
I don't care what you believe, it has nothing to do with me.

Actually, it does. And there are plenty of people here would agree with me.

Of course, you'll simply make a snide comment and roll your eyes, probably accuse them of being loons or something...but we all know the truth.
No it doesn't. Apparently though, people want to know why I believe as I do. In which case, I outline whats wrong with other beliefs. Although, I have to admit while I have always liked Islam since I started delving into it a decade or so ago, I had no idea of its depth and breadth till I started answering questions here. :)
No it doesn't. Apparently though, people want to know why I believe as I do. In which case, I outline whats wrong with other beliefs. Although, I have to admit while I have always liked Islam since I started delving into it a decade or so ago, I had no idea of its depth and breadth till I started answering questions here. :)

Yeah, it does have to do with you. If you would step down as a moderator, you'd see how quickly your replies drop off the map due to the sheer volume of people that put you on Ignore.

As an little does it speak of your beloved faith that when asked why you believe in it, your only answer can be what is wrong with the beliefs of others?

I had no idea there was such depth to your shallowness.
Oh don't you know? I wrote pages and pages exploring Islamic history and beliefs and philosophy. Strangely enough, [almost] no one was interested. Preaching and delusion, they called it. So I figured, we could discuss their delusions instead. That got them interested pretty quick. I wonder why. :confused:
Oh don't you know? I wrote pages and pages exploring Islamic history and beliefs and philosophy. Strangely enough, [almost] no one was interested. Preaching and delusion, they called it. So I figured, we could discuss their delusions instead. That got them interested pretty quick. I wonder why. :confused:

It's very insightful that your idea of exploring Islam is "writing pages and pages". Yes, I'm sure you can talk your way to a mighty fine education.

:Sarcastic Emoticon:

I mean, if you keep following the posts, it's just hate-filled drivel.
I am assuming you mean the responses of people to the OP and the OP writer. Certainly some of them just hurl insults, but it does seem like others try to reach him by pointing out misunderstandings he or she has about what evolutionary theory is. And he is confused about that.

But I can see where the noise created by the insults would make it impossible for me to put forward a controversial idea.

best I could do for now. Most of these things come out in one post after another, if strung together, they begin to from a cogent set of beliefs.
Yes, beliefs about theists, including psychological theories, generally not backed up in any way, a good deal of blame for the way the world is and insults. I did spend some time arguing somewhere in an atheist vs. theist thread that atheism for SOME atheists is a set of beliefs: about theists, about psychology, about their superiority, about epistemology. If someone wants to be very fussy you can say that some people who call themselves atheists have a set of beliefs that often include several of the following......(thus avoiding the whole 'is atheism a belief' to do)

One way to respond to this is to label posts, like the one above.

Ad hominem.
Unsupported psychological hypothesis.
Unsupported ontological claim.

Are Q's breaches there, that I can see.

So every time a post has preaching, stereotyping, etc., it gets labeled.
We need SOMETHING. I would love to answer honest questions about my beliefs, even discuss why I feel they are or are not valid, but.... If I engage someone in conversation in real life, and they look me in the eye, say my name, and proceed to discuss an entirely different topic, with the occasional insult to my beliefs thrown in... I have to tell them that we're done talking. I mean, is this behavior something that can be moderated? Perhaps if someone addresses the 2 Atheist Evangelists' method of debate, maybe a fellow atheist or a secularist or something. It's mind boggling to be discounted entirely based on one's religious beliefs, but it happens. I will call a fundy crazy in a heartbeat. Muslims are misled. Jews are bruised. Perhaps I should go and attack homosexuality, pointing out it doesn't accomplish anything for the species in question and is thus an aberration. These things would bring warnings from mods and admin I'm sure...
I will call a fundy crazy in a heartbeat.
This was something I realized after my posts. Some people bring out the ad hom in me. A fundamentalist Christian, for example, can set me off. Adstar has no doubt faced, from me, some of the things you are complaining about here. Once someone basically says 'God will send you to hell to suffer horribly for all time' I tend to snap. And they do not have to make it personal. In other words if it can be deduced from the rules he is setting forth, I may not respond in a 'proper' manner. Certainly political stances can also bring out my ridicule. I am not saying this is right, but if I feel like a history of cruelty is being justified, I do not fight fair.

I will have to look at this and reevaluate, but I thought I might as well come clean.
The problem with discussing beliefs with a theist is that they come to the table wearing the theist hat. How frustrating is it to you guys and gals when an atheist argues from the position that there is definitely no god? Well, turn the tables and imagine having to carry out a discussion of ideas with a person who can't think outside of that position for even a moment.

