Premonitions for 2013

Bro don't say such things, because in your mind even if it is just a game and a joke, the subconsciousness accepts a possibility of this event occuring and your words do increase probability of it happening.

Really? Then I will become a a bazillionair and learn to play the flute.
Use your imagination. I have some predictions. Telepathy is a big one. Line up if you want to get paid.
Thanks so much to all posters and readers -members and guests-, who have read or are reading this thread.
People will die all kinds of ways. And babies will be born. People will survive a numerous number of things. In general life keeps going on. And leaders will rise and fall. Fights will be won and lost. We will be using all sorts of our natural resources. Nature will be like usual, and wild. Seems like a bad winter is in store for all north America. Maybe bird flue will strike again. And I will be another year older
I 'predict' that the market economy will continue to find new ways to attempt to draw consumers deeper into personal debt, even while our national governments caution against same, for the whole house of cards depends on maintaining the illusion of 'growth'.

I further predict that the majority of average people will learn to do more with less, simply because that will be the option available to them.

New personal priorities shall arise this year... :)
Another "premonition" has come to me.. People will party from one year into the next. Some may party too hard. And there will be lots of fornication going on.
I predict that science funding in the United States will experience massive budget cuts. Physicists will be laid off 'en mass'. Over the next several years and decades, the number of physics jobs will decline due to budgetary cuts. I predict that the Congress will kill the GPS (global positioning system) program as being "pork spending". I see unprecedented massive and deep cuts into military spending. The United States will attempt to withdraw from its position as a superpower. We will pull out of South Korea and Japan. The shadow of war between Iran and Israel will grow; population centers will be hit and massive numbers of dead. Armageddon in the Middle East. Homeland security/CIA will experience budget cuts. Their slogan will be: If you think it's a threat, kill it. Human rights violations and collateral damage by the US will become acceptable. There will be debate about the cost of acquiring intelligence. The US will go through a period of acquiring cheap and inaccurate intelligence as CIA operatives are laid off.

The United States will slip deeper into debt. China, which owns some of our debt, will find itself holding worthless paper. Even as the US military shrinks, the world will become more uncertain and dangerous. Dictators will be free to invade their neighbors without military opposition from the west. China will expand its borders and sphere of control.

Food will become an issue in Asia/Europe/MiddleEast; farming land will become a problem. As the population of China continues to grow, they will chose to allow hundreds of millions of Chinese to "starve" as a way to manage excess population.

Attempts to make guns illegal (semi-automatic weapons) will fail "inexplicably". Americans will remain "armed to the teeth". The NRA will win this battle. The NRA will sink huge amounts of money into protecting the bullet manufacturers.

Bright flash in the Middle East. The gloves come off.
I will sleep through the ball drop and the money wasted light show(called fire works). And still wake up to another morning where I open my eyes and say... ..damn it! Shittt! It really happened. The year went by. An 2013 has begun.
Everyone gets another day closer to birthdays & death.
Why the United States will attempt to withdraw from its worldwide position?
It's too expensive to keep troops and military hardware all over the world. The US already 17 trillion dollars in debt. We just can't afford to sustain this levels of spending.
It's too expensive to keep troops and military hardware all over the world. The US already 17 trillion dollars in debt. We just can't afford to sustain this levels of spending.

considering they are expanding the number of there extraterritorial bases (for instance a new marine base in Australia, GOD knows what reason labor let that go ahead) I highly doubt it
considering they are expanding the number of there extraterritorial bases (for instance a new marine base in Australia, GOD knows what reason labor let that go ahead) I highly doubt it
If we don't control our debt, then the dollar will continue to lose value. Maybe the strength of our military will somehow prop up the value of the dollar. "Take our money or will kill you!!!"
I predict that science funding in the United States will experience massive budget cuts. Physicists will be laid off 'en mass'. Over the next several years and decades, the number of physics jobs will decline due to budgetary cuts.

Mazulu, when you predict about science, you focus on Physics. Why do you think that especially Physics will be badly affected by economic crisis? What about other sciences?
Is there a science-lobby to support Physics although budget cuts?
Mazulu, when you predict about science, you focus on Physics. Why do you think that especially Physics will be badly affected by economic crisis? What about other sciences?
Is there a science-lobby to support Physics although budget cuts?
I am of the impression that general relativity has no where else to go. I think physics (particularly GR) is going to stall and not be able to supply any more amazing new technologies. I had hoped that some day we would be trekking across the galaxy at superluminal speeds, but from talking to people around here, I'm not enthusiastic. That's why I think that physics jobs, particularly GR jobs, will be cut.
I am of the impression that general relativity has no where else to go. I think physics (particularly GR) is going to stall and not be able to supply any more amazing new technologies. I had hoped that some day we would be trekking across the galaxy at superluminal speeds, but from talking to people around here, I'm not enthusiastic. That's why I think that physics jobs, particularly GR jobs, will be cut.

That is pretty funny. Are you like 10 years old or something?
That is pretty funny. Are you like 10 years old or something?

Ha-ha! :) I've wondered the same thing. I believe the problem is that he's only about 20 or so and his education never went any higher than highschool. Maybe a short time in trade school but that would be about all.