Praising the One True God: Amen!


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: The word "amen" was used by the ancient Egyptians at the end of their prayers to the sun god Amen-Ra. Christians and other religious folk still use the word "amen" today. What they don't realize is that they are worshipping the monotheistic Egyptian sun god. Their ignorance makes me laugh.
A monotheist will lay claim to Amen-Ra being the one and only with a slight case of mistaken identity.
While it is an apparent cognate, there is an origin in Hebrew that is unrelated, though the etymology escapes me at the moment. There are probably no serious scholars that give credence to this idea. I could be wrong, however.
1) your theory is poor, immediately, on its assumptions about language use. Even if your etymology was correct, it certainly does not mean that people are actually worshipping a sun god. Words change meaning and use over time. we are not bound to original meanings.
I suppose you never say 'goodbye' to anyone.
good-bye 1591, from godbwye (1573), itself a contraction of God be with ye, infl. by good day, good evening, etc.
Oh, those atheists. Oh, how ignorant. They are praying. Oh, ho, ho.
2) laughing at ignorance - aimed in this case at such a wide and diverse group of people - is perhaps not something to be so proud of
3) it's another fringe theory


Amen, meaning so be it, is of Hebrew origin[6][7]. The word was imported into the Greek of the early Church from the Jewish synagogue.[2][8]. From Greek, amen entered the other Western languages. According to a standard dictionary etymology, amen passed from Greek into Late Latin, and thence into English.[9]

The Hebrew word ’amen derives from the Hebrew verb ’aman, a primitive root.[10] Grammarians frequently list ’aman under its three consonants (’mn), which are identical to those of ’amen .[9] This triliteral root (’mn) means to be firm, confirmed, reliable, faithful, have faith, believe. Two English words that derive from this root are:

a. amen, from Hebrew ’amen (=truly, certainly); b. Mammon, from Aramaic mamona, probably from Mishnaic Hebrew mamôn, probably from earlier *ma’mon (=? “security, deposit”).

Both a and b derive from Hebrew ’aman (=to be firm).[11]

The Talmud teaches homiletically that the word Amen is an acronym for אל מלך נאמן (’El melekh ne’eman, "God, trustworthy King"),[12] the phrase recited silently by an individual before reciting the Shma.

Popular among some theosophists and adherents of esoteric Christianity is the conjecture that amen is a derivative of the name of the Egyptian god Amun (which is sometimes also spelled Amen).[13][14][15] Some adherents of Eastern religions believe that amen shares roots with the Sanskrit word, aum.[16] There is no academic support for either of these views.
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People do & say things with no care for what it means or meant or came from, including revered religious ritual. Homage, if not worship, is paid to ancient gods thru the continuing use of absurd names for days & months. Christians tell me they'd leave the USA if the money had Buddhist images or writing on it yet there are things on it which they can't explain. "Christian" holidays are of pagan origin. Thru much of the history of Christmas, it was celebrated more like Halloween is now. Yet people think it was always done the "sacred" "traditional" way it is now & some who try to change it are condemned.
The rare times people admit ignorance, they usually seem proud of it.
It's most people who should grow up rather than those who seek to understand, share & discuss things.
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People do & say things with no care for what it means or meant or came from, including revered religious ritual. Homage, if not worship, is paid to ancient gods thru the continuing use of absurd names for days & months. Christians tell me they'd leave the USA if the money had Buddhist images or writing on it yet there are things on it which they can't explain. "Christian" holidays are of pagan origin. Thru much of the history of Christmas, it was celebrated more like Halloween is now. Yet people think it was always done the "sacred" "traditional" way it is now.
It's most people who should grow up rather than those who seek to understand, share & discuss things.
Since you use the phrase 'grow up' I assume you are responding in part to my post. MW made it clear that she is gloating, which seems different to me than simply seeking to understand and share. Nice noble values and all. Her gloating is, further, based on some faulty ideas. One obvious one is that all of us would be hypocrites if her logic made any sense. Our word use - if it should be based on original word meanings - would contradict our beliefs all the time.

What you bring out above is a much more grounded criticism. Especially holier than thou Christians who see pagans as going to hell or simply wrong set themselves up for problems for some of the reasons you give.

But those ideas are not the same as the ones MW put forward in this thread. And the spirit of her OP is moving toward the ugly. But I implied it was childish, to be milder.
Since you use the phrase 'grow up' I assume you are responding in part to my post. MW made it clear that she is gloating, which seems different to me than simply seeking to understand and share.