And before we get busy pegging every atheist on this forum as an asshole, and that it is impossible to discuss your beliefs rationally with any atheist here, let's drop that act. There are plenty of intelligent atheists here that have discussed such things with honesty and integrity. If you choose to ignore people like Skinwalker, and instead opt for a barking match with Q, that's your problem, not ours. Stop pretending that you've tried and tried and gotten nowhere, because it's bullshit.
You also have to consider that any extremist evangelist do things they do and say things they say with the best of intentions. If I thought that the ongoing attack on my core beliefs was out of any desire to help me, I'd probably be able to tolerate it. Mostly it is done just to upset me. I have found myself doing unto others as they were doing unto me, which was distressing. I've had to take breaks from the board due to this kind of harassment. It should not be this way. Is consideration really that much of a stretch? I mean, I can easily say,"Atheists have no soul" or I can say,"Do atheists believe in a soul?" Maybe that's a big piece of the pie, a declaration of fact,"You are stupid!" versus a kind question,"Do you need me to explain this in simpler terms?". That may all go towards upbringing.
Actually, JDawg, I find your postings and debate style thoughtful and refreshing. That which I have a problem with, I believe you have as well. The unwillingness to admit that another's beliefs are as valid as one's own is vexing in the extreme. The ability to agree to disagree needs to be promoted. We had an exchange about some ac I have on order for you, and you were gonna set me up with a free gym membership? Wasn't that refreshing? What's wrong with having more debating in that frame of mind?
and instead opt for a barking match with Q, that's your problem, not ours.

Hey asshole, I'm getting a little fed up with your bullshit. If you want to take the gloves off and have it out, tell me to my face instead of sneaking around and dropping little pieces of shit everywhere like some cretinous rat.

I understand that you couldn't argue your way out of a used tampon, and your thinking level is one-dimensional, but there's no reason for this type of crap.

Do you get it, pal?
Actually, JDawg, I find your postings and debate style thoughtful and refreshing. That which I have a problem with, I believe you have as well. The unwillingness to admit that another's beliefs are as valid as one's own is vexing in the extreme. The ability to agree to disagree needs to be promoted. We had an exchange about some ac I have on order for you, and you were gonna set me up with a free gym membership? Wasn't that refreshing? What's wrong with having more debating in that frame of mind?

Thanks, broham. I just wanted to get my perspective out there, because it sounded a bit as if you and Simon were saying that nobody on this site knows how to talk rationally despite differing opinions and beliefs. And I totally agree that we need to have more honest discussions without dealing with the BS. That's why I say we should all get together and Ignore people like Q, who have the intellect of a 4-year-old, and who, when provided intelligent counter-points, simply dismiss them because they don't have a good response. Or better, they come back at you like an internet tough guy. :rolleyes:
That's why I say we should all get together and Ignore people like Q, who have the intellect of a 4-year-old, and who, when provided intelligent counter-points


You can't seriously be talking about yourself?

You're welcome to start an anti-Q campaign, but it doesn't appear you have the brains to do it. :D
Hey asshole, I'm getting a little fed up with your bullshit. If you want to take the gloves off and have it out, tell me to my face instead of sneaking around and dropping little pieces of shit everywhere like some cretinous rat.

I understand that you couldn't argue your way out of a used tampon, and your thinking level is one-dimensional, but there's no reason for this type of crap.

Do you get it, pal?

mmmmm Is that the sort of sugary sweetness you use with your mom? Wouldn't it take something on a rat's level to find little turds? I mean, I'm sorry Q, but your all christians believe X, that puts you in league with MW level debating. BTW, I took you off ignore, thought you might have posted something refreshing here. My bad.:bugeye:

You can't seriously be talking about yourself?

You're welcome to start an anti-Q campaign, but it doesn't appear you have the brains to do it. :D

It would be interesting if you caused JDawg Simon Anders Me and SAM to join forces, though. You're more powerful than I thought!:D
The problem with discussing beliefs with a theist is that they come to the table wearing the theist hat. How frustrating is it to you guys and gals when an atheist argues from the position that there is definitely no god? Well, turn the tables and imagine having to carry out a discussion of ideas with a person who can't think outside of that position for even a moment.

And before we get busy pegging every atheist on this forum as an asshole, and that it is impossible to discuss your beliefs rationally with any atheist here, let's drop that act. There are plenty of intelligent atheists here that have discussed such things with honesty and integrity. If you choose to ignore people like Skinwalker, and instead opt for a barking match with Q, that's your problem, not ours. Stop pretending that you've tried and tried and gotten nowhere, because it's bullshit.
I am not sure if this was directed at me or not.
For me the issue raised by Hamstatic is if certain theist posts can be seen as preaching, can atheist posts be seen as posting.
I never meant that all atheists here are __________fill in the blank. But was curious if there was a systematic fairness issue.
I haven't even drawn a conclusion yet. It certainly seems like both sides get away with breaking the rules pretty regularly.