Power, Purity, Meekness and God. The Ugly Reality of Rape Culture.

I believe male privilege is apparent to everyone. I have not read the entire thread but do see that incident as a bad arguing point -the guy was obviously a total idiot anyway.

If I wanted to talk about male privilege. I would start with something like this:

Sex-selected abortion, abandonment, and infanticide are illegal in China. Nevertheless, the US State Department,[86] the Parliament of the United Kingdom,[87] and the human rights organization Amnesty International[88] have all declared that China's family planning programs contribute to infanticide.[89][90][91] "The 'one-child' policy has also led to what Amartya Sen first called 'Missing Women', or the 100 million girls 'missing' from the populations of China (and other developing countries) as a result of female infanticide, abandonment, and neglect".[92]

Anthropologist G. William Skinner at the University of California, Davis and Chinese researcher Yuan Jianhua have claimed that infanticide was fairly common in China before the 1990s.[93]


And what exactly do I reveal, pray tell?
You reveal that you have a narrow, uneducated and stereotyped view of "liberals". Also, it confirms your pugilistic "us vs them" narrow and closed-minded worldview.

Just out of curiosity, why do you have a problem with me holding liberals in such low regard? Why are you so desperate for my approval?
You consistently overestimate your own importance and significance. I don't care what you think about liberals, or anything else. And I have told you previously that I only care about the approval of people I respect. I understand that this is something you are inclined to mentally blot out as an assault on your ego.

No, it's simply an observation of your behavior. In every thread I have posted recently, you keep trying to drag me back into a discussion...
Once again, I have to remind you.

Fact: you raised our previous discussion in the current thread, not me.

You thought you were pretty smart, attempting to ambush me with nitpicks, but it backfired and I made a clown out of you in your own little fiefdom.
I was pretty smart to catch you in your own web of hypocrisy, wasn't I? Thanks for mentioning it again.

Here's the thread link once more:


You should be sure to link to it often too, since it makes your point so well for you and verifies your assessment of our interaction and all. You must be very proud of your work there.

Hehe. One moment you claim I'm not worth wasting your time on, the next you are bawling about my supposed lack of integrity and issuing me warning points, then you're picturing my face, then you regard me as a chew toy. Either you're lying, or are emotionally conflicted.
I invite anybody who is interested to read the thread. They can decide for themselves whether I have at any point lied and whether I am emotionally conflicted. They can also judge you.

Remember: whatever you say here, tali89, the record remains. You'd have done better keeping your head down.

[blah blah blah]I took away your control by ignoring you, and it has you fuming even weeks after the fact.
And yet here you are, failing to ignore me. Would you agree you lack self control?

Everything has to be on your terms, doesn't it? The discussion has to fit your narrative, the opponent has to be pigeonholed into your distorted view of them, and you always, *always*, have to have the last word.
The record of my posts speaks more eloquently than anything I could write briefly in response to this set of accusations. I have made over 20,000 posts to this forum. Anybody who suspects I might be distorting the views of others or driving a narrative or whatever can go check for themselves.

Sorry son, but the ship has sailed on that discussion as well.
So, daddy-o, what you're saying is that you have no adequate response and you're running away again.

I'm not sure what it is with your propensity to mention my gender.
Are you ashamed of your gender? Interesting. Tell me more.

And what qualifications do you possess that enable you to make such a suggestion [to get help with anger management issues]?
Hypothetically, I could tell you anything in response to this question. It's a silly question to ask on a forum such as this.

Let's assume I have no official qualifications in mental health. The question remains: do you need to address anger-management issues that you have, or don't you? The only way to know for sure is to seek out a professional who does have those qualifications and find out. You sure sound angry most of the time. It doesn't take a professional to spot that.

Despite never having mentioned the topic of 'men's rights' in any of my posts on this forum?
Your consistent theme is that women get special treatment and privileges that men don't. You argue that men's issues don't get enough attention because women are taking all the limelight, or something like that. You may not mention "men's rights" directly in many of your posts, but they are definitely on your mind a lot of the time. Of course, it might well be that you aren't really concerned about men's rights so much as you are concerned about denying women's rights. It is clear that you have serious issues with women, particularly feminist, liberal women.

By the way, why are you so paranoid about the specter of 'men's rights'?
I'm not paranoid about anything - except those aliens who are coming to experiment on me, of course.

In theory, I have few issues with "men's rights", though it is a strange term. Most societies, including ours, are dominated by privileged males. Men's rights are the default and often go without saying. Thankfully, in our society, that is slowly changing, so that women are coming to have equal opportunities. There is a lot of push-back against that from misogynists who feel that their privilege is owed to them purely because they are men.

What worries me about so-called "men's rights" groups is that they are so often a thin veil behind which certain men express and act out their misogyny.

Do you have issues with your own gender?
I'm not sure what you're asking.

If you're asking whether I have a personal issue with being a man, the answer is no.
If you're asking whether I have any issues surrounding men, the answer is yes. For example, take that privilege I mentioned above. In fact, you could read the rest of this thread.

