more simply, blow up your stupid planet and all your stupid life-forms.

Send your junk to the Gezor -- they have all the class and intelligence of stewed clazin.

Elinzoa Glppaducc
Information Processing Coordinator
The Shati-Makal

NASA immediately cancelled plans to send up a time capsule containing a CD of the Ricky Martin hit, "Livin' La Vida Loca", and a VHS copy of "Friends."