

Registered Senior Member
Beware of the accusers. I have been accused of preaching. Why?

To make a statement like; "Without love, peace is impossible" Or to say, "The Way of the Lord, is to love your neighbor as you love yourself in deed and truth", and The Way of the Lord is the only way for world peace; is that preaching?

To ask a question like; If you disagree, Let us know of another way for peace; is that preaching?

I hate willful actions that causes suffering to the children in this world no matter from which religion or culture these wicked deeds come from. I'm pissed off at those that use their religion to justify their wicked behaviour, wether it's Bin Laden, Bush or Whoever. Does it matter what flag a person is carrying, when that person is killing, raping, torturing, and causing destruction and suffering? Also, their are those that get great pleasure from watching and/or doing these wicked deeds; How Wicked and Sick!

You may feel justified to accuse me of preaching and disagree with what I write. If so, let us know of another way for peace. I ask, Listen to the little children cry.

Peace be with you, Paul
To make a statement like; "Without love, peace is impossible" Or to say, "The Way of the Lord, is to love your neighbor as you love yourself in deed and truth", and The Way of the Lord is the only way for world peace; is that preaching?

Preaching or not, it actually goes against what jesus has planned.

"Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.."

In saying this, it would seem the only way to achieve peace is to go against jesus and ignore his wishes to have us fighting against each other.

However, even with love, peace is impossible.. merely because we're all different. My wife, whom I love dearly - loves me too, but this does not stop us arguing or having difference of opinion that lead to conflict. She wants the toilet down, I leave it up.

Humans are not identical, and the only way to make peace is for everyone to be identical. If everyone was identical life would undoubtedly be boring, and it wouldn't matter what we all are, (christian/atheist/etc). We wouldn't need god, just a lack of individuality.

You may feel justified to accuse me of preaching and disagree with what I write. If so, let us know of another way for peace. I ask, Listen to the little children cry.

Well, a small step in the right direction would be to stop forcing your beliefs on those little children you speak of. Give them the right to be free of 'religious enforcement', and to decide for themselves when they are old enough to do so. This would stop many people growing up thinking they've got it all right instantly.
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batt said:
To make a statement like; "Without love, peace is impossible" Or to say, "The Way of the Lord, is to love your neighbor as you love yourself in deed and truth", and The Way of the Lord is the only way for world peace; is that preaching?

frankly yes, to tell us how you feel is ok, but to tell us how we all should feel is preaching, understand.
mis-t-highs said:
frankly yes, to tell us how you feel is ok, but to tell us how we all should feel is preaching, understand.

So is this the definition of "preaching" that is held by the controler of this board? i am looking for clarification here? what is preaching to the powers that be here?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
what is preaching to the powers that be here?

Well I'm not the powers that be; however preaching is when you or other theists tell us how and what we should believe, or that we are all going to hell, because we don't believe as you do. Preaching is telliing anyone that a god is real, that love is god, that god is watching, that god is everywere, that god loves us, that god anything; anytime you mention god in relation to life is preaching to a person who does not believe such a notion!.

Get it?.

"preaching is when you or other theists tell us how and what we should believe, or that we are all going to hell, because we don't believe as you do. Preaching is telliing anyone that a god is real, that love is god, that god is watching, that god is everywere, that god loves us, that god anything; anytime you mention god in relation to life is preaching to a person who does not believe such a notion!. "

By this definition, would saying something to the opposite be preaching as well? For example, saying love is not god, that god is not watching, etc. I'm not supporting one side of the other, just curious as to whether both sides would be considered as preaching
paris said:
By this definition, would saying something to the opposite be preaching as well? For example, saying love is not god, that god is not watching, etc. I'm not supporting one side of the other, just curious as to whether both sides would be considered as preaching
welcome paris:
no because those statements, are not ones the atheist/non-believers make.
love is LOVE, and we are GODLESS excuse the name dropping. "Godless":
:)! hey no problem, Just google Godless and see how many websites pop up. I'm only original here. ;)

Whoever doesn't preach on this discussion broad, raise your hand.

SnakeLord: "Well, a small step in the right direction would be to stop forcing your beliefs on those little children you speak of."

Battig1370: Does preaching = forcing? I would say no, but SnakeLord may disagree and it is impossible for me to force SnakeLord to agree, but also, if SnakeLord did agree with what I said, does this mean I forced him to believe what I believe.

When SnakeLord says, "stop forcing your beliefs on those little children", is that preaching?

My youngest child out of nine is 19 years old now, and I have told my children, do not cause harm or suffering to others, etc.. Also, I said to them be kind to your neighbors, don't laugh at someone less fortunate, but, if it is possible help that someone less fortunate. Be a mentor, role model to make this world a better place for all in what ever way you are gifted. I ask, how it possible to force this belief unto my children?

We (humans) are walking in the journey of life, and there are many that are looking for the road to Peace and cannot find it.

A Man comes along, and asks, "Where are you guys going?"

They answered, "we're looking for the road to Peace, we have traveled on many roads and we could not find the road to Peace."

The Man answered, "I know that road you are looking, somebody took out the sign post a long time ago"

They said, "Yeah, we past a road that was not well traveled, and we didn't know where that road would lead us to, so we kept on walking. Can you tell us what is the name of that road, so that we can make new sign for that road."

The Man answered, "The name of the road is Love, and it's the only road to Peace."

They replied, "Thankyou Sir, We'll put up a sign with the name of the road and its destination, it will say "The Road of Love is the only way to Peace." Do think that's okay Sir?"