How about you? Do you have issues with your gender? There was a hint of shame earlier in your post.

Haha. You just claimed I 'explicitly referr[ed] to our previous discussion', and now you're claiming that I am pretending it never happened? How can I explicitly refer to something I am pretending didn't happen? Your double-think and internal contradictions are so blatant at this point that I'm starting to think you are delusional.
You tried your best to re-write history of our discussion in the thread linked above. At that point, I stepped in to remind you of the facts of that discussion.

In telling lies about our previous discussion, you try to pretend that it didn't happen the way it did. You want to pretend you have nothing to make up for. You want to avoid taking responsibility for your own words.

If you had any integrity, then when you raised the matter of our previous discussion you would have provided a link to that discussion so that readers did not have to take your word for what went on there. But, as we established in the "Is abortion murder?" thread, you have no integrity. At least we can rely on you to be consistent in that.

How's that hole looking now? Keep digging, tali89.
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Beer w/Straw said:
If I wanted to talk about male privilege. I would start with something like this:

I wouldn't disagree that it is important, but it's also a different context compared to purity cult. The crass way to put it is that you can't groom a girl for sexual abuse if you kill her first. Less crudely, we might consider foot binding, a Chinese practice enduring from approximately the tenth century of the common era until the early twentieth.

BuzzFeed↱, earlier this year, ran photos of some of the last surviving lotus feet; I would include here a warning regarding the content of that link―the pictures are unsettling.

It is still a different cultural context; whoever might defend or adovcate such a practice would arguing a different manifestation of male privilege than what goes into Western post-Christian purity cult.

Tbe South China Morning Post, in 2013, offered a chilling lede:

About one in 10 men in some parts of Asia admitted raping a woman who was not their partner, according to a large study of rape and sexual violence. When their wife or girlfriend was included, that figure rose to about a quarter.

And that is merely those who would admit it. Additionally, a survery of men in Bangladesh, China, Cambodia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and Papua New Guinea found that nearly three quarters of the admitted rapists included entitlement among their explanations of why they raped.

And there is greater common cause among rapists and rape advocates in diverse cultures; the entitlement, the male privilege, is also what Western purity cult struggles to preserve.


Campbell, Hayley. "19 Photos Of The Last Surviving Chinese Women With Bound Feet". BuzzFeed. 19 June 2015. BuzzFeed.com. 17 September 2015. http://bzfd.it/1OzBEqH

Associated Press and Agence France Presse. "Lifting the lid on Asia's rape culture". South China Morning Post. 11 September 2013. SCMP.com. 17 September 2015. http://bit.ly/1izSERG
What are you trying to convince me of?


As a side note, I'm glad I live in in Ontario, Canada. Where the premiere is an open lesbian.
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Beer w/Straw said:
What are you trying to convince me of?

Here's another question: What are you on about?

You asked for statistics; I offered some. You changed the subject to Chinese infanticide, so I offered some connections between male privilege in Asia and the purity cult under consideration in this thread.

What am I trying to convince you of? At this point, I'm not necessarily trying to convince you of anything. Then again, given the vagary of your posts in this sequence, it's uncertain what I would try to convince you of.
OK. Maybe I am guilty of going of course. Fine. I've said enough, so I can be content.

As for the guy... lewd remarks are different from physical contact. I wasn't there so I cannot judge. There are a lot of possibilities. Rightly or wrongly, I just don't know.
I don't think you're that far off course; Chinese infanticide is inextricably tied to male privilege, but it is also a different aspect in its manifestation. I wouldn't seek to shut you up on the point, but it's also true I'm having a hard time figuring the subsequent question of what I'm trying to convince you of.

Still, though, 'tis true none of us were there in the shooting incident; and while it is also true that lewd remarks are different from physical contact, they are not so removed from one another in the question of male privilege and other motivations or license to sexual harassment.

In either case, though, both the lewd talk and physical contact were, apparently, reasonably acceptable to the assembled police officers; the problem wasn't even that the molester got upset―rather, it was the way in which he expressed his displeasure. Up until then, people weren't compelled to intervene.

It does not seem unfair to wonder why.
What They're For

It's a simple enough notion: A woman has a profile on a business site. A man hits on her through that business site:

On Monday afternoon I returned home from work and logged onto my Linkedin account to find a sexist message from a senior partner of a law firm sitting in my inbox. The contents of the message focused on my physical appearance rather than my professional legal skills as a barrister in family law.

"Charlotte, delighted to connect, I appreciate this is probably horrendously politically incorrect but that is a stunning picture !!!" it read. "You definitely win the prize for the best Linked in (sic) picture I have ever seen. Always interest to understant (sic) people's skills and how we might work together. Alex."

The woman responds with a straightforward explanation of why this is not appropriate:

I find your message offensive. I am on linked-in for business purposes not to be approached about my physical appearance or to be objectified by sexist men. The eroticisation of women's physical appearance is a way of exercising power over women. It silences women's professional attributes as their physical appearance becomes the subject.