Still, your words would hold more weight if "grow up" were omitted. You might even find she'd be willing to listen and, if not MW, then others.

Personally, I'd like to see a little less "gloating" on both sides of the theist/atheist debate, but perhaps I'm too hopeful.
Amen is potentially also an Egyptian word.

But modern "Amen" is a transliteration of the Hebrew word "ohmen".

Ohmoona means "faith" in Hebrew. Ohmen means "Believe"
"mon" means firm.
When people claim to believe in an ancient book containing absurd claims & some of the worst examples of unmitigated cruelty & gloat over & mock those who don't share their beliefs & believe those who don't share their beliefs should suffer horribly for eternity, gloating over & mocking them is sometimes not only appropriate but needed. It is theists presently & thru history who are the attackers while hypocritically claiming otherwise. There's not much uglier, downright nastier or more ignorant & immature than believing some people should suffer horribly for eternity.
Simon your etymology, while interesting, doesn't perclude the word coming to the Hebrews from Egypt. In particular since the Hebrews supposedly spent an extensive period in Egypt as slaves. It would hardly be surprising for them to adopt some local customs and words. If this had happened it did so long before the period your etymology covers.
M*W: The word "amen" was used by the ancient Egyptians at the end of their prayers to the sun god Amen-Ra. Christians and other religious folk still use the word "amen" today. What they don't realize is that they are worshipping the monotheistic Egyptian sun god. Their ignorance makes me laugh.

no,even if you are right they are only using an egyptian religious word to praise their own god.
do you know the original meaning of all the words that you use?
I understand what she means. She speaking to the general ignorance of the vast majority of worshipers to the roots of their own faith. Christians, for example, worship what is essentially the Ancient God All-Stars combined into one vaguely historical figure. Considering how religious folks use said faith to oppress both minority and majority, and speak more often than not in absolute ignorance (see: MynameisDan, Carcano, Baron, Oil, etc..) I don't blame MW for giving it back once in a while.

Simon, for as much as I respect you, how about you make good on your claim to chastising both sides, and actually try chastising the ignorant believers around here, rather than jumping on every little thing an atheist says?
"why don't they realize? why don't they realize? why don't they realize?" why do you care? christians don't realize things things for the same reason that other people don't realize things, because either they either don't want to, or they weren't meant to. no person has access to all information at all times so everyone is limited in knowledge but there is also the fact that most people don't want knowledge, they want to buy into a doctrine just like you did and for the same reasons. not because they want the truth, but because they want to belong, to satisfy their egos, to judge others, or feel better.

mystery solved.
"why don't they realize? why don't they realize? why don't they realize?" why do you care? christians don't realize things things for the same reason that other people don't realize things, because either they either don't want to, or they weren't meant to. no person has access to all information at all times so everyone is limited in knowledge but there is also the fact that most people don't want knowledge, they want to buy into a doctrine just like you did and for the same reasons. not because they want the truth, but because they want to belong, to satisfy their egos, to judge others, or feel better.

mystery solved.

See, the problem with that rant is that the same thing could be turned around and thrown right back at you. If nobody should care about what anybody else thinks, then what the hell are you doing so ticked off at her for what she thinks? What do you care that she cares?

See, the problem with that rant is that the same thing could be turned around and thrown right back at you. If nobody should care about what anybody else thinks, then what the hell are you doing so ticked off at her for what she thinks? What do you care that she cares?


she doesn't think. she's just on a campaign. all she does is ask rhetorical questions like this. she could make her next post "why doesn't everyone think exactly like i do and agree with me about everything? then they would be so much better off!" with the obvious answer being...because they're stupid. :rolleyes:
that also wasn't a rant, but a legitimate point. mw's fatal flaw is that she believes that every other christian is a christian for the same reasons that she was at one time, and i know i'm not, so she's wrong. but she's not interested in that. she's interested in being right, and her whole purpose out here on this forum is to convince herself and other's of it. she's as blind and indoctrinated of an atheist and she was a christian. kudos to her.
M*W: The word "amen" was used by the ancient Egyptians at the end of their prayers to the sun god Amen-Ra. Christians and other religious folk still use the word "amen" today. What they don't realize is that they are worshipping the monotheistic Egyptian sun god. Their ignorance makes me laugh.

ok, i'll engage...

why do you think that because that is the derivative of the word amen that christians are really worshipping an egyptian sun god? that makes me laugh.