Pray in parliment

Is a christan pray to start Australian Parliments a good thing

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this is another issue which has really gotten up my nose constantly, that is at the start of every sitting of parliment the speaker reads out a pray, unfortunatly i cant currently find it but its an adaption of "the lords pray"

Now concidering that its a christan pray and we have jewish MP's, a Muslim federal MP not to mention the number of athiast and other MP's its compleatly discriminating and a discrace yet the practice continues. While looking up something else i found this story

i also found this one from the Canberra Times

Seperation of church and state. That means no prayer.
actually that provision of the consitution only exists at the federal level. thats because when it was framed it was expected the states would each chose s state religion. its actually not a division of church and state, its a state v commonwealth rights issue legally