Unacceptable and misogynistic behavior. Think twice before sending another woman (half your age) such a sexist message.

And then she asks, via social media, how many other women are contacted regarding their appearance instead of professional skills.

What happens next?

Oh, the usual. Outrage. How dare she? Death threats. How about even being put on the front page of a national newspaper and branded a "feminazi"?

Linkedin is a business site, not a dating site. But, hey, she's a woman, right? So ... right. It would seem that even in the allegedly respectable bastions of business society, a woman exists to be hit on, chatted up, and generally overlooked as anything other than a sex toy.

Remember, it's not just the drunk chick in a pub. Male privilege targets every woman. And this presupposition about what women are for is at the heart of rape culture.

Meanwhile, Sarah Vine's↱ column really is that stupid:

You may or may not know that there exists on the internet a tedious website called 'LinkedIn'. It's a networking site designed for thrusting professionals to be able to interact and do business with other thrusting professionals.

Being one of these creatures, Ms Proudman 'reached out' (as I believe it's called these days) to Mr Carter-Silk, whom she didn't know. He, being an accommodating sort, replied that he would be happy to 'connect'.

He then took the liberty of expressing, by way of an ice-breaker, admiration for her photograph.

Now, most normal women would have thought: 'What a nice man.' Indeed, many of us would be delighted; compliments are few and far between these days.

One might well be persuaded to believe Ms. Vine is also a victim, having somehow been convinced that a woman's place in business is to look pretty. Indeed, she even suggests that without that male privilege, the human species faces potential extinction.

I would very much like to say it's hilarious, except for the fact that it isn't.


Proudman, Charlotte. "I've been called a 'Feminazi' for calling out a sexist man on Linkedin – but I spoke out for all women". The Independent. 10 September 2015. Independent.co.uk. 17 September 2015. http://ind.pn/1P5UQKF

Vine, Sarah. "If a man can't compliment a woman, the human race is in deep trouble". Daily Mail. 9 September 2015. DailyMail.co.uk. 17 September 2015. http://dailym.ai/1KkQVGJ
Well pointed.

Still, though, it is a reflection of male privilege.

Which raises another question, and analogies only go so far. But I never have understood people willing to work against their own existential interests. To wit, it is at once similar to and different from a police officer committing a crime under color of law; and it is perversely funny to hear one plead years of faithful service as a mitigating factor in sentencing when betrayal of that service is what earned a conviction.

Then again, a police officer chooses to be a police officer. A woman simply is a woman.

The last two paragraphs of my previous post really aren't appropriate, in that context. A woman has the same right as anyone else to believe whatever bullshit she wants; but just like Alan Keyes or Ben Carson pitching against black people, it always stands out in my notice when women pitch against their own interests. You know, like Kim Guilfoyle↱ of FOX News↱.

Truth told, I've never figured out quite what to think about that.


bd. "A Note on the Vote: FOX News and Woman Suffrage". This Is. 22 October 2014. bdThisIs.WordPress.com. 17 September 2015. http://wp.me/pUgG0-yI

Kittel, Olivia. "'Let Men Be Men': Fox News Hosts Defend Catcalling". Media Matters for America. 28 August 2014. MediaMatters.org. 17 September 2015. http://mm4a.org/1YitLdu
Oh, I dunno if Proudman is a poster child for harassment or entitlement:

Miss Proudman has since been accused of hypocrisy after it emerged that she has previously commented on pictures of men on Facebook herself to praise their looks.

She also told female friends they looked 'sexy' and 'stunning' – the same word used by Mr Carter-Silk.

On the profile of a postgraduate student at Cambridge, where Miss Proudman is on sabbatical from her chambers to study for a PhD, she wrote: 'Hot stuff!', while under an image of a long-haired male friend, she wrote: 'oooo lalala!'

Beneath photos from women, she was also happy to compliment their looks, saying to different friends: 'Oh ladies, wowwweeeeee!!!!!!', 'wow! stunning!!!!' and 'Sexy lady!'

Didn't you know? Apparently, when an attractive person compliments your appearance, it's "cute and flirty". When an unattractive person does it, it's "creepy and wrong".
You reveal that you have a narrow, uneducated and stereotyped view of "liberals".

I've noticed that demeaning others as being uneducated while concurrently crowing about your own so-called education is a common theme with you. Do you regard people who do not possess a formal education as being inferior to you? Do you actually think that having a piece of paper makes you intellectually and morally superior to someone who does not? Because from what I've seen, your education hasn't endowed you with the ability to think critically, comprehend basic English, or carry yourself with integrity.

You consistently overestimate your own importance and significance. I don't care what you think about liberals, or anything else.

So you say. You've also previously stated I'm 'not worth wasting any time on', yet continue to read and respond to my posts. As I've mentioned in previous topics, I'm a big fan of looking at what someone does, rather than what they say, in order to divine their true intentions. And by using that principle I can conclude that my opinions and statements garner a lot of interest in you, as does my real-life persona.

