Pride, Parenthood, and Overpopulation

one thing i could say is how (ignoring the rapes, and orphins) is the fact that people are irrisponcabe and get themselves pregant when they cant care for the child make the people who CANT have kids automatically but have to resort to IVF and surgocy the selfish or "prideful" ones?

Rather than blaming those who cant how about we try giving condoms to the sluts who do and dont want the children?
Maybe but if they can't find them by now, there's not much hope for them.

Just to provoke a massive furor, how about tying their tubes? :D
This and that

Asguard said:

i especially found it funny that you posted about teenage boys getting one temporarly prevent teenage pregancy

Well, as to that, you did raise the issue.

There is nothing at all selfish about accessing IVF, and its dam hypocritical of you to suggest there is.

I can only reiterate again what your argument appears to fail to account for:

There's nothing wrong with having one's own kid. But having someone else have it for you? I'm not opposed to the principle, but in the face of the number of children who need homes and stable families?

The problem is that it's about the parents, not the kid.​

My disgust in this situation pertains specifically to this couple, and only grows as their representation of their circumstances proves increasingly disingenuous.

To the other, there is also a symbolic aspect to that disgust, or, rather, a symbolic value with which I am disgusted: The proposition that parenthood is about the parents.

I have herd stories of marriages breaking up over infertility ....

In my youth, I was surprised to discover that, at the time, impotence (the term seemingly specific to the male) was grounds for divorce in California. I do not know where the law stands at present. A quick Google search turns up the following: "Impotence is a male's inability to have sexual intercourse. Impotence can be grounds for annulment of a marriage if the condition existed when the couple got married, and grounds for divorce whenever it happens under the laws of many states." (

Suddenly, a Stevie Ray Vaughan lyric comes to mind: "And that's a cold shot, baby. Yeah, that's a drag."

Im sorry if im being harsh but this is personal to me, its quite likly PB will be infertile and that the $100s we have spent on the pill and condoms was compleatly unessary.

It's not the harshness of your approach—indeed, there are those who would surpass you in that—but, rather, the angle of attack (see the reiterated point above).

And, in truth, I'm pretty sure your lament about birth control spending wasn't intended to be as cold as it sounds.

• • •​

GeoffP said:

Is the 110K unadopted children issue really going to affect world population much? Really?

Yes and no. It is largely a matter of perspective. Social instability and the challenges of education under such circumstances suggest that many of these, statistically, are more prone to unplanned reproduction than those raised within secure and stable families. In a nation like the United States, the concern for hunger and food insecurity is less than, say, Africa. Then again, have you heard of our Appalachian situation? (See Calhoun, Garden Harvest.)

Another aspect to consider is the impact of the situation on society. In truth, the economic obligation—e.g., the public finance burden—of so many kids in the system is the least of my concerns, unless of course we are prepared to up the ante and pay for more substantial work than a poorly-organized foster system with unacceptably-high exploitation rates and a penchant—in some locales—for losing track of children entirely. Add to that those that Max reminds: the kids on the street. In the late 1990s, I encountered a statistic declaring that one in four gay males under twenty-five in the Seattle area was HIV positive. A tremendous proportion of this circumstance originates on the street; the issue of homeless youth extends beyond concerns of human dignity, and in many cases overlaps public health and safety concerns. Crime against the community, against the homeless themselves, and communication of disease all present challenges that society must eventually address. Family instability—economic and psychological—drives a large number of American youths to the street.

And all of this is cyclical. In the end, there will necessarily be sacrificial lambs that the system will not include because it cannot. But the longer we wait to address the problem, whether for pride or mere convenience, the greater that number will be.

As to your longer post, I would not ignore it. I'll get to it soon, as it is next on my list of priorities for this discussion.


"Grounds for Divorce: Impotence". Accessed November 16, 2008.

Calhoun, Melissa Rake. "Study: Rural Appalachian Households with Children in Head Start Face Increased Rates of Food Insecurity". Ohio University Research Communications. February 26, 2004.

"The Need in Appalachia". Garden Harvest. Accessed November 16, 2008.
crimes against homless are sick and disterbing, i was watching an australian cop show and these 2 adolesants walked up to this homeless guy who was asleep and started kicking him while filming it. Even though it was a first offence they went straght to jail but even that sentance was to leanent. poor guy

Anyway back on this thread your right my comment wasnt ment to be cold but rather to show the irony of the situation. As a sociaty we spend so much money each year on birth control (yes condoms to for STD protection but lets just focus on the pill because it only has one purpose) in order to plan when we are ready for kids rather than getting pregnant the first time we have sex yet for many couples when they reach the time that "yes i ready" it just doesnt happen. One of the most common responces is anger at the money spent on birth control because of the irony that you spent all this money to prevent something that now you just cant have.

As for your comment about impotance are you saying the US still regulates wether you can get a divorce or not? In australia "i dont want to have sex with this person" is all the reason you need for a divorce. Think you might find that is only still on the books from a time when sex wasnt about love but rather "carrying on the family". However that wasnt my point, my point was related to the strain being unable to have kids actually puts on a marriage.

