Presbyterians plan to reidentify triniity.

Quigly said:

oh really, it was decided on at the council of nicea and prior to that was a peculiarity among christian sects. there were and still are anti-trinitarian sects within christianity, and there was a concerted effort for hundreds of years to brand people that questioned the doctrine of the trinity as heretics and have them killed. many were killed. one of the world;s greatest scholars was burned at the stake as a heretic for exposing the trinity for the fraud that it is in a book in the 1500's. the books were all subsequently eradicated as well due to the fact that neither catholics or protestants could tolerate a discussion about whether the trinity was an original christian doctrine or not.

how's that for baseless. learn some history.
You stated it wasn't in the original christian thought, and then go on to say that it was a debated over subject. My contention is that it was known from The days of Peter and Paul...if not from before that regarding the trinity. You are talking about the council of nicea, but I am afraid the trinity was already known about since after Jesus' resurrection.
Quigly said:
You stated it wasn't in the original christian thought, and then go on to say that it was a debated over subject. My contention is that it was known from The days of Peter and Paul...if not from before that regarding the trinity. You are talking about the council of nicea, but I am afraid the trinity was already known about since after Jesus' resurrection.

M*W: The concept of the trinity was decided on at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. It did not originate in the bible.
Quigly said:
You stated it wasn't in the original christian thought, and then go on to say that it was a debated over subject. My contention is that it was known from The days of Peter and Paul...if not from before that regarding the trinity. You are talking about the council of nicea, but I am afraid the trinity was already known about since after Jesus' resurrection.

its not an original christian thought. the idea does not originate in any biblical or apocryphal texts, and was debated at the council of nicea 300 years after jesus died. i'm sure someone somewhere believed it, but there were a lot of things that one or two small sects of christianity believed prior to the council of nicea, some of which are anti-trinitarian points of view that are now considered heresies as a result of the council's ultimate pronouncements. so if you are saying that the existence of the trinity was original christian doctrine just because a couple of sects believed it prior to the unification of christianity, then the denial of the trinity must also be considered original christian doctrine since some sects believed that prior to the council as well. you can't have it both ways.
You do not use logic. Priests are not married to Jesus, they are married to the Church like I just said. please note precise use of ideas. the bride of the Son, Christ, is the Church.

to quote that we are all called to be priests does not mean that the public character of the Church can be altered. If that were meant to be interpreted so the Church would let everyone say Mass.