Fact: you raised our previous discussion in the current thread, not me.

I mentioned content from another thread because it was related to the discussion on this thread. You saw that as an opportunity to redeem yourself and salvage what remained of your shattered ego by challenging me to a rematch. To be frank, I'll mention content posted in other threads if I feel it is appropriate, irrespective of what you may think. Contrary to what you may believe, I am under no obligation to continue an argument that you tanked.

I was pretty smart to catch you in your own web of hypocrisy, wasn't I?

You appear to be confused, or exhibiting that selective memory of yours again. It was you who took issue with the wording of my poll, despite the fact that you had no such issue when a similar poll was posted. And it was you who demonstrated double standards in regards to sexual harassment perpetrated by women vs. sexual harassment perpetrated by men.

The record of my posts speaks more eloquently than anything I could write briefly in response to this set of accusations. I have made over 20,000 posts to this forum.

Indeed you have. This forum is your own personal little fiefdom, and it's further demonstrated by your childish behavior on every thread you have interacted with me in. I have chosen to walk away from a number of our discussions when you pitched a fit, and even gave you the benefit of the last word. Yet even the very act of walking away was seen as a challenge to your ego, which is why you continue to goad me into returning to discussions that have long since ended. For example:

tali89: Sorry son, but the ship has sailed on that discussion as well.

James R: So, daddy-o, what you're saying is that you have no adequate response and you're running away again.


tali89: I'm not sure what it is with your propensity to mention my gender.

James: Are you ashamed of your gender? Interesting. Tell me more.

Q.E.D. I'd ask again why you are so fascinated by my gender, but at this point I'm not particularly interested. The mere fact that such an interest exists is enough to demonstrate that chip on your shoulder.

tali89: And what qualifications do you possess that enable you to make such a suggestion [to get help with anger management issues]?

James R: Hypothetically, I could tell you anything in response to this question.

Of course you could. Indeed, you have a propensity to make rubbish up, so it wouldn't surprise me if you did invent some spin. However, you should know by now that I will ask for evidence to support the veracity of your claims. Oh no, it's that pesky 'e' word that has made you fill your diaper in our previous discussions! :eek:

Let's assume I have no official qualifications in mental health.

OK, let's assume that. Why are you referring someone to a mental health practitioner when you aren't qualified to identify or diagnose mental illness? Is the topic of mental illness nothing more than a barb you can use against those whom have bruised your ego?

tali89: Despite never having mentioned the topic of 'men's rights' in any of my posts on this forum?

James R: Your consistent theme is that women get special treatment and privileges that men don't.

Not true. I'm also noting that you haven't been able to find any posts of mine which mention the topic of 'men's rights', despite you being such an avid reader of mine. I'm reminded of a similar instance where I requested you support an assertion of yours by providing a concise list of things people 'do' that demonstrate love, and you failed to deliver (big surprise, I know). Oh, and I don't want to re-commence that discussion with you either, I'm simply using it as a reference for your dishonest nature.

I'm not paranoid about anything

Which is why you have requested evidence of my gender, accused me of being a sockpuppet, and fallaciously accused me of being a 'men's rights advocate', as if men's rights advocates are the equivalent of Cthulhu.

If you're asking whether I have any issues surrounding men, the answer is yes.

At least you're candid enough to admit that you have issues with men, although such an admission isn't really necessary. It's been clear for some time that you have a massive chip on your shoulder regarding males, which is why you are constantly badgering me about supposedly being a male, and seeing the bogeyman of 'men's rights' in even the most innocent of statements. My question is: Where did this complex of yours stem from? Did the big kids bully you in school when you mouthed off? Were you constantly passed over for team sports? Did the pretty girls ignore you while dating the big bad misogynists with their 'male privilege'? I'm just spitballing here, so help me out.

tali89: aha. You just claimed I 'explicitly referr[ed] to our previous discussion', and now you're claiming that I am pretending it never happened? How can I explicitly refer to something I am pretending didn't happen? Your double-think and internal contradictions are so blatant at this point that I'm starting to think you are delusional.

James R: In telling lies about our previous discussion you try to pretend that it didn't happen the way it did.

Uh uh, that's not what you initially claimed. I'll quote your own words back to you, since you have such a selective memory. For the record, you stated:

"I know you would like very much if I would give you free air to pretend that our previous discussion never happened." (emphasis mine)

You claimed that I was pretending the discussion never happened, not that 'it didn't happen the way it did'. You're so rattled at this point, you can't even keep your story straight from one post to the next.

You should be sure to link to it often too, since it makes your point so well for you and verifies your assessment of our interaction and all. You must be very proud of your work there.

Indeed. I've actually given a lot of thought to your suggestion, and from now on I'm going to include the link to that discussion in my signature, so that it will appear at the bottom of each message I post. It will provide an excellent example of the dishonesty inherent in the left-wing. Ahh, now is this the part where you continue to assert that I'm pretending that the discussion never happened? Go right ahead. :biggrin:
Beer w/Straw said:
I'm trying to say that male privilege is more a global scale than one bar incident.

