Prerequisites for Spiritual Knowledge

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Ah, your pensieve is your brain, explains why your brain appears to reside separately from the rest of you.:D

He's trying to break my leg vs. he's trying to hurt me? My arms are tired vs. I'm tired? It seems that the effectiveness of language to express difference vs. importance is being man handled... you man handler.
He's trying to break my leg vs. he's trying to hurt me? My arms are tired vs. I'm tired? It seems that the effectiveness of language to express difference vs. importance is being man handled... you man handler.
Are you going to pursue the patently absurd idea that you somehow are your brain? That there is no seperate, mystical "you" that you self-refer to when you say you?

Come now.
He's trying to break my leg vs. he's trying to hurt me? My arms are tired vs. I'm tired? It seems that the effectiveness of language to express difference vs. importance is being man handled... you man handler.

idea vs virus?

I have an idea = I have a virus?

I can transfer an idea = My virus is contagious?

My idea is popular and adapted by people = viral mutation?

I have no idea = I am free of viral infection?

Hmm I see what you mean.

Effectiveness of language to explain difference vs importance, totally without foundation.
Are you going to pursue the patently absurd idea that you somehow are your brain? That there is no seperate, mystical "you" that you self-refer to when you say you?

Come now.

Oh the illogical-ness of it all! I must resist these demonic temptations and accept that my body is but a mere vessel for my spiritual conductor in the zaboombafoo dimension.
idea vs virus?

I have an idea = I have a virus?

I can transfer an idea = My virus is contagious?

My idea is popular and adapted by people = viral mutation?

I have no idea = I am free of viral infection?

Hmm I see what you mean.

Effectiveness of language to explain difference vs importance, totally without foundation.

I hold idea 'X' to be true.
I am compelled to transfer it.
I am compelled to resist anything that might harm it.
I have a virus.

Effectivness to understand difference and importance require foundation.
I hold idea 'X' to be true.
I am compelled to transfer it.
I am compelled to resist anything that might harm it.
I have a virus.

Effectivness to understand difference and importance require foundation.

All clear now. A cold and an idea have the same foundation.


gene = virus = idea?

I have a gene/cold/idea

I can transfer gene/cold/idea

Transfer can change gene/cold/idea

I can be resistant to effects of gene/cold/idea

Hence gene=cold=idea.

I got it. Its soooooo easy.
All clear now. A cold and an idea have the same foundation.
You really find no merit in the idea of memes? Can't concieve of how it might work in an organ designed to incorporate the best strategies for survival, and transmit those ideas to others?
Sam meet reality. Reality meet Sam. Now that you two have become acquainted why not go out for some coffee?
You really find no merit in the idea of memes? Can't concieve of how it might work in an organ designed to incorporate the best strategies for survival, and transmit those ideas to others?

Lets see what would be a better word for memes. How about er, idea?

You know, an existing construct that explains and adds meaning to the concept without altering its basic ontology?
Advanced reality sans philosophy


I have gene/cold/idea/money

I can transfer gene/cold/idea/money

There can be ill effects from gene/cold/idea/money

I can resist effects of gene/cold/idea/money

Hence gene=cold=idea=money.

Wow, induction is soooo powerful.:)

I'm getting smarter by the minute.
Lets see what would be a better word for memes. How about er, idea?

You know, an existing construct that explains and adds meaning to the concept without altering its basic ontology?
Oh, I see. You're offended by the terminology of a particular mechanism of behavior propagation.

Right. No problem. We have ideas. Good ones. Sucky ones. Good ones get adopted and propagated, Sucky ones get shitcanned. I would call that the "good idea propagating and shitcan filtering of bad ones" theory.

There. That's better.
BTW, you do know that you don't own your own genetic sequences and that they can be patented and make someone a buttload of money?

Oh goody, next time I design a knockout mouse, I'll just use the money instead of the gene. Seeing as how they are the same concept. And sneeze on the bill for the cable. They can harvest the cold/gene themselves.:p
Oh goody, next time I design a knockout mouse, I'll just use the money instead of the gene. Seeing as how they are the same concept. And sneeze on the bill for the cable. They can harvest the cold/gene themselves.:p
You sassy minx you.
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