Prey & Predator Intelligence Potential

Ideally everyone would die, but that's not going to happen soon, so only by putting economic worth on animals & their habitat will it be preserved. Even conservationists with their heads in their asses know that the real threat to most animal populations is habitat loss, not hunting.

I agree but public scepticism towards hunting has also something to do with that.
I just think it's sad people just can't or won't see the shit we are creating (quite literally too lol).
have you ever seen a cow, a turkey, a chicken, a sheep?:confused: Not smarter than a coyote, a wolf, a bear, etc.

Turkeys and chickens are reptiles, while wolves & bears are mammals. Poor comparison.

Also, those animals have been bred to be stupid while your listed apex predators have not. Then you get the problem of differences in brain size, and the fact that cows & sheep aren't omnivores. Do you know what an omnivore is?
ah yep, my mistake. I was thinking herbivores. :eek:
<how embarrassing!>

Turkeys and chickens are reptiles, while wolves & bears are mammals. Poor comparison.

Also, those animals have been bred to be stupid while your listed apex predators have not. Then you get the problem of differences in brain size, and the fact that cows & sheep aren't omnivores. Do you know what an omnivore is?

see above
Ah, sorry. Missed that post.
Though my other points still stand. Chickens & turkey both have omnivorous diets, though are dumb whether or not they're domesticated. However, I feel the comparison to mammalian omnivores is a bit apples to oranges. Not that it was targeted at you, just a broader commentary on trying to compare intelligence between animal groups. Personally, I feel that current knowledge of natural systems is too limited to make such speculation very fruitful. It's not in vogue right now to rate animal attributes, either, as it tends to lean towards anthropomorphizing animals. Or something.
How does a carnivore survive without prey?

changes with environment or goes extinct (think of bears as a perfect example of this diversity as they began as canivors)

or if you really like a wild ride in psychology; read about the state of mind, as shared from folk, who had to resort to canibalism

Mammals are then also reptiles, right ? :D

:eek: Is that why so many people react like snakes; their intelligence potential had reached its maximum capacity?
changes with environment or goes extinct (think of bears as a perfect example of this diversity as they began as canivors)

or if you really like a wild ride in psychology; read about the state of mind, as shared from folk, who had to resort to canibalism
But a predator can't do without prey completely. As their typical prey animal becomes scant they will either cope with it or not. If they cope with it they will begin to rely more heavily on their other food sources or make a switch to another prey animal. Either way they will most likely evolve to cope with the change in diet.
There is no such thing as a predator without prey.

:eek: Is that why so many people react like snakes; their intelligence potential had reached its maximum capacity?
Who knows. We still all have a reptilian brain.. ;)
But a predator can't do without prey completely. As their typical prey animal becomes scant they will either cope with it or not.

If they cope with it they will begin to rely more heavily on their other food sources or make a switch to another prey animal. Either way they will most likely evolve to cope with the change in diet.
so now the environment causing physiology to change/evolve.

There is no such thing as a predator without prey.
is man a predator?

and how many have actually killed by their own hands to eat?

so there is the exception.

Who knows. We still all have a reptilian brain.. ;)

i agree that many, not all, but many are obsolete (like dinosaurs)

for example "an electron has spin" is from old unevolved minds (lack of solid environment (integrity))

not to worry; life evolves and them 'less than' of the evolutionary process, are often eaten or go extinct; unless they progressly adjust to the environment.

read something about that from Darwin
Does it take more intelligence to outwit prey or predator?
Predators are almost always smarter than prey. Play hide and seek sometime. Which is harder, hiding or seeking? Prey animals typically have eyes on the side of their heads to maximize peripheral vision so they can spot the lion sneaking up on them. Predators have eyes in front to maximize stereopsis and visual acuity.
What ? I don't know what you are trying to say.. :shrug:

so now the environment causing physiology to change/evolve.
See above..

is man a predator?

and how many have actually killed by their own hands to eat?

so there is the exception.
No, humans are omnivores.
Besides, are scavengers predators ?

i agree that many, not all, but many are obsolete (like dinosaurs)

for example "an electron has spin" is from old unevolved minds (lack of solid environment (integrity))

not to worry; life evolves and them 'less than' of the evolutionary process, are often eaten or go extinct; unless they progressly adjust to the environment.

read something about that from Darwin
I'm sorry, but you're not making much sense.
What ? I don't know what you are trying to say.. :shrug:
if the 'preditor' is without prey, the name didn't change, the environment (his surroundings) did.

the prey is a part of 'its' environment

No, humans are omnivores.
and the inuits just talk nice to the seals before the harvest of their vegetable gardens (pretty much 100% meat)

as well in india, not many kill or consume any meat

then in the usa, mcdonalds is a food group

what is the difference between them all? environment

I'm sorry, but you're not making much sense.

my problem is the use of words

likewise, i think all the above should be common sense.

big environment; the web........... everything of knowledge any could ever want is all there
if the 'preditor' is without prey, the name didn't change, the environment (his surroundings) did.

the prey is a part of 'its' environment
I understand that, but what's your point ?
If from one day to another all the prey animals of a predator disappear the predator will die. Simple as that.

and the inuits just talk nice to the seals before the harvest of their vegetable gardens (pretty much 100% meat)

as well in india, not many kill or consume any meat

then in the usa, mcdonalds is a food group

what is the difference between them all? environment
And ?

my problem is the use of words

likewise, i think all the above should be common sense.

big environment; the web........... everything of knowledge any could ever want is all there
I understand that, but what's your point ?
If from one day to another all the prey animals of a predator disappear the predator will die. Simple as that.
just as if the atmosphere was gone...

i agree with the idea but in a general scope rather then the species classification

the thread is on intelligence potential of critters, and we ended up in the human species, which there-in the classifications are moot, as man is all of the above, based on the adaptibility within most any environment

that was where we divided in confussion

the usage of 'intelligence' within the instinctive world sent me on a tangent; as that word (to me) leans to the conscious rather than instintive

the confussion is all mine

(as to think an animal is thinking about change, does nothing for me)

that means, all per se intelligence or instinctive adaptibility, is bound to the environment, no matter how the species is classified.

Each 'reacts' in the niche, they evolved in.

For example: what is the intelligence potential of a platypus?

He just doing, existing, within the environment, just like 'rust' on a piece of iron, just doing, not thinking about it with presence of mind.
I feel it safe saying that versatility in environment has a huge impact on intelligence. Eating habits Don't strictly imply intelligence. (Though some eating habits promote versitility.) Semantically intelligence has many facets.

Intelligence: the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.

Broad facets: inherent, developed

environmental influence:
social influence (part of environmental),
cognition or internal environment,
outlook accuracy.

Intelligence is a broad topic when sifting through the food chain of the animal kingdom. You can't simply label one type of eater more intelligent than another by just placing examples out there. There are exceptions and facets to consider.

We are the Apex creatures on this planet. The most versatility. So omnivores win. (Even if you're vegetarian. Vegetarianism was a choice)
I would think on average predators would have more intelligence. It is required to anticipate reactions, learn their prey's habits, and in case of pack predators work together to achieve a common goal.

Prey animals usually go on instinct. If they see or sense a threat they run. It's not like they are remembering theirs aggressors predilections to make more efficient escapes or make counter attacks. The most they usually show is avoiding certain areas but that usually takes time from learned behavior, not spontaneous observations that hunters have to make.
Snakes and crocs and turtles often eat animals more intelligent than themselves. So do sharks. So do hawks and owls (great horned owls eat raccoons and coyote pups)