And the only people you're going to find disagreeing with that are the people who believe male privilege doesn't exist.

• • •​

Daecon said:
Didn't you know? Apparently, when an attractive person compliments your appearance, it's "cute and flirty". When an unattractive person does it, it's "creepy and wrong".

I would note the differences between "friends" and "icebreaker".

I've noticed that demeaning others as being uneducated while concurrently crowing about your own so-called education is a common theme with you.
And, of course, you'll be happy to demonstrate with appropriate links where I've crowed about my so-called education and where I have demeaned others. Won't you?

Do you regard people who do not possess a formal education as being inferior to you?
In terms of formal educatedness? Of course they are. Just as I am inferior to olympic athletes in terms of the number of olympic games I have competed in.

Do you actually think that having a piece of paper makes you intellectually and morally superior to someone who does not?
It depends what kind of piece of paper you're referring to. I assume the kind of piece of paper you are referring to is the kind that amounts to some kind of official recognition that one has a certain qualification or achievement.

A university degree is a piece of paper. Having a degree (or two or more, as the case may be) makes me more formally qualified in certain specific areas than somebody who does not. Universities are gatekeepers to the professions. You can't get into a profession without a university degree. A degree is a recognition that you have reached a certain minimum standard expected of a professional in the particular field in which you have qualified.

An IQ test is a piece of paper. A person with a higher IQ score on an official test could be said to be intellectually superior to someone with a lower score. However, there would likely be some debate about that, because arguably IQ tests have certain biases. According to one argument, having a high IQ score merely says that you are better at IQ tests than people with lower scores, and not necessarily intellectually superior.

You might like to suggest other ways to measure intellect and get a relevant piece of paper. Then I can probably answer your query more fully.

As far as I am aware, there are no official pieces of paper that attest to moral superiority. Arguably, something like the Nobel Peace Prize might qualify. Admittedly, I have never received that prize, but if I were ever to be awarded it I might claim a certain kind of moral superiority. Then again, this is also arguable.

Once again, perhaps you can suggest a piece of paper that would result in moral superiority.

My question to you on this matter would be the opposite: do you think that NOT having a university degree, or having a low IQ score (say), or having a recorded criminal conviction (say) would make you intellectually or morally superior to somebody who did not? I look forward to your answer.

Because from what I've seen, your education hasn't endowed you with the ability to think critically, comprehend basic English, or carry yourself with integrity.
You're obviously not a good person to trust in making that kind of judgment. Having demonstrated that you have no integrity and all.

So you say. You've also previously stated I'm 'not worth wasting any time on', yet continue to read and respond to my posts.
I think what I said was that I'll spend as much time on your posts as I want to - no more and no less.

Also, remember you wrote "I took away your control by ignoring you...". But you're not ignoring me. You lack self-control. Do you agree?

I mentioned content from another thread because ....

You mean this thread:



Indeed. I've actually given a lot of thought to your suggestion, and from now on I'm going to include the link to that discussion in my signature, so that it will appear at the bottom of each message I post.
Good. I can't think of a better warning your readers could have.

You appear to be confused...
I invite anybody who is interested to read the thread and decide for themselves whether I show any confusion there.

And it was you who demonstrated double standards in regards to sexual harassment perpetrated by women vs. sexual harassment perpetrated by men.
As I said before, you might hope to bullshit somebody else who is reading your posts, but trying this on with me just makes me laugh at you.

Again, I invite anybody who is interested to read the thread and form their own opinion. Having said that, I'm sure that with your constant whining, most readers are probably just skipping over your posts by now.

Indeed you have. This forum is your own personal little fiefdom...
I have made an average of about 5 to 6 posts a day over the time I have been here, and I have a feifdom!

How are you going, tali89?

I have chosen to walk away from a number of our discussions...
Run away and hide for a while, more like it. Then, you pop up again in a new thread, spouting the same stuff again, pretending the other one never happened.

I'd ask again why you are so fascinated by my gender...
And I'd ask you again whether you are ashamed of your gender.

As I noted earlier, what you leave out of your posts is often far more interesting than what you put in. You avoid certain questions like the plague. Why is that?

Indeed, you have a propensity to make rubbish up, so it wouldn't surprise me if you did invent some spin.

I am somewhat insulted by your claim. So I'm going to have to ask you to provide some links that demonstrate my "propensity to make rubbish up". Make sure you clearly show why what I wrote is rubbish when you do so.

Please do this in your next post, or apologise to me for this latest unfounded insult of yours.

If you choose to respond that you will neither apologise nor prove your claim, I will report this behaviour to the moderator team and recommend that you be officially warned for telling deliberate lies (with appropriate warning points).

However, you should know by now that I will ask for evidence to support the veracity of your claims. Oh no, it's that pesky 'e' word that has made you fill your diaper in our previous discussions! :eek:
Note your own words here. Once more, we test your integrity. You will be held to your own professed standards of behaviour, as written here. If it is good enough for you to demand evidence for my claims, then you will have no problem supplying evidence for your claims.

