priests need celibacy to be perverts

It is not a fair method of quotation to leave out the other half of my statement. I cannot assent to chopping it in half and then making out that I, a Jew am somehow anti-semitic. What you left out was:
MAIN THESIS: Instead, at most we can say that Jews are behind some of the greatest and most humanitarian movements and ideas, but also paradoxically, some of the most destructive and criminal activities of modern man.

and the counterbalancing point:
And with the great talents and resources that they have, the bad stewardship they display is doubly dissappointing.

Yet they can't be ignored, or attacked as enemies of anyone except themselves. They can only be pleaded with and reasoned with, to beg them to hold themselves to a higher standard, to present the rest of the world with better role models and examples of what can be accomplished.

Although your picture of the two Ashkenazim in the shower was cute.
Your "counterbalance" is no balance at all, but another affirmation of your ignorant anti-simitic rant. I don't care if you are Jewish, so am I. They aren't that different from Europeans in general, but their religion has one significant difference, Rabbis can marry.

Instead, at most we can say that Jews are behind some of the greatest and most humanitarian movements and ideas, but also paradoxically, some of the most destructive and criminal activities of modern man.
This would apply to almost every ethnic group on earth.

“ sexual repression is at the heart of the patriarchal religions. ”

If only this were true.
If it were, the PORN industry would have singlehandedly released 90% of the repressed sexual disfunction of North America.
It is true, and that is why the porn industry flourishes. If we weren't so repressed, we would just have sex.

Instead however, the PORN industry has resulted in the greatest increase in violence, corruption, and repression/abuse of women since Genghis Kahn and his hordes swept across the Mongolian Plains.

Wedicine Moman,
I didn't mean to imply that Rabbis have a broad on the side, just that their regular sexual outlet was with their wives!

The Catholic priesthood is a cover for repressed homosexuals. If Catholic culture didn't repress gayness, those people would not feel such a need to become priests, they would have boyfriends, and would not rape children. They only do so since children are easy victims, and don't tell. The whole system is totally backwards and wrong.
spidergoat said:
Your "counterbalance" is no balance at all, but another affirmation of your ignorant anti-simitic [sic!] rant. I don't care if you are Jewish, so am I. They aren't that different from Europeans in general, but their religion has one significant difference, Rabbis can marry.
So can Anglicans and 99.9% of protestantism. Why are so many Jews so obsessed with Catholicism to the point of irrational hatred?

This (my previous statements) would apply to almost every ethnic group on earth.
Indeed it would, and I don't hesitate to apply it to any other group or subset of priviledged people for whom it is true. It is not 'anti-simitic' [sic] in any way, and neither am I.

...that is why the porn industry flourishes. If we weren't so repressed, we would just have sex.
What a non-sequitous 'argument'.
Short term economic success is no indication, let alone a proof that PORN is serving any positive or useful function. Two even larger and more successful industries are the Military/Industrial complex which essentially perpetuates wars and gun running, and the Drug Cartels, which make millions upon the enslavement and extortion of the helpless, ignorant, and poor. By your logic, since they flourish, they are meeting a 'psychological need' which it is beneficial to indulge. Just look at the profits! (and ignore the body count).

I didn't mean to imply that Rabbis have a broad on the side, just that their regular sexual outlet was with their wives!
..but your point elicited honest clinical evidence that many professional Jewish men are immoral, unreliable sluts. How inconvenient.

The Catholic priesthood is a cover for repressed homosexuals.
So is the YMCA, and the saunas in Jewish private clubs.

if Catholic culture didn't repress gayness, ... they would have boyfriends, and would not rape children.
An incredible non-sequitor.
"If child molesters (who are all apparently gay) were not oppressed by the Catholic church, they would have boyfriends(!) and would not rape children."

Are you at all aware how retarded that sounds?

If the Catholic church indeed does repress homosexuality, it is because they inherited the doctrine from Judaism, which has not changed, except in the direction of hypocrisy.

(child molesters/homos?) only do so since children are easy victims, and don't tell. The whole system is totally backwards and wrong.

It seems more than 'the system' is a little backwards.