The Man answered, "Sure, I think that's great"

They said to the Man, "Sir, we are sure glad that you came along, because we would never have found the road to Peace on our own. Sorry to take up your time; we'd like to ask one one more question. How did you know the name of that road to Peace?"

Peace be with you, Paul

"love your neighbor as you love yourself in deed and truth"
The Man answered them saying, "There was a Man from a long time ago that knew the name of this road to Peace; but not many believed Him, many hated this Man and they killed Him because He was telling people about this road that you guys were looking for. To make long story short, He told Me the name of the road to Peace. You guys should get back to that road right away and put up that sign, because there will be many more peope looking for that road to Peace.

Peace be with you, Paul

"love your neighbor as you love yourself in deed and truth"
Preaching is stuffing yer posts with, and starting threads about, all this Jesus <Small>[insert expletive of choice here]</Small> ad nauseam. It's repetitive. It's redundant. It's annoying. It'd be great if ya never did it again, please.
Athelwulf: Preaching is stuffing yer posts with, and starting threads about, all this Jesus. It's repetitive. It's redundant. It's annoying. It'd be great if ya never did it again, please.

Athelwulf: "Please don't preach to us"

Battig1370: "Who are the 'us' that you are referring to? Are you one the moderators of this discussion board. Please let the wiewers know on whose behalf your speaking for?"

Peace be with you, Paul
us being the the world population, they/we dont need you indoctrinating BS.
let us be ourselves first, and if we wish to follow a god, then so be it.
fahrenheit 451: "they/we dont need you indoctrinating BS."

Battig1370: Can you explain what my indoctrinating BS is? Also who are the 'they/we'? Are the 'they/we', those that use their religion to justify their wicked behaviour, and those that get great pleasure from watching and/or doing these wicked deeds such as, killing, raping, torturing, and causing destruction and suffering? Also, are the 'they/we' those that want to keep their head in the sand?

fahrenheit 451: "let us be ourselves first"

Battig1370: Can you explain what you mean when you say, "let us be ourselves first"? Don't you realize that you have been indoctrinated from the time that your brain was able to receive knowledges from the environment around you. That is with any brain that is developing.

Explain to the viewers how much of what you know to be true or false that originated from within yourself.

Peace be with you, Paul

"love your neighbor as you love yourself in deed and truth"
as misty put it, to tell us how you feel is ok, but to tell us how we all should feel is preaching.
so your indoctrinating BS, is just that. the preaching(forcing you opinion on others)
they/we/us are the worlds population, or was that to hard to understand.
bat said:
Are the 'they/we', those that use their religion to justify their wicked behaviour, and those that get great pleasure from watching and/or doing these wicked deeds such as, killing, raping, torturing, and causing destruction and suffering?
where did this come from you have some serious issues man.

bat said:
Can you explain what you mean when you say, "let us be ourselves first"? Don't you realize that you have been indoctrinated from the time that your brain was able to receive knowledges from the environment around you. That is with any brain that is developing.
yes we take in information but it's not forced on us, we have the right to believe what we want, as we are adults but children can be easily indoctrinated. children should be allowed to grow up first, and then decide if the wish to follow a religion.
bat said:
Explain to the viewers how much of what you know to be true or false that originated from within yourself.
all of it and I am sure the same gos for fahrenheit, it called being a free thinker, you make your own decisions, you dont have a sky daddy, to make them for you.
bat said:
"love your neighbor as you love yourself in deed and truth"
totally agree but you need to teach the religious lot, to agree too.
battig1370 said:
Who are the 'us' that you are referring to?

Is it really that hard to figure out? "Us" refers to us SciForumers.

battig1370 said:
Are you one the moderators of this discussion board.

Huh? Was that supposed to be a question? I can't tell, for there's no question mark at the end, but it sounds like a question . . .

No, I'm not a moderator.

battig1370 said:
Please let the wiewers know on whose behalf your speaking for?

Okay . . . There was a question mark there . . . But it doesn't sound like a question.

I speak on behalf of the non-Christian SciForumers, if it's that hard to figure out.

battig1370 said:
What's annoying about your perception of Jesus?

Don't put words into my mouth. I don't find Jesus annoying, but I find preaching annoying.

Please improve yer reading comprehension, man. It helps tremendously.
I am a non-Christian SciForumers, and I do not belong to any religion. Most all Christians don't accept these words as being true in their walk of life. ---> "love your neighbor as you love yourself in deed and truth".

Peace be with you, Paul
battig1370 said:
I am a non-Christian SciForumers, and I do not belong to any religion.

OMFG. Ya just confused the living (and dead) fuck outta me!

As far as I understand (correct me if I'm wrong), a Christian is one who believes in, and follows the teaching of, God and the Lord Jesus Christ. Ya seem to fit this definition. So as far as I'm concerned, ye'r a Christian. Or at least ya belong to a Judeo-Christian faith that includes Jesus.

EDIT: Ye'r a non-Christian SciForumers? Ye'r singular indefinite article doesn't agree with yer plural noun.
the preaching(forcing you opinion on others)

Since when has preaching ever been forcing ones views on another????

I think we have a definition problem here. Attempting to force ones views on others is exactly that.

Preaching is going out and telling others about God. telling someone about God is not forcing anything on them. Or do my words force the people in here to believe??? Of course they do not. Preaching about God has never forced anyone to believe. You guys are proof positive of that.

Another thing. If sciformers do not want to hear anything about faith then why O why does sci-forums have a whole section devoted to the topic??? And why is it that it is one of the most viewed sections on the site???
If people do not want to hear about God no one is forcing them to come into this section. Are they???

And i still have not seen a definition for "preaching" from a moderator.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days