Praying for a Glacier


OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
How can they still think God has anything to do with this glacier??? They need to go to the Pope about this? Why? :confused:

Swiss want to reverse prayers, ask God to stop glacier's shrinking

GENEVA (AP) — Villagers from deeply Roman Catholic south Switzerland have for centuries offered a sacred vow to God to protect them from the advancing ice mass of the Great Aletsch glacier.

Global warming is making them want to reverse their prayers, and the Alpine faithful are seeking the permission of the pope.

Since the vow was established in 1678, the deal was simple: the citizens of the isolated mountain hamlets of Fiesch and Fieschertal would pledge to lead virtuous lives. In exchange, God would spare their homes and livelihoods from being swallowed by Europe's largest glacier as it expanded toward the valley with heavy winter snows.

Times have changed, and the once-fearsome Aletsch is melting amid temperatures that are 0.7 degrees Celsius (1.3 Fahrenheit) warmer than in the 19th century. The pastor at the Ernerwald Chapel has warned his flock that a new danger threatens.

"We all know — and the Holy Father reminded us in his Easter message — that an unprecedented change in the climate is taking place," Rev. Pascal Venetz said in his sermon to 100 people at the chapel, where until modern times pious women were prohibited from wearing colored underwear for fear of provoking the glacier.....
How can they still think God has anything to do with this glacier??? They need to go to the Pope about this? Why? :confused:

Swiss want to reverse prayers, ask God to stop glacier's shrinking

GENEVA (AP) — Villagers from deeply Roman Catholic south Switzerland have for centuries offered a sacred vow to God to protect them from the advancing ice mass of the Great Aletsch glacier.

Global warming is making them want to reverse their prayers, and the Alpine faithful are seeking the permission of the pope.

Since the vow was established in 1678, the deal was simple: the citizens of the isolated mountain hamlets of Fiesch and Fieschertal would pledge to lead virtuous lives. In exchange, God would spare their homes and livelihoods from being swallowed by Europe's largest glacier as it expanded toward the valley with heavy winter snows.

Times have changed, and the once-fearsome Aletsch is melting amid temperatures that are 0.7 degrees Celsius (1.3 Fahrenheit) warmer than in the 19th century. The pastor at the Ernerwald Chapel has warned his flock that a new danger threatens.

"We all know — and the Holy Father reminded us in his Easter message — that an unprecedented change in the climate is taking place," Rev. Pascal Venetz said in his sermon to 100 people at the chapel, where until modern times pious women were prohibited from wearing colored underwear for fear of provoking the glacier.....

Yah, yah. But one things humans often do is make rules out of their reactions.

Perhaps most people can recognize the pattern where something terrible happens or might happen and we start to feel bad about what we have done. This does not even have to involve a deity. Our parents catch us at something and we promise to be good to avoid punishment or to assuage our own shame. I think most people will find that they act morally as a preventative measure, perhaps unconsciously. So here these Swiss people have formalized it. They now realize that the contract runs against their own interests and want to change it.

Yah, yah. So what.

The superstitious who are out in the open with their superstition are often looked down on by those unconscious of their own superstitions.

Think about the supersitions, rituals, ceremonies, prayers - often subvocal - most men exhibit when trying to get (close to, to have sex with, romantic interest from) women.

And vice versa.

Magical thinking abounds.
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...where until modern times pious women were prohibited from wearing colored underwear for fear of provoking the glacier.....
hahaha.... fear of provoking the glacier.... hahahahaa.... I wonder why God was always such a ninny when it came to sex?
But shouldn't they be happy its going away? They don't have to worry about it crushing their town now at an amazingly slow rate.
No one has mentioned Satan's part in this. Don't tell me he is laying another beating on God, this happens every time. What a prick!!!
GENEVA (AP) — Villagers from deeply Roman Catholic south Switzerland have for centuries offered a sacred vow to God to protect them from the advancing ice mass of the Great Aletsch glacier.

Global warming is making them want to reverse their prayers, and the Alpine faithful are seeking the permission of the pope.

Looks like they are just getting greedy with the omnipotent one.

Would they just make up their minds. Do they want them or not.

I'm waiting for them to start throwing virgins at the glacier.

LOL. Yes, but it doesn't have the same sense of value as a sacrifice. Nothing lost.

They would get some nice ice burns though.

Would they be naked virgins ?
Looks like they are just getting greedy with the omnipotent one.

Would they just make up their minds. Do they want them or not.

If people read the article they would see the ideas was (see the bold)

Villagers from deeply Roman Catholic south Switzerland have for centuries offered a sacred vow to God to protect them from the advancing ice mass of the Great Aletsch glacier.

Now that the glacier is shrinking as part of something - global warming - that they see as harmful, they wish to change their request.
Are the religious to blame for the entire greenhouse effect, or just for the glacier ?