I await your demonstration or your apology. I expect you will again demonstrate that you have no integrity, but we will see.

Why are you referring someone to a mental health practitioner when you aren't qualified to identify or diagnose mental illness?
I might refer somebody to such a practitioner because mental health practitioners are qualified to identify and diagnose mental illness. I'm not sure whether an anger problem is properly classified as a mental illness. You seem to think it is. If so, it's nothing to be ashamed about. But if this is an issue for you, then it is important that you get appropriate help, for your own sake and for others who you might end up hurting.

Is the topic of mental illness nothing more than a barb you can use against those whom have bruised your ego?
No need to get defensive. Lots of people have mental health issues. You needn't feel ashamed or insulted.

Not true. I'm also noting that you haven't been able to find any posts of mine which mention the topic of 'men's rights'...
I seem to recall a thread in which you started off claiming that men regular suffer from sexual harassment by women, and yet such harassment doesn't get sufficient attention paid to it and isn't taken as seriously as harassment of women by men. You seemed even to suggest that there might be some kind of female "rape culture" at work. Let me see if I can find it. Ah! Here it is:


It seemed to me that you started that thread by angling for more recognition of "men's rights".

Later in the thread, admittedly, you decided that sexual harassment of men really isn't a problem at all, because men quickly forget such incidents when they happen.

Then there's the current thread, in which you started off by arguing (I think - correct me if I'm wrong about this) that so-called "male privilege" doesn't exist in fact, and that women complain far too much about sexual harassment. I think you were suggesting something along the lines that a man should be free to shoot a gun into a wall next to a woman if she rejects his advances, and that that has nothing to do with any sense of male privilege. Again, correct me if I have you wrong on this, but if I am interpreting your argument correctly, you are saying that it is a man's right to shoot his gun when he is rejected by a woman, or something along those lines.

I can't recall whether you have used the specific term "men's rights" anywhere, but if it looks like a duck, then it's probably a duck, I figure.

... despite you being such an avid reader of mine.
You're still not getting it. You're not nearly as important and significant as you would like to believe, both in general terms and to me personally. It's an ego hit you just keep blotting out as a psychological defence mechanism. I understand.

I'm reminded of a similar instance where I requested you support an assertion of yours by providing a concise list of things people 'do' that demonstrate love, and you failed to deliver (big surprise, I know).
Please provide a link to the relevant thread so I, and your many other readers, can check for ourselves that what you say is true.

Oh, and I don't want to re-commence that discussion with you either...
Ho hum. I wonder why. And no link either. Funny about that.

Also, the word you are looking for is "resume", not "re-commence". That's a common error that somebody like yourself shouldn't make. It is strange that a numbskull in English like me is the one correcting you on this point of English usage, given your superior language skills and all.

Oh, and I know you'll want to now pretend that you actually meant "re-commence". I know you didn't. But let me be clear: I have absolutely no desire to ever re-commence a discussion with you. I can imagine few things that would be as tedious as that.

I'm simply using it as a reference for your dishonest nature.
Yeah yeah whatever.

Don't you see that your case gets weaker and weaker every time you fail to follow through?

Which is why you have requested evidence of my gender, accused me of being a sockpuppet, and fallaciously accused me of being a 'men's rights advocate', as if men's rights advocates are the equivalent of Cthulhu.
I know your gender: you're male.
I know you're a sock puppet.
You have been (on this forum) and remain a "men's rights" advocate, though by now I think most men's rights groups would probably want to disown you.

Let me ask you another direct question: are you generally supportive of groups campaigning for "men's rights"? Yes or no? Feel free to elaborate if you want to land somewhere in the middle of the "yes" and "no".

I expect you will avoid this question like the plague, just like you avoid all questions that promise to clearly reveal you for who you are. You must be ashamed of who you are.

At least you're candid enough to admit that you have issues with men, although such an admission isn't really necessary.
And you have been candid enough to admit ... what? Anything? Not that I can see.

I ask you again: do you have issues with your gender?

It's been clear for some time that you have a massive chip on your shoulder regarding males...
What makes that clear?

"Having a chip on 0ne's shoulder" means having a self-righteous feeling of inferiority and bearing a grudge.

For example, it would be fair to say that you have a chip on your shoulder regarding sciforums because you feel inferior to the moderators here and because you bear a grudge against us for previously banning you and for continually exposing your foolish views for what they are (making you feel even more inferior intellectually).

So, when you say I have a chip on my shoulder regarding males, you're similarly asserting that I feel inferior to males and I bear a grudge against males in general. As we see here:

tali89 said:
...which is why you are constantly badgering me about supposedly being a male, and seeing the bogeyman of 'men's rights' in even the most innocent of statements. My question is: Where did this complex of yours stem from? Did the big kids bully you in school when you mouthed off? Were you constantly passed over for team sports? Did the pretty girls ignore you while dating the big bad misogynists with their 'male privilege'? I'm just spitballing here, so help me out.
That is, your thesis is that I feel inferior to males (in general) because I was a small kid and I wished I could be a bully, and because males are better at team sports than me, and because real males (i.e. misogynists) are better at attracting pretty girls than me. Moreover, I bear a grudge against males in general because the big kids bullied me and because other males got picked for the team sports and because the misogynists I so envied got all the chicks. Do I have all that correct?

