
(correct me if I'm wrong),

Athelwulf: "Ya just confused the living (and dead) fuck outta me!"

Battig1370: Sorry, that's not my intention. Also, none of my nine children are christian. I wouldn't paint all those that call themselves christians with the same brush, but with most of them their is a big question mark. There is NOT ONE christian church that I know of that would accept me to become their member. How well do you know Christian History? You, or anybody else that calls me a christian insults me.

Peace be with you, Paul
battig1370 said:
There is NOT ONE christian church that I know of that would accept me to become their member.

What about that one new church that lets EVEYONE in? I saw a commercial about it . . . I don't remember the name. Can someone help me out with that? Thanks in advance.
(correct me if I'm wrong),

Athelwulf: "Ya just confused the living (and dead) fuck outta me!"

Battig1370: Sorry that's not my intention. Also, none of my nine children are christian. I wouldn't paint all those that call themselves christians with the same brush, but with most of them their is a big question mark. There is NOT ONE christian church that I know of that would accept me to become their member. How well do you know Christian History? You, or anybody else that calls me a christian insults me.

Peace be with you, Paul

"love your neighbor as you love yourself in deed and truth".
Here's the definition of Christian:

1. Professing belief in Jesus as Christ or following the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus.
2. Relating to or derived from Jesus or Jesus's teachings.
3. Manifesting the qualities or spirit of Jesus; Christlike.
4. Relating to or characteristic of Christianity or its adherents.
5. Showing a loving concern for others; humane.

1. One who professes belief in Jesus as Christ or follows the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus.
2. One who lives according to the teachings of Jesus.

I'm sorry if this insults you, but you are a Christian.
Athelwulf: "I'm sorry, but if ya believe in Jesus, ye'r a Christian in my book."

Which Jesus are you talking about? Is it the One that said to Saul on the road to Damascus, "I am the Jesus of Narazeth". I don't believe in this Jesus.

Peace be with you, Paul
One of the requirements of being a christian is that you MUST believe that it was Jesus that came Saul on the road to Damascus, but I discovered that it was the Devil claiming to be Jesus that came to Saul. Do you understand what I wrote here?

Just for discussion sake, let say that what I wrote here is true/correct. What impact would this have on the christian churches?

Peace be with you, Paul
How is that a skrew-up? There are two posts in this thread, posted one hour and thirteen minutes apart from each other, that are exactly the same (save for yer "love your neighbor" quote at the end of the second one). That is not a skrew-up. You copied and pasted that first post and reposted it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a forgiving person. I just don't see how that's a skrew-up. Convince me that it was, and I will forgive you for it.
battig1370 said:
One of the requirements of being a christian is that you MUST believe that it was Jesus that came Saul on the road to Damascus, but I discovered that it was the Devil claiming to be Jesus that came to Saul. Do you understand what I wrote here?

Just for discussion sake, let say that what I wrote here is true/correct. What impact would this have on the christian churches?

It would be very interesting seeing a thread like that. Ya should do it. Explain yer hypothesis. Get some feedback. That would be at least one thread I can't hold against ya. :)
Another thread coming up " The DeviL (the Beast) claimed to be Jesus" Christian will hate me for saying this, and they will make personal attackes against me.

Peace be with you, Paul

Battig, I'm doubtful that ye'r still around, but I'll respond just for the fuck of it, just in case ya are still around.

Which Jesus are you talking about? Is it the One that said to Saul on the road to Damascus, "I am the Jesus of Narazeth". I don't believe in this Jesus.

I'm doubtful that ye'r still around, but I'll respond to this just for the fuck of it.

Do you believe in any Jesus? You seem to not believe in the "Jesus" that appeared before Saul. But I'm sure ya believe in the other "Jesuses" (Or is it "Jesi"?) in the New Testament, right?

And ya still haven't answered my question: What about that one new church that lets EVERYONE in? Wouldn't they let you in?
taken from the religious forum rules:

7. Preaching - "My God is bigger than your God!"

It has been common in the past to see the following kinds of argument in the Religion forum:

1. "Religion X has the following failings: [insert details here]. Therefore, Religion Y is much better and everybody should follow Religion Y."

2. "Religion Y has given so much to the world: [insert details here]. Therefore, everybody should follow Religion Y."

3. "Religion X has the following failings: [insert details here]. Therefore, it is worthless and all its members should be rightly condemned or excluded."

4. "Religion Y has given so much to the world: [insert details here]. Therefore, anybody who does not follow Religion Y has an inferior belief system, and should be rightly condemned or excluded (unless they convert)."

All of these arguments are logical fallacies and also potentially offensive.

In case (1), the author would need to compare and contrast X and Y to determine which is better; it is not sufficient to assume that if X is bad, therefore Y must be better. Similarly, case (2) does not establish that Y is the best religion; another religion may be better than Y.

In case (3), merely pointing out some failings of Religion X does not establish that X is worthless, and it certainly does not justify prejudicial treatment of the members of Religion X. Case (4) is even worse, since it asserts, without justification, that all non-believers in Religion Y should be treated as lower-class citizens.

Ultimately, these kinds of arguments lead nowhere useful, and usually result in flame wars between believers of Religion X and Religion Y.

Whilst it is acceptable to post perceived failings and strengths of various belief systems, where this is done with the main aim of preaching the virtues of one's own religion (perhaps with a desire to convert others), or of disparaging those who hold to a different belief system, posts may be edited or deleted.