priests need celibacy to be perverts



How many priests have to be homosexuals and child molesters before Jesus finally realizes that celibacy might work well for the Pope but not for normal people like, you know, the now rare if not endangered, and often mythical heterosexual?
Any vocation or avocation where people are held in high esteem and trust, especially by parents who entrust their children's care and well-being to them, are magnets for every pervert that ever walked the Earth. Priests or equivalent, teachers, scout and girl guide leaders are all very attractive positions for the scum of the question...proven time and time again.

Priest's claims of celibacy should fall on deaf ears.
homosexuality and pedophilia are two different things.

Most homosexuals don't hide as priests anymore: they form their own communities and infiltrate every institution and area of life.

Most pedophilia is run by organized crime rings: any priests involved would be Satanic priests more likely than Catholic priests. That office offers few opportunities comparitively speaking. Children are abused in institutions, usually for racial reasons, like the systemic abuse of Indians. Adults are usually abused in prisons, or places where authority can be abused, such as law enforcement and the military.
Einstuck said:
any priests involved would be Satanic priests more likely than Catholic priests.

Satanism has nothing to do with paedophilia, child abuse or anything of the kind. Some silly young fuckers think they know what satanism is and go out to form little groups that eventually do something really stupid like mutilate a young teenage girl or they are caught with child porn, etc. This is all wrong. Real satanism states very clearly that they are against damaging children because children are our future and without a future we are all fucked.
You can argue that, that is what the satanists want us all to think but that too is shite. I know of agnostics, atheists, catholics and protestants who have all been found guilty of child abuse. I also know satanists and all of them are very very protective of their children.I am not saying they are not guilty at all of these crimes but only uneducated fools who use satanism as a tag have been known to do this.
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Thank God for the Satanists.

Einstuck.....Who would have thought that the mob, with the drug, gambling and porn industry doing so well that they have to resort to paedophilia to get their jollies. Whatever happened to the gangsta' moll? When did this switch from blondes to babies take place?
Einstuck.....Who would have thought that the mob, with the drug, gambling and porn industry doing so well that they have to resort to paedophilia to get their jollies. Whatever happened to the gangsta' moll? When did this switch from blondes to babies take place?
That's pretty easy to answer really.
This generation is the most completely cut off and alienated from the previous one.
It has probably never happened before except in isolated areas for brief moments,
that a whole generation or two of people have been left so ignorant and helpless.
This generation is probably the most dysfunctional of generations.

At a time when the New Testament, even Paul, has become politically incorrect
to even mention in passing, the words of the first few verses of the Letter to the Romans has never apparently rung more true:

Ever since the creation of the world His eternal power and divine nature, invisible though they are, have been understood and seen through the things he has made.

So they are without excuse.

For though they knew God, they did not honour Him as God or give thanks.
But they became foolish in their thinking, and their minds were darkened.

Claiming to be wise they became fools:
and they exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images
of men and birds and beasts, and reptiles.

Therefore God gave them up to the lusts of their hearts,
to the degrading of their own bodies among one another,
because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie,
and chose to serve the creature over the Creator.

And so God gave them up to degrading passions.
Even their women exchanged natural intercourse for unnatural,
and in the the same way also the men did,
giving up natural intercourse with women,
and were consumed with passion for each other.
Men committed shameless acts with men,
and received in their own bodies the penalty for their error..."

Romans 1:20-32)

At the time Paul penned this, and for centuries afterward,
people thought Paul was exaggerating, and he was mocked.
Now with the internet,
we know that his prophetic words about man's coming dysfunctionality
are only too accurate:

Do not use these links if you are under 18 years of age.
These links are provided for instructional purposes only,
to show just how far man has fallen:

Not only have cowardly 'men' promulgated mysogeny into a dark art,
they have found a way to make money off of it:

Gangs who Drug women and rape them. And encourage others to.[link deleted][/url]

Gangs who trick women, drug them and force sex with animals:

I have taken a screen shot but blanked out the obscene parts,
and obscured the identity of the victim:
[link deleted]
With utterly mysogenist garbage like that, the earth isn't going to last even one more generation.

God will surely destroy idiots like this.
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The priesthood would be alot more healthy if they allowed marriage. It used to be that way actually. You seldom hear about Rabbis molesting children, although that does happen too, probably because it's still a position of trust.
You seldom hear about Rabbis molesting children, although that does happen too, probably because it's still a position of trust.

...except that the porn industry is virtually run by Jews, from Hefner on down:
You won't read about it, except in Jewish publications, because that would be politically incorrect:

Is the porn industry an essentially Jewish conspiracy to corrupt Christian North America? This is pretty much conceded by ethical and honest Jewish analysts:

Secular Jews in Porn: An editorial - The Jewish Quarterly
So F'ing what? I'm talking about celibate priests compared to Rabbis, who are allowed to have a normal sexual life.
Define 'normal': this should be good.

The Rabbinical system is obviously as strongly patriarchical as Christian traditions. Most Jewish women think they are being burned badly, since they are only treated marginally better than 'goyim', and its largely a farce.