There's a lot to unpack there. The most revealing point is that you apparently believe that being an alpha male equates to being a bully, being good at team sports and being a misogynist. It explains a lot about the way you act here.

Of course, I have no intention of filling you in on any details about my personal life and correcting any misconceptions you may have about that. I will leave you to imagine whatever you like.

I do wonder whether you might have been bullied at school, rejected by pretty girls and passed over for team sports. If you were bullied, I am sorry. I have very little tolerance for bullies. If you weren't good at team sports and you valued those in particular, I am sorry that your aspirations in that direction did not come to fruition in the way you would have liked. On the issue of rejection by pretty girls, that might go some way towards explaining your misogyny, I guess. What you need to realise is that it may be this that is actually holding you back in your life right now. If you continue on in this way, you may well end up very lonely. Now might be a good time in your life to take stock and consider becoming a more friendly and open person.
Having fun yet, James?

And, of course, you'll be happy to demonstrate with appropriate links where I've crowed about my so-called education and where I have demeaned others.
Won't you?

There is no need. The audience can simply review your recent posting history. For example, they could read your prior post, in which you attempted to portray me as 'uneducated', or actually follow you up on your own advice and read the 'Sexual Harassment' thread, where you conjectured that I was an uneducated hick. Your attempt to gloss over your 'intellectual' elitism is transparent to anyone who has the patience to read even a fraction on your nonsense.

A university degree is a piece of paper. ... You can't get into a profession without a university degree. A degree is a recognition that you have reached a certain minimum standard expected of a professional in the particular field in which you have qualified.

So you have a piece of paper that allows you to practice a certain profession. What's with your burning need to regularly flaunt it in discussions regarding politics and religion? Do you feel that having a particular career grants you more credibility than individuals who do not have the same profession? Do you consider yourself more enlightened that others because you belong to a certain profession?

As far as I am aware, there are no official pieces of paper that attest to moral superiority.

I'm glad you realize that. I'm sure this is the last time you will mention your 'education' to score brownie points while belittling those who do not happen to possess the piece of paper you do.

Ahhh, who am I kidding? :biggrin:

Also, remember you wrote "I took away your control by ignoring you...".

Correct. I refused to respond to you in a number of discussions when you refused to stay on topic. I chose to walk away, and by simply exercising that right dealt a massive blow to your ego, which thrives on being able to control the behavior of others. Your continued goading, begging and pleading to recommence long dead discussions is both pathetic and tragic, particularly when you have claimed that I'm not worth wasting time on.

Again, I invite anybody who is interested to read the thread and form their own opinion.

So now you are 'inviting', instead of 'urging'. Good! It's nice to see that you are capable of realizing when you have stuck your foot in your mouth.

Having said that, I'm sure that with your constant whining, most readers are probably just skipping over your posts by now.

Hehe. This must be the third thread you have derailed in a pathetic attempt to goad me into restarting a debate you lost. The other participants in this thread are attempting to discuss the topic, and here you are continuing to pursue your vendetta against me because I have verbally spanked you numerous times in the past.

I have made an average of about 5 to 6 posts a day over the time I have been here, and I have a feifdom!


Anyway, it's clear that your life revolves around this forum. You've made 20,000+ posts (although admittedly most of them are bereft of decent content), you're an administrator, you have a bunch of moderators and sycophantic senior members to validate you, and you attempt to drive away members who disagree with you via ridicule and heavy handed moderation. Whenever a member posits a political or moral stance you disagree with, out come the claws, and you refuse to let the matter rest until you've had the last word. Oh, and you've made it very clear to me on numerous threads that you're going to continually 'shine a light on me' because I caught you with your pants down in several of our past debates. I suggest you try and progress past the Middle Ages.

And I'd ask you again whether you are ashamed of your gender.

I'd ask again why you are so fascinated by my gender. The fact that you're so persistent in pursuing such a line of questioning is both invasive and creepy.

As I noted earlier, what you leave out of your posts is often far more interesting than what you put in. You avoid certain questions like the plague. Why is that?

I avoid answering questions about my personal life because they have no bearing on what is being discussed on this forum. You, on the other hand, refuse to answer certain questions that are directly related to the topic being discussed, and if answered would reveal you to be a hypocrite.

I am somewhat insulted by your claim.

Why are you insulted? You have previously claimed that you have no respect for my opinion, I am 'not worth wasting time on', and that I am a fun chew toy (again, rather creepy...). Yet now you are taking my opinions seriously? You're just a barrel of contradictions, aren't you.

Please do this in your next post, or apologise to me for this latest unfounded insult of yours.

