
1.) As much as I disagree with it, relativity does allow for hypothetically travelling forward in time.
Yes, theoretically.
So what's doing the travelling through time?

2.) Depending on how far in the future it may be, perhaps we are just slow on the uptake.
There is that.

3.) With the example above, I pointed out that I may have seen it AS it was happeining - not necessarily before. I have conceded that it may not have been a premonition, rather one of the other two possibilities I listed.
Um, okay, it still involves telepathy or similar.

Again, the fact that we do not understand the mechanics does not imply it is impossible.
Except that we have no mecahnism, let alone "don't understand it".
There is nothing at all that we know that could explain it, and it contradicts what we do know.

What laws of physics does telepathy break? I know of none.
What "transmits", what "recieves", what frequency is the transmission on?
"Thought waves" aren't like radio signals.
How is it achieved?

Some people can make full court baskets sometimes.
Most can't.
Most can't on demand.
None get it every time.
That says nothing.
People aren't a physical law.

Give me simpler explanation of what happened, then.
I'll capitulate if you do.
I've searched for one, believe me.
That was my simpler explanation: weird shit happens, we know the mind plays tricks, we don't know how or why yet, but that it does is an established fact.
Given enough people (and therefore "tricks") and enough events some of them are bound to match.
It's a random event.
Yes, theoretically.
So what's doing the travelling through time?
I have no idea - I'm not saying anything is.
I am just refuting your notion that this somehow breaks the laws of physics.

Um, okay, it still involves telepathy or similar.
Yes. It does.
What law does that break?

Except that we have no mecahnism, let alone "don't understand it".
We do not understand it, because we do not know what the mechanism is.

There is nothing at all that we know that could explain it, and it contradicts what we do know.
That what you keep saying.
I am still waiting for you to show me what laws it breaks - what does it contradict?

What "transmits", what "recieves", what frequency is the transmission on?
"Thought waves" aren't like radio signals.
How is it achieved?
I haven't the slightest clue.

People aren't a physical law.
People are the ones having these "visions" just as it is people who are making these shots.
Some people can hear sound frequencies that others can not.
The point is, that fact not all people can see these visions all the time says nothing sustantial.

That was my simpler explanation: weird shit happens, we know the mind plays tricks, we don't know how or why yet, but that it does is an established fact.
That's absurd.
"The mind plays tricks" can not possibly explain how I could have been explaining to to a third party what WAS GOING to happen - and it came to be.
That's not a simpler explanation - it's no explanation at all.

Given enough people (and therefore "tricks") and enough events some of them are bound to match.
It's a random event.
I am at a loss.
I don't understand how you could be so vehemently against the idea that this could possibly be true, that you would accept this as a viable explanation.
This approach, in my view, contradicts an honest, unbiased, scientific view of the world.
I have no idea - I'm not saying anything is.
I am just refuting your notion that this somehow breaks the laws of physics.
Transmission of something not known to exist ("thought waves") with no evidence of its existence.
Transmission/ reception of the above with no transmitter/ receievr.

I am at a loss.
I don't understand how you could be so vehemently against the idea that this could possibly be true, that you would accept this as a viable explanation.
This approach, in my view, contradicts an honest, unbiased, scientific view of the world.
We know for a fact that the mind glitches, there is no evidence (other than the subjective experience itself) to say that there is anything other than a glitch.
We know that random things sometimes match up to form a seeming pattern.
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Well just yesterday I moved into a new condo - I slept there one night and some faint dream or thought I can't really decipher what it was but it had to do with a shooting in the building. I forgot about it and about 5pm the next day I get a knock at the door and it was a police officer who said there was a domestic violence murder shooting on the first floor of the building today and asked me if I have seen anything. When he said that my girlfriend was shocked but I sort of had the feeling like oh yeah the shooting like it was something I was remembering like a deja vu feeling - how could that be? The premonition was very faint but enough for me to recognize it as something I was aware of when it happened.
Right it started about 3 yrs ago , i used to think maybe it was coincidence, I dont believe in jesus so im not really a religious person at all but all i know is what happens and it happens regular. I have dreams, i usually forget them by morning but the next day an event will occur that will rejog my memory all of a sudden and will make me remember the dream, there not usually major preminitions but for instance, i had a friend who i never spoke to for years, dreamt bout him calling me and he did the next day, thats just one of many ive had in the last few years. Is this coincidence or are these genuine preminitions? help please

!! :)

I personally don't believe we know squat for certain at this point. Quantum Physics is constantly proving everything we once held as rock solid truths, wrong. It's my thinking that time is a medium relevant to the dimension we normally occupy. Time is no more absolute than is distance. It's quite possible that when we dream we randomly view events in a non stationary yet linear context. For every action there is a precise equal and opposite reaction. If we have a readily functioning memory relating past events, guess what?

Remember, we can prove hands down on paper that multi verses exist. Relativity as we understand it 's applied laws are relevant to this dimensional orientation. Outside this dimension, time and space take on a completely different meaning. That does not mean these mediums become any less relative.

It may not be possible for human beings to exist as we presently do beyond this dimension. We just don't know.
Well just yesterday I moved into a new condo - I slept there one night and some faint dream or thought I can't really decipher what it was but it had to do with a shooting in the building. I forgot about it and about 5pm the next day I get a knock at the door and it was a police officer who said there was a domestic violence murder shooting on the first floor of the building today and asked me if I have seen anything. When he said that my girlfriend was shocked but I sort of had the feeling like oh yeah the shooting like it was something I was remembering like a deja vu feeling - how could that be? The premonition was very faint but enough for me to recognize it as something I was aware of when it happened.

Is it possible you could of overheard a domestic dispute and gun shot while alseep? Your brain would of filled in the rest.
Right it started about 3 yrs ago , i used to think maybe it was coincidence, I dont believe in jesus so im not really a religious person at all but all i know is what happens and it happens regular. I have dreams, i usually forget them by morning but the next day an event will occur that will rejog my memory all of a sudden and will make me remember the dream, there not usually major preminitions but for instance, i had a friend who i never spoke to for years, dreamt bout him calling me and he did the next day, thats just one of many ive had in the last few years. Is this coincidence or are these genuine preminitions? help please

!! :)

Most humans and animals do face the same situation in various degrees irrespective of their religious believes and ideologies. Its part of nature. Nothing special about it. Try to focus on it and build up the reasons and consequences of such dreams and see where it takes you.