Pot To Be Legalized In Vote In Alaska!

laughing weasel said:
Right now when you buy methamphetamines, crack or heroine you are really taking your life into your own hands. There is no FDA dosage or strength on the label. If these huge corporations were allowed to then they would standardize the illicit drug industry so that there would be far fewer accidental overdoses. The price to produce methamphetamines would be about the same as aspirin to prevent a sky rocketing addiction rate the government could tax the heck out of it and use those funds in treatment and prevention programs. Let’s try an effective law not one that does nothing but create a criminal class that removes money from our economy to destabilize our neighbor’s governments. If you allowed the price of weed to fall in relation to the cost of other drugs you would be resolving the problem of choices through economics not force which isn’t working very well at all.

Who do you think controls the illegal drug trade? Who do you think will control the same drugs if they are legaized? What makes you think many people won't add things into those drugs and sell them to those who can't buy them because of their ages? Who is it that is going to suffer when they become addicts and can't stop taking drugs? Who pays for the problems these people will do when they are high?
Pot, despite its harmless reputation, ruins lives. I won't hear any different.
However legallising it won't make this problem any worse, so I don't care.
Actually it might become less serious. Pot being illegal makes people smoke more of it for longer than they would if it was completely legal without a taboo air about it.
If it was just completely accepted most people would eventually say "hey all this shit does lately is make me paranoid and give me a dry mouth, I'll stop wasting money on it". But people tend to persevere beyond that now because its more than just a drug, its a rebellious lifestyle.
...and then there are those of us who just happen to prefer weed to alcohol.

;) Peace.
I worked part time at Tom Thumb and every time I sold alcohol I carded the individual even if they were forty years old because I did not want to get fined for serving to a minor. Those kinds of laws protect people of all ages. The kids who are doing drugs are doing them right now with no quality control. Let’s make it in the businesses best interest not to sell to children. I do not particularly care who controls the market but I assure you that a lot of the methamphetamine is small independent manufacturers.
Pot, despite its harmless reputation, ruins lives.

So err How long do I have to wait? I've been smoking 20 years already and my life still seems to be improving. Oh no I'm on a downer now. Destruction is just around the corner, it's just a matter of time the faux doctor sez so so I guess it must be true. :rolleyes:

I won't hear any different.

On that, at least, you are correct Lou

there are those of us who just happen to prefer weed to alcohol.

Your not alone there Goofy
Dee Cee
but I assure you that a lot of the methamphetamine is small independent manufacturers.

What does that have to do with marijuana? You see? This is the problem right there. One starts talking about marijuana and all of a sudden the associations with drugs begin to crop up. One can't consider the pros and cons of marijuana must consider the whole family of drugs into which marijuana has been forcibly joined.

Error in judgement. Big error in judgement. But, one that is pushed by means of propaganda so it's not entirely your fault.
It was implied that marijuana was controlled by corporate interest. I do not know that minor growers control marijuana production but I do know for a fact that methamphetamine manufacture is. Methamphetamine manufacture is a much more labor-intensive process so if independent producers control it then it would make sense that minor produces would also dominate marijuana growing which has been my limited experience. I agree with you that each drug is unique but I think that their production and distribution have much similarity.

Cmon. What's the number one reason why marijuana is illegal? Because it's a gateway drug perchance? Because they pull up all these statistics that show how people start with pot and then move on to bigger better things?

I say right now that theory is full of shit.
those aren't just statistics, those are cold hard facts.
i gaurentee you that if marijuana is legalized in alaska that it will not be long till the general potency will increase. that alone proves that people do indeed move up to bigger, better things,
People can think for themselves, cognitive liberty is our birthright, and that extends to all hallucinogens. I'll smoke a blunt and pass any driving test you want to give me. Besides that, I don't see how it interferes with anyone elses rights. It doesn't destroy your body, ok, the particulates are somewhat harmful, but people smoke cause its expedient and the stuff is expensive, make it legal and cheap, and put it in your spaghetti sauce. The problems the world experiences now are not due to technological deficiencies, but lack of imagination, conciousness is exactly what must be expanded now. The human race has reverted to the dominator system of territorial apes, obsolete and dangerous now that total destruction and extinction is possible. This model was subverted for millenia through a symbiotic relationship with psychoactive plants which is being rediscovered. The 60's were the first explosion of this rediscovery, brutally supressed but nevertheless gaining momentum throughout society. It's not mere indulgence and pleasure, it's a revolution.

Another thought I have is things like Pot, Lsd etc led to a huge uprising of citizens who wanted change a reform..I.e. progress. Now if if the government doesnt want its citizens protesting all the time and god forbid using their brains and they make a connection to pot and lsd, just make them illegal and problem solved right? right, These drugs are synonimous with the 60's and the movements they caused, thats why the only "drug" thats legal is alchohol, have you ever seen anyone have a vigorous political debate or protest while drunk? I havent, at least not one thats intelligent. Alchohol makes you revert to the most base of human instincts F*cking and fighting, but people are content with this type of escape and our government knows people need an escape. So why not make it the one that makes us all morons.

Granted pot "can" make you stupid as well. ...or just lazy and hungry =p