PB loves "sex in the city" so i have ended up watching a few of them to please her, and one story line comes to mind to do with this. If you have ever seen it watch the episode\s to do with the brunetts struggle to get pregant and subsiquent divorce because they couldnt. Everything i have seen suggests that this isnt just pulled from thin air but rather is a reality for alot of couples
So what if the guy wanted a kid! Was he unaware that she had had a hysterectomy and couldn't have anymore? Why didn't anyone say "tough shit, you can't have what you want"?
sometimes I hate people.
Of course a hystorectomy or a vacectomy is unnessary surgury

Get with the times folks. The female equivalent of a vasectomy is tubal ligation a minor, but not trivial surgery. A hysterectomy is not usually done for sterilization as it major abdominal surgery and has numerous unpleasant side effects such as bladder problems and incontinence. If she had a hysterectomy its probably because she had atypical cells and had or was trying to avoid cancer.
So what if the guy wanted a kid! Was he unaware that she had had a hysterectomy and couldn't have anymore? Why didn't anyone say "tough shit, you can't have what you want"?
sometimes I hate people.

Obviously he can have what he wanted.
As a sociaty we spend so much money each year on birth control (yes condoms to for STD protection but lets just focus on the pill because it only has one purpose) in order to plan when we are ready for kids rather than getting pregnant the first time we have sex yet for many couples when they reach the time that "yes i ready" it just doesnt happen.

Sometimes it just doesn't happen no matter what you do. My sister tried for 20 years to no avail.

Sometimes it works out fine either way. My other sister started at 16 and I started at 39.
swan does she know why?
its an horible thing for someone to have to go through, (hope she doesnt read here, if she does tell her orleander is just a bitch). The reason i know PB will probably be infertile is that the doc is almost 100% sure she has polly sistic overian syndrome which means infertility sadly. though we arnt trying she was diogonosed because of something compleatly seprate but we both know the condition well enough to know what that diognosis means
It's not any "ick" factor that bothers me about this. It's the stupidity of pride.

This is what I get for adding Slate to my RSS. I mean, I knew I was going to regret—

Oh, right.

So, a few things stand out here:

What's wrong with adoption? Oh, right ... it's not "your" kid.
What are the limits of a mother's love? Who among us would do the same? More to the point, who among us would ask our mothers to do such a thing?
Triplets? Great. So, you had two kids from your prior marriage. Your curent husband wanted another. That equals population +0. Except you went with IVF and had triplets. And why did you put this burden on your own mother? Oh, right. Pride.​

Colloquially, I would simply say that these are exactly the kind of people who shouldn't be parents.

To the other, what can be said of a mother's love? No, not the stupid one who had her tubes tied and then wanted her mother to have more kids in order to make her new husband happy. I'm talking about the grandmother. Yes, dear, I'll carry triplets for you.

Still, though, it's stupid. Adding to an already overpopulated worldwide economic system (from +0 to +2), leaving children who need homes in the system, and asking your mother to carry a child (in this case, triplets) at fifty-six? And all for pride?

Okay, okay. It's not stupid. It goes beyond stupid. Children are not status symbols. Family is not a competition with the next guy. Seriously, if it's so important to have a kid "of your own" that you would knock up your wife's mother, no, you're not someone who should be a parent.

But that's just how I see it. I'm well aware that some people think pride is the only reason to do anything.


Saletan, William. "Knocked-Up Grandmas". Slate. November 12, 2008.

if i could i would do it so my children could have kids, i cant though because of various reasons, but if my kids wanted it badly i would do it, and whats wrong with triplets?

no one slates a woman who has sex with her partner and has triplets that way, so why is this such a big deal?
tiassa this is going to sound really harsh but

wow, talk about pulling a john and missing the point

Of course a hystorectomy or a vacectomy is unnessary surgury, i especially found it funny that you posted about teenage boys getting one temporarly prevent teenage pregancy (BTW you know you still produce usable sperm after having a vectectomy?, the way they extract it for IVF is by use of a gun which shoots directly into the testical, not something i would do)

My point to you, as it was to orleander has to do with hypocrasy from those who already have children critising those who cant and chose other routes to get them. I actually knew the first mother in the world i belive (possably just the southen hemosphere but i think the world) to get identical (think they were identical but its along time since i talked to her about it) quad boys from IVF. Now forget for a second they were identical which is something you cant control. In IVF multiple embrios are implanted in the hope that at least one will take hold. This is because the longer IVF goes on the lower the chances of it working are so if you can throw lots in the first time you have a better chance than spending years trying. Further more the chemicals they pump into the potentual mother arnt healthy to be in such high doses for that long. This explaines quite easerly the triplets