When you aren't chasing me over the forum demanding I rejoin discussions long since ended, you are trying to squeeze apologies out of me. You sure do hang on my every word, despite claiming to hold me in such low regard. :)

If you choose to respond that you will neither apologise nor prove your claim, I will report this behaviour to the moderator team and recommend that you be officially warned for telling deliberate lies (with appropriate warning points).

Hehe. We've arrived at that point in your cycle where you go running back to your sycophantic colleagues for validation and support. Go right ahead. I'm sure they will be pleased to discuss why you have chosen to derail this thread due to a personal vendetta. Make sure they change your nappy while you're at it, you're starting to smell. Although that's probably your attitude that stinks.

tali89: Is the topic of mental illness nothing more than a barb you can use against those whom have bruised your ego?
James R: No need to get defensive. Lots of people have mental health issues. You needn't feel ashamed or insulted.

No, I don't feel ashamed or insulted for people having mental health issues. However, I do find it rather shameful that you would resort to using the issue of mental health as some sort of barb against people who disagree with you.

I seem to recall a thread in which you started off claiming that men regular suffer from sexual harassment by women, ...

You shouldn't tell lies, it makes you small. I am also noting that despite being an avid reader of mine, you have been unable to produce even one post which shows me making reference to 'men's rights'. Now, if I had your personality, I'd demonstrate faux outrage and demand an apology for this misrepresentation, before stomping off to the moderators to demand they intervene. But I'm not you. I'm not particularly concerned if you misrepresent me, as I'm not emotionally invested in this little forum that you consider to be your personal fiefdom. However, I would recommend that you do some character building, for your own sake.
tali89: .. despite you being such an avid reader of mine.

James: You're still not getting it. You're not nearly as important and significant as you would like to believe, both in general terms and to me personally. It's an ego hit you just keep blotting out as a psychological defence mechanism. I understand.

*chortle* So you're *not* an avid reader of mine? Is that why you have such an in-depth (if distorted) awareness of what I have posted on this forum? Oh, and what about those numerous threads where you responded to my posts, sentence by sentence? Is the audience supposed to believe that you weren't reading my posts when quoting and responding to them. Now *that* is ridiculous, even for you. :rolleyes:

If I'm not 'important and significant' to you, then I have a simple way for you to prove it. Stop reading and responding to my posts. Stop derailing every thread I post on in order to pursue your personal vendetta. I issued this challenge in the past, and you took personal offense, as if I was personally trying to control your behavior. However, nothing could be further from the truth. I'd like to actually see you substantiate your claims for once.

tali89: I'm reminded of a similar instance where I requested you support an assertion of yours by providing a concise list of things people 'do' that demonstrate love, and you failed to deliver (big surprise, I know).

James R: Please provide a link to the relevant thread so I, and your many other readers, can check for ourselves that what you say is true.

Are you sure? The last time you made such a demand, it backfired when I added the link you kept demanding to my signature. You sure showed me, huh? :biggrin:

Also, the word you are looking for is "resume", not "re-commence".

No, the word I was looking for was 'recommence' (ie. begin again), which is why I used it. You make more than enough spelling and grammatical errors for the both of us.

But let me be clear: I have absolutely no desire to ever re-commence a discussion with you.

Which is why you keep demanding I return to the 'Sexual Harassment' thread to recommence our discussion? You shouldn't tell lies, they make you look small.

I know your gender

Well done! You get a gold star. :rolleyes:

I know you're a sock puppet.

Because I use a proxy to conceal my identity? And you claim you're not paranoid?

You ... remain a "men's rights" advocate,

Which is why you have consistently failed to supply even one example of me mentioning 'men's rights', despite being intimate with my posting history?

That is, your thesis is that I feel inferior to males (in general)

That's not my thesis. I claimed that you had a massive chip on your shoulder in regards to men, and you've lent support to this claim by admitting that you do have an issue with other men. This doesn't really surprise me. After all, I detected and revealed your prejudice against men in the 'Sexual Harassment' thread, in which you pitched a fit because I had hit a little too close to the mark.

Moreover, I bear a grudge against males in general because the big kids bullied me and because other males got picked for the team sports and because the misogynists I so envied got all the chicks. Do I have all that correct?

No. I'm putting forward possible explanations as to why you have a grudge against the male gender, particularly males who possess traits consistent with the traditional definition of 'masculinity'. I'm speculating that you never felt like you were able to connect with other males, and as a result were socially ostracized by masculine men and the women who fawned over them. Again, this is just a hypothesis, and I was hoping you'd help shed some light on your burning prejudice. Exploring ones innermost feelings is said to help with the healing process.

I have very little tolerance for bullies.

Now that has to be the biggest lie you have told so far, and that is quite an accomplishment for you, considering your past material.

Nevertheless, I'll leave it here for now. I'm sure you'll want to respond with a number of inane retorts, while denying that you "have absolutely no desire to ever re-commence a discussion with (me)". Go ahead. You haven't completely derailed this thread... yet.