Preference of Women?

But those female entities were always fitted into an inherently male framework of thinking ("LOOK, BEHOLD MY POWERS") and were invariably dominated by "other" male gods.

In Islam, God (Allah) does not have a gender. God is beyond human limitations.

M*W: You know, I don't believe there is a god, but you do make a valid point. A pet peeve I have is that christians give their god human emotions and feelings... "god hates this...," "god loves that...," "god is in a bad mood today...," "god gets disgusted when he has to change baby Jesus's diaper...," etc. None of it makes any sense. If you're gonna have a god, at least allow him to be omnipotent the way he was supposed to be. You're the human, own your own feelings and emotions!
M*W: You know, I don't believe there is a god, but you do make a valid point. A pet peeve I have is that christians give their god human emotions and feelings... "god hates this...," "god loves that...," "god is in a bad mood today...," "god gets disgusted when he has to change baby Jesus's diaper...," etc. None of it makes any sense. If you're gonna have a god, at least allow him to be omnipotent the way he was supposed to be. You're the human, own your own feelings and emotions!

talking like a true skeptic Medicine_Girl
"god hates this...," "god loves that...," "god is in a bad mood today...," "god gets disgusted when he has to change baby Jesus's diaper...," etc. None of it makes any sense. If you're gonna have a god, at least allow him to be omnipotent the way he was supposed to be. You're the human, own your own feelings and emotions!

I guess that when parents tell their children these things they should be arrested or fed to the lions.
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In Islam, God (Allah) does not have a gender. God is beyond human limitations.
DiamondHearts...I thought you had disappeared and returned as Samcdkey???

Is Allah ever given a gender in the Koran?

Do muslims ever say "He (God) will do this...or that"?
DiamondHearts...I thought you had disappeared and returned as Samcdkey???

Is Allah ever given a gender in the Koran?

Do muslims ever say "He (God) will do this...or that"?

Yes, however this has more to do with the Arabic language than a gender. God cannot be compared to human beings, this is very degrading.
to qoute george carlin if there is a god it must be male because no female would or could f*** things up this much
How then can the Islamic mystics come to 'know' God...if God is so far removed from any human comparison?

The Creator is greater than the creation. If God is absolute perfection, His form too must be perfect. It is unthinkable that God, in His Majesty, would resemble weak, imperfect human beings. No one knows the true form of God.