As for why they chose surgocy (or other people chose IVF) over adoption the answer is easy. I know you dont like the mother of your child but think about the first time you held her. Now bells has touched on one reason why adoption isnt popular but Mad has touched on the reason most people dont concider it except as a last resort. Further more we are judged (ESPECIALLY women) by there ability to reproduce. Most women spend a fair portion of there life on the pill now or being careful with condoms and then when they finally want kids to find they cant have them leaves them feeling angry, frustrated, betrayed and hundreds of other emotions. Men also experiance these emotions but in general the blame or the feeling that they are being blamed falls onto the women. I have herd stories of marriages breaking up over infertility not because one or the other partner is a basted but because the strain that trying and failing over and over again puts onto there relationship is as great as losing a child. There is nothing at all selfish about accessing IVF, and its dam hypocritical of you to suggest there is. Read the very last post i quoted again

Im sorry if im being harsh but this is personal to me, its quite likly PB will be infertile and that the $100s we have spent on the pill and condoms was compleatly unessary.

you know sometimes a hysterectomy is neseccary, many women need hysterectomys for various of reasons to keep them alive
LA, i didnt mean it like that. I ment a 16-17 year old getting either procidure to prevent pregancy for the sake of universal population control. Not for medical reasons
LA, i didnt mean it like that. I ment a 16-17 year old getting either procidure to prevent pregancy for the sake of universal population control. Not for medical reasons

no doctor in they're right mind would put a 16 - 17 year old forward for a hysterectomy, its a big operation,

but if they do have it, then yeah thats stupid,
PB loves "sex in the city" so i have ended up watching a few of them to please her, and one story line comes to mind to do with this. If you have ever seen it watch the episode\s to do with the brunetts struggle to get pregant and subsiquent divorce because they couldnt. Everything i have seen suggests that this isnt just pulled from thin air but rather is a reality for alot of couples
I have two cousins who dumped their girlfriends/wives when they found out she was infertile. So that is definitely a real situation.
Tuba Man, and L/A's kids

Asguard said:

crimes against homless are sick and disterbing, i was watching an australian cop show and these 2 adolesants walked up to this homeless guy who was asleep and started kicking him while filming it. Even though it was a first offence they went straght to jail but even that sentance was to leanent. poor guy

We just lost our Tuba Man. And those kids weren't even homeless. Devastating. One of Seattle's sports icons wiped out for a cheap thrill.

• • •​

Lucifer's Angel said:

if i could i would do it so my children could have kids, i cant though because of various reasons, but if my kids wanted it badly i would do it, and whats wrong with triplets?

no one slates a woman who has sex with her partner and has triplets that way, so why is this such a big deal?

If you get knocked up and have triplets, so what? Would you say that's exactly the same as implanting them into an other woman? There's a difference. Pregnancy by more conventional methods occasionally results in multiple births. IVF does so a little more frequently.

Tell me, though, L/A ... did you raise your kids so that it would be a challenge for them to love an adopted child? Would they need to, you know, like Dsdsds put it, "grow to love that kid as much as if it were" theirs?
LA, i didnt mean it like that. I ment a 16-17 year old getting either procidure to prevent pregancy for the sake of universal population control. Not for medical reasons

:wallbang: If you had a mind I would wonder if you had lost it.
When has a teenager EVER been given a hysterectomy for birth control reasons? I swear, you just blather along making this stuff up. Do they give young boys dickectomies for birth control reasons? What the hell goes on in Australia!?
Um ....

Orleander said:

When has a teenager EVER been given a hysterectomy for birth control reasons? I swear, you just blather along making this stuff up.

You might find it helpful to consider the original context of the proposition:

Asguard said:

My comment to her as it is to you right now is that its no more selfish for a couple to want there own child and do whatever they can to get it than it is to not get a hystorectomy (or in your case a snip and tie) as soon as you hit pubity in order not to increase the worlds population.

Then again, you might not.

It's a comparison, and while I think he might be overstating the weight on one end of a balance, he's proposing a hypothetical in order to illustrate his point. Indeed, in what I consider, technically, a misfire, he did manage to spell that fact out for in fairly plain language:

Asguard said:

Of course a hystorectomy or a vacectomy is unnessary surgury, i especially found it funny that you posted about teenage boys getting one temporarly prevent teenage pregancy

So it might be that either some emotional aspect of this discussion, or else a personal sentiment toward Asguard, may well be clouding your perception and judgment.

For instance—

Orleander said:

Do they give young boys dickectomies for birth control reasons?

—I'm pretty sure you're not comparing tubal ligation, hysterectomy, or circumcision to female genital mutilation, but even so, the issue of vasectomies for birth control among adolescents has already been addressed, chuckled at, and set aside.

You're just a bit late with your outrage, ma'am.
was it because there wouldn't be their own child or because of the stress of trying?
I think my one cousin was married and they had been trying for a little while so they went to the doctor to see what the problem was. It turned out the problem was her, so he dropped her like a hot potato (he then found a new girl, got married, and started having kids). In the other case, I think they were just going out and the girl's doctor had told her, for whatever reason, that she couldn't have kids. When my cousin found out, he didn't break up with her right away, but told her he would never marry her and they broke up not long after.
Mad, i have to think that your cousins are compleate assholes. There are other effective options if you care about someone