power to the people

i don't think they had a reason to
the only one i can think of is nixon, and we impeached his ass
LBJ comes to mind. i wish we could have fucked him up too
i've been finding out so much shit about bush that i want to fucking gag.
i bet this port deal going to the UAE is directly linked to his circumventing fisa

also, some of the worlds worst racists were born right here in the good ol US of A

people like the fords and the rockefellers

it's been brought out that bush belongs to the secret society of cross and bones. the very same society is tied to the KKK and they also tried like hell to supress workers unions with terrorism
Higham also states that the du Ponts used their tremendous wealth "to finance the notorious Black Legions. This terrorist organization had as it's purpose the prevention of automobile workers from unionizing. The members wore hoods and black ropes, with skull and crossbones. They fire-bombed union meetings, murdered union organizers, often by beating them to death, and dedicated their lives to destroying Jews and communists. They were linked to the Ku Klux Klan."
news analysis The U.S. Department of Justice's attempt to compel Google to divulge millions of search records could backfire on police and prosecutors.

If Google convinces California courts that a federal privacy law protects Internet users' search terms from a subpoena, it would become more difficult for law enforcement to seek such records in future criminal investigations, legal experts are saying.
Leopold etc...yeah. we agree on that at last. i also have found out higs about the Bush family that make me puke. and i also have researched about their Skull nd Bnes cult membership and it relation to Illuminati, etc etc etc. horrendus

but when you claim, as did other Fraggle Ocer that you need guns to protect yerself
from their encrachin fascism. thisis complte naiveity on your part....!!
GUNS????what the fuk is guns gonna do against teir might. have you researched, per chance, abput the increasing state of the art 'crwod control' technology they have??...if you did/do you will see the full useless ness of the idea of fighting them on their own terms. it cannot be done

even past recvolutions. the OUTCOME always defaulta into more if not worse of the same crap

no. to really work to finding some resolving of their authoritarian hold it has to be more radical that guns and warefare. for THA shit is their middle name. they LOVEit. why eloe do you tink we have had endless wars. 'perpetual war'??

sw tis docu all about the neo cons a while back, and one of te shites looked straight atcamera and smirking his grim ugly face 'we LOVE war'!
leopold99 said:
(FRANKFORT, Ky.) -- Legislation that would provide legal protections to Kentuckians who shoot intruders who force their way into homes passed a legislative committee on Wednesday.

State Rep. J.R. Gray, D-Benton, is sponsoring the legislation on behalf of the National Rifle Association, saying people shouldn't be expected to avoid a confrontation by running away.

heh, heh, intruders beware!
what do you make of this?

I agree with this (or do I? see last sentance) here in the Uk we have to design our homes so that they
are burglar safe, (skylights for example have to be able to withstand a human weight on it, as once a burglar fell through one and successfully got the home owner sent to prison for an unsafe skylight for burglar entry!...this is 100% true!
we also have to give them a cup of tea allow them to help themselves and drive them home afterwards (slightly untrue but not far off the mark!)

A man was famously sentanced to prison for after withstanding 50 burglaries and vandalisms to his home, he eventually (at end of his tether no doubt) shot his 51st burglar attemptee's.

But then if we can shoot our burglars does that mean our burglars will all arm themselves and shoot us first? Hmmm maybe not such a grand idea after all, its a tough one.
duendy said:
no. you'll are theee most ignorant peoples ever hit theplanet. over eating, and gun loving pollutin conformists.......shall i go on?
Please do go on, on back to where you belong.
duendy said:
and go see what a bullt does to a person's insides. are yu familiar wit that?
1. It's spelled "bullet".
2. It's spelled "you".
3. It's spelled "with".
4. I haven't seen it directly, but I know what it does, depending on the bullet. A simple solid shot will tear straight through, spinning because of rifling, and it usually will get lodged in the body after it hits bone and slows and comes to a stop. Some bullets, like AP rounds, will just tear all the way through, leaving an entry wound the width of the bullet and an exit wound many times the size. A hollowpoint shatters upon impact with organ tissue and flesh and sends what is essentially bits of shrapnel bouncing around inside the body. Incindiary bullets ignite flesh, and that'll hurt. A lot. Explosive shells go in, then explode, like a mini-grenade, and that really fuckin' hurts. Sends your guts flying.
Generally, the larger the caliber, the more damage a bullet will do, because the larger the entry and exit wounds will be, and the more internal organs and blood will seep out. The higher the velocity of the bullet, the faster it'll go, and the more likely it is to keep going and peel straight through. This is why, for the longest time, 11.4mm (.45-cal) rounds were preferred in pistols in the US and 7.62mm was the common rifle caliber. Now we go for compactness, using 5.56mm, 6.5mm, and 9mm cartridges for combat armaments. Smaller, lighter, effecient..er.