The idea that 'Rabs' have a normal sex life is laughable. The rules and regulations rabs have created to control sexual power is comperable to the methods farmers use on cattle.
Define 'normal'

Rabbis can have a wife and a regular sexual outlet, albeit under the customs and rules of their culture just like everyone else. Can't you see how this is different than priesthood? I'm not talking about Christians or Jews in general.
The priesthood would be alot more healthy if they allowed marriage.
This I presume is your thesis.

My question is, why do you think this has any bearing on say their ability to be priests?

Why is marriage healthy? Jesus pretty much discouraged marriage, and Paul followed His lead. Anyone who reads carefully Jesus' teaching on marriage ought to be struck by the clear implications that:

(1) All things built on sand will pass away.

(2) Marriage is not eternal. There is no marriage in heaven.

(3) It is a form of favouritism which is to be avoided even on earth.

(4) At best, marriage is a secular institution that only has any value when it protects women and children, and otherwise is satanic, choking the effectiveness of Christians.
I'm no fan of the institution of marriage, let them have girlfriends or boyfriends, I don't care, either way, I think it's healthier than forced celibacy, which seems to attract perverts. There are probably priests that can be celibate with no problem. This is no solution, however, since sexual repression is at the heart of the patriarchal religions. All I'm saying is that the Jewish customs are somewhat less sexually repressed, and as a consequence have much less of a problem with it manifesting itself in socially unacceptable ways.
My only problem with this line of reasoning, is that red-light districts attract an order of magnitude more 'perverts' than ads recruiting celibate priests.

By your reasoning, legalized prostitution (perhaps govt. regulated and operated?) would meet a need or provide a healthy outlet resulting in less rape and murder.

But I don't think psychiatric or psychological theories of behaviour/illness account in any convincing way for human behaviour. The ethical/judicial model is far more effective in categorizing criminal behaviour and regulating it than couches or drugs.

All I'm saying is that the Jewish customs are somewhat less sexually repressed, and as a consequence have much less of a problem with it manifesting itself in socially unacceptable ways.
And with this I must strongly disagree:
Jews represent some of the most badly behaved anarchistic element in modern society, and they are particularly successful at it because of their superior intelligence. This sadly doesn't translate into better behaviour, or higher ethical standards, even for themselves.

Instead, at most we can say that Jews are behind some of the greatest and most humanitarian movements and ideas, but also paradoxically, some of the most destructive and criminal activities of modern man.

The behaviour of Jews, particularly in shocking the ethical sensibilities of others, in their open and enthusiastic materialism and greed, and in their delight in the humiliation, degradation and corruption of 'goyim' (Gentiles), is thoroughly appalling. And with the great talents and resources that they have, the bad stewardship they display is doubly dissappointing.

Yet they can't be ignored, or attacked as enemies of anyone except themselves. They can only be pleaded with and reasoned with, to beg them to hold themselves to a higher standard, to present the rest of the world with better role models and examples of what can be accomplished.
sexual repression is at the heart of the patriarchal religions.
If only this were true.
If it were, the PORN industry would have singlehandedly released 90% of the repressed sexual disfunction of North America.

Instead however, the PORN industry has resulted in the greatest increase in violence, corruption, and repression/abuse of women since Genghis Kahn and his hordes swept across the Mongolian Plains.
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spidergoat said:

Rabbis can have a wife and a regular sexual outlet, albeit under the customs and rules of their culture just like everyone else. Can't you see how this is different than priesthood? I'm not talking about Christians or Jews in general.
M*W: You are right. I've worked for many Jewish physicians, and it is customary for them to have the Jewish wife and a sexual partner on the side. (I've never been one of them). Jewish men are very sexual, I've been told. Even the shy ones.

Older Jewish women seem to accept the fact that their husbands have a shiksa on the side.

It's an interesting concept, but I don't agree with it. Although I've seen how these doctors treat their shiksas. Mighty impressive, and their wives say nada.
DarkThorn said:
People from all walks of life are guilty of abuse. They don't have to claim celibacy.

Every heterosexual that I know that entered a seminary left because of all the perverts .. which, I suppose left all the perverts in the priesthood.
There is no institution I know that comes even close to the ratio of perverts as does the Catholic church, and it is all about Celibacy. And the joke does not stop there – in over 25 years of education in Catholic, Jesuit, Institutions not once could I get any help from priests when I needed it – the only love and understand I have ever got was from MARRIED men/women. The only thing priests had time and sadistic PASSION for was to beat the living crap out of us with their straps. Otherwise they were too busy playing with their golf balls or ??? balls. And some even tried to play with my balls.

The only priests I know who were straight stayed straight because they were drunks. Which is a topic very much neglected. Being a certified alcoholic and drug addict myself , that goes back 25 years: there is no group of individuals that I know of that has a higher incidence of alcoholics than priests.
Not only do they have the highest incidence but they also compete with doctors for the least chance of recovery.
So who cares? The quicker the church decays the sooner our children will be safe from all the perverts that masquerade as priests in the name of the Christ that Catholics call their Pope.

The behaviour of Jews, particularly in shocking the ethical sensibilities of others, in their open and enthusiastic materialism and greed, and in their delight in the humiliation, degradation and corruption of 'goyim' (Gentiles), is thoroughly appalling.