And yet I suppose you support less regulation of the PORN industry, which does 90% of the organized child-porn and exploitation of minors, and is run by Jewish mafioso.
Because come on, the bottom line shows that kiddy porn is meeting a suppressed psychological need. So get to it and prostitute those goyim children darn it, we have to make some money here.
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So can Anglicans and 99.9% of protestantism. Why are so many Jews so obsessed with Catholicism to the point of irrational hatred?
And notice that the abuse problem centers around Catholicism. I don't hate Catholics or Catholicism any more than other religions.

Short term economic success is no indication, let alone a proof that PORN is serving any positive or useful function.
I never said it does, just that it's an indicator that people aren't getting the actual human interaction they crave, so they resort to the symbolic interaction of porn.

..but your point elicited honest clinical evidence that many professional Jewish men are immoral, unreliable sluts. How inconvenient.
There was nothing clinical about MW's opinion. All men are horny bastards.

If the Catholic church indeed does repress homosexuality, it is because they inherited the doctrine from Judaism, which has not changed, except in the direction of hypocrisy.
Well, that much is true, but can you explain why the number of sexual abuse cases by Rabbis (or Anglicans and Protestants for that matter) doesn't even approach that of Catholic priests?

And yet I suppose you support less regulation of the PORN industry, which does 90% of the organized child-porn and exploitation of minors
Bullshit, most American porn is legitimate and legal. I feel the level of regulation is adequate.
Priests don't need celibacy to be a pervert. All they need is another priest or a choirboy. Its a very sad day indeed when the Catholic church fixes a local perverted priest problem by shipping him off to another diocese, hoping that a change of scenery will cure the prick from diddling. Oh yeah, they do this without letting the unsuspecting parishioners know anything about his past. Criminal, but forgiven on Sunday.
can you explain why the number of sexual abuse cases by Rabbis (or Anglicans and Protestants for that matter) doesn't even approach that of Catholic priests?
Again, you seem shockingly uninformed:

In Canada, the Anglican Church was deeply involved in the systemic sexual abuse and degradation of the ENTIRE INDIAN POPULATION, utterly destroying their culture, obliterating their language, and placing all their children into concentration camps where they were repeatedly sexually abused and molested. English Canada is Protestant. And virtually all of the Anglican Priests involved were married.

Finally, take note that the main purpose of the abuse and humiliation was that it was a planned act of Genocidal destruction for the purpose of wiping out an entire people, sanctioned and overseen by the Canadian Government, because they were all bunch of racist perverts.

The number of sickos required to pull off this grand organized scheme approximately equals the number of Europeans enrolled in the Ku Klux Klan and Western Guard, and the Priest population in comparison is probably less than 1% of the total number of conspirators and molestors who were school teachers and government officials.

Finally, the number of Rabbis (caught!) molesting children is very low for the simple reason that priests and pastors outnumber rabbis by probably 1000/1 in North America. If the statistics were closely examined, I don't know what we'd find. But if rabbis (being the horny bastards you have admitted they are) have a low number of convictions their are several obvious reasons, i.e., their ability to secure better legal defence and their economic and religious status which acts as a shield. If indeed they turn out to have a disproportionately high number of convictions, I would suspect it cannot be explained by anti-semitism, but rather by involvment in organized crime, to which they have priviledged access.

it's an indicator that people aren't getting the actual human interaction they crave, so they resort to the symbolic interaction of porn.
Again this is dangerously naive. Just like the availability of drugs, the availability of porn also creates and expands existing markets, because it has all the clinical characteristics of an addiction.

Those selling addictive products use their power to expand markets by involving people who would NOT normally become involved or develop a 'need'.

By your reasoning, the expanding market for cigarettes, young girls, is the natural outcome of an unmet need, rather than the fact that they are heavily targeted by ad campaigns in every major magazine and advertizing outlet.
Actually, cigarette companies spend millions pushing cigarettes on underage girls, because they are the easiest target.

In exact parallel, porn is pushed on teenage boys, the main market for all pornography. The natural hormonal sex drives and temporary imbalances are known to be exaggerated by overstimulation and the abuse of drugs like